rse twice local post office. Miss Frances Cutier and lier fath- er, Frank T. Cutier, 1001 Lake- ave- nue, are vacationing at White Lake, Midi., where they go every summer. They left Wilmette July' 16, and will be home September 1. DurinIg the sumMer the, Cutier house is being' occupîed by Mr. Cutier'sý sister and husband, 'Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nichols. of Oak Park., Mrs. Nichols formerly lived -on -the north shore. Mrs. Anthony. Reînwal -d- of 614 Ilili- nois road, Mrs. Ja-cob Reitiwald, 1630, Elmwood avenue. Mrs. J.. J. Meier of Morton Grove, and Mrs. Edward Sarna of Chicago, came home Tues- day after spending'about a week on a motoring trip*. They traveled. as far north as Sault Sainte Marie, speidý- ing some timt ini northern Michigan visiting friends.and relatives. Mr.' anïd Mris. John E. Kàlinka' of' 241 Laurel avenue came home Thurs- day of last week after a stay of about three weeks at Beach Haven, N. J. Mrs. Anna Masanec, Mirs. Kalinka's mnother, was at home with Hans Kal- inka. Mrs. Masanec, whose home iinVienna, A'ustria, is with lier daugliter on an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Linni, 1805 ElIm- wood avenue, wviI1 have as their house' Lallada. - Robert Marniaduke. Jr., and his sister. Mary He len, 230 Laurel ave- nue, left Monclay niglit on the Zephyr for Denver, Colo., to spend a nionti., They will visit their aunt and during their 'stay plan to mnake many side trips out. fromi the city. -o- Mr, and Mrs. Frank R. Stanford of, 5 miles. ing trip along the Ohio river. R. J. Finanigan, 1-7,24~ Elmwoôd ave- nue, 'and lis, 'sonl, *Jerry, have ,just returned from a motor trip throughi the southern part of Minnesota. Finnigan's mother, Mrs. J. W. Wood- ruif of Tracy, Minn, lias been iVsit- ng, lier anid Will remain for the, en- tire sumnier. Mrs. C.ý C. Carnahan., 700, Central avenue,liasý been spen' dh«in ost of her time sînce June'at liersummer home at Lauderdale Lake, Wis.. coming, in for a -few days .at a time. Mr. Carnahan's 'sister, Mrs.. H. E.ý Aimes of Pittsburgh, Pa., arrives to- day for a two weeks' visit. New residenits of Wilmette are r and Mrs... K. K. Benzing, 2224 Green- wood avenue, who moved here in May from 'Waukeg 1an. They 'hav e. one smnall daughter, Susan, 2V2 years old. Mr. Benzing is in the poultry busi-, ness and lias a poultry farmi near Waukegan. Miss 'Marcelle Worel,' daughitei- of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Worel, 2019 Beechwood avenue, vjsited the Arthur Nennings' summer home at Lake Geneva last week-end. Mns. C. T.' Scott, .117 Bnoadwvay avenue, lias as hler liouse' guest tlhis week Mrs'. Cliarles Kellogg of South B3yron, N. Y. NOIETO CON' Sealed proposais "for f, the thorousghfare )rovemenýt, 1501 1 hi'. 3 min. 55 sec. S02 7 . 12 500 .7 57 1326 8K 12110 S . 48 1220 9 2 118Y 10 . 9 1327 10.ý 16 412 10 17. 681 10 o42 1309- 12-- -354 12 43 11-613 2S 704 14 7 67314 18 ;i56:18 il 845DSQ, 1163 DSQ This Nvas. tic second race l in h se r ies. Geiiii. sailed by. Lockwooid Pirile. HAVE SON Mn. and'. Mrs. Robert 'Felton are the parents'of a son, born Friday afternoon, July' 30, at the, Evanston hospital. The baby' weighed eiglit. pounds, three ounces, at birth. The 1Féltons are making thi homne witl' the maternai grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. J. J. Steffens, 1531 Wilmette avenue. Mrs. Felton is the former Miss Evelyn Steffenis. GUESTS IN VILLAGE The Rev. and Mns. Clarence 'B. Post of Utica, N. Y., arrived yester- day to be the guests of Mr. and Ms L. C.- Torrey, 1341 .Elmwood ave nue, Mr. and Mrs. Herman George Proft, 623 Prairie avenue, annouinûe the birth of a son, David George, july 28, at St. Francis hospital.> .Nancy and Patsy Scott, dauglitens' of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott,- 1200 Ridge road, came home Saturday f rom Menominee,,.Midi., wliere they spent about six weeks witli their grandpanents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Siehrs. Mrs. William 'Ritter of RESULTS OF RACE AUGUST 1 Second race in the Red series Liglit south-east breeze. .Windward - leewàrd course, twice* around-12 miles. 1.501 21 hr. 8 ini. 28-sc 1309 2 7 50 45 32 41 681 3 500 3S5.55 -QI 3.3 8 il163 36 40 67337 .- 12~+0 40 S 1 3'26 4i I1 1088 42 7' 556 42 I 704 4e. 1 412 49 38 '1166, 53 58 1188 .54. 34, TAKE FISHING TRIP Mr. -and Mrs. Glen O . Sensiba. 737 Cumimings avenue, Keîiilworth: Mrs- George Rothermel, liher son - George. and lier father, J, NeweIl, 335 Ridge road, Kenilworth; Mr. and Mrs. Lee 1). McShane, 561 Winnetka avenue, Wý-innetka; Mr. and Mrs.. Musiltoe Given and Mrs. C. Tf. Kanena of Cli- cago; and Mr. and Mrs. H. Kable of Mounit Morris, ElI., have just returned fromn a ten-day fishing trip at Lake- of the Woods, Canada. Tliey reporteil that thougli tley ail caught somne big oies the fish were not up to their standard of biting and 'ý't he 1la r ge s t ones'.". grounds wi remain open mail the opening of the public schools ini Sep- teni)er,' according to Dan iel M. !Davis, dinector of recreation. Mn. and 'Mns. Clark .F. Smahia, 2035ý Greenwood avenue, moved -to Wi- mette in July from Los Angeles. Mt. Snalia was transferred here by the Aetna Life Insurance company and bas' been made group supervisor of this territory. The Snahas have one son, Ronald, 572 years old.' Fahr . A. iRye, ot Montclair, iN. J. re arJll'II J '-O- Proposais and to wat' Miss Dorothy Reinwald of 1630 13Y order of the Pre Elftiwood' avenue lef t Monday eve- of Trustees of the Vil ning for Detroit,' Midh., where she' NICHOLà will Spend a week With f riencis. Dated' August 3, 1937.