We can't run houses at Arlington even if the track Was open, but t.his one would romp home a Win- ner if there ever Was oneè. .lu east WInnetka near the lake and transportation and on an eighty- foot corner lot. The home lias four bedrooms, a library, two- *car garage and is ln 'very.good shape. The landvalue l9 very close'to the 4sking price and we fetI that ,YOU'll coRet at, the, winner's window if youl1 buy a ticket' on t h i s one's-. nose for......................$15,(000 *ThIS Epglish, typ e haîf ti1mbered résidence, in soutbeast'. Winnetka la a beautiful. home on a grand homey, street. The wooded lot bas sixty feet of frontage. , The home has three master bedmooms and two baths and a sepamate servant's room and. bath. In the basement, is, an exçtra tollet. There are several porehes. One is enclosed and ýheated to make a perfect playrooni.. À first floor .por Iok a aweened. The. beat . la bhot water oil. For the ty~pe of bouse and tae location, thia la an extraordinaryr bar- gain. at .... . . . . .. . $22,500 111LTN13-ltc wl GLE. Gl1azed porch, garage. Terms. SHORE-TOWNSRtALTY CORPORATION 1603 Chicago. Avenue,, E vanston *Gre. 2700 Wil. 608 Rog.. Pk. 6636 i 11LTN1-ltç! CALL OUR OFFICE TO INSPECT, THESE, WILMETTE HOMES 4121 i.Greenwood-Best residential, b- cation, i beroomsà-library-'Bil- liard roQl-Gas heat, 2 car garage, 75x19-s 13,500. Country Colonial type-7 roomns, 1 lh bath-$10,00 Dutch« Colonial-brick-slate roof-, 6 large rooms, breakfast room-oil lheat. $12.'500. Brick and Stucco and newly decor- ated,, 8 roomas, 2%, baths, 2 car ga- rage--onl'y-ý$14,0>00. ROTH BROTHERS E)69 S.'hermian Ave., Evanston 'Mr. iliff (Iènef6070 Wilmiette 1892 I 11LTN13-ltp WINNETKA SHERID-AN RD. MODERN 13RICK residenice, 4 bedrooms, 2 tule battis witb shower; 2-car brick garage; 100- ft. lot; nicely landscaped. Price for im- medliate sale less tlan McGUIRE & ORR, INC. scr. pet priced A BLK. de and k witb 4 bed., OUT i~' GLENCOE SL OU PTOWN OWNER WILL EL bis delightfùl Fr. Col. on beaut.,wood- e*d 100-ft. by,210-ft. lot. for $20,000. 5. sunny bedrmns., 2 mod., b., oi, 2 gar.. NECESSITY FORCES SALE 0F BEAU- tiful owner-built briÀck hse., slate roof. 4 fam. bed., 2 tule b., serv". rms.-and b.,ý libr., ýunpch, lot 135 by 176,in flnest, location. Also rent furn, 'or flot. SEARS REAI, ESTATE 421- Rieihînond,.Rd. Kenilworth 5298. l111LTN13-'lte KENILWORTH This brick house is the flnest constructed house money 'could buy. Insulated, oul ht. -, rec. rm.; 4. bdrms., 3 btlts.;. terrace. Cost $50,q00, only..$28500 White Colonial; choice Winnetka sec- tion; 4 bdrnis, 2 bths., oil; 2-carl garage......................$13,500 Lovelyý brk. Dutcb Col. Siate roof,, in- sulated., 3 blks. Kenil. ýR. R. 2-car gar; oil Jit., modern............$12,500 WVIT ZLEBEN REALTY 632 Green Bay Road Kexilworth v5540 l11LTN 1 -tc, NEW OFFERING A'N INTELLIGENTLY RE- modeled'-home, both initerior and exterior, library, 4 bdrmis., -9 moderni baths, in East Wýin- netka, ideally 'located for schools, transp. anid lake. It no doubt, will 'sel quickly, at $1,0.Cali.. Miss Ditrani' to seli at $25.000; nake offer. Loca- tioni, 9-103 Beechwood Avenue, Wilnwette. WV. G. RUGGLE S & CO. 517 Davis SAtreet, Evan.ston ~Uni. 6886. i Hol. 6886 lVil. 1660 KENI LWORT*H. BLOCK TO0LAKE, FRENCH DE S IG N, PRAC. new, beau. grds., 150x200 ft., brk. .& siate constr., step-down, liv. rmi., Ige. scr. pcbi. overlook- ing formai ga.rdens.ý 5 bdrms, 3 bas.. pow, ' mn., 3rdfI. studio, recrea.. mi. and bar, air cond.. lut. Price $60.000 or ()ffer. Mrs. 'Starnes. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 520 Davis St.,.Evanston Greenleaf 1166 Wlmette 3740 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVJTED Tc) INSPIECT A NEW HOUSE OPEN- for your examination 'on Sunday,. Aug. 7 th, 10ôto 6 P. M. A beau-~ tiful 6 roon, '1 '/à 'bath, brick Coloniial ina rnew -sectionl o)f rising property values. 191C High- land Avenue, W\limette. WG. RUGGLES &"CO..,. 1 I7 Davis Street, Evojiston Vi. 6886V WINNETKA Rival broker said, "Couldn't believe you r ad-but-it's true." A Colonial pure to least detail with Ibeautiful living room and panelled library Ieading to open porch-both with fieplaces. 5 fan- ily berons ahs, rear stairway to servant's quartërs. Spacious grounids in nuost desirable section.of Winnetka. You will regret missing this at,$50.000. Termil. Mr. Walters. ~WHITE CLAPBOARD HOUS E-NEAR T ,AKPt'-, and trariflrntation FHRUK & TILE CON STR. 'AINT1ED white. (; rms., 11/2 baths, sunrnîi. Oil for heat & bot water. Beautiful loca. Perf. cônti. Exquisitely decorated. Sweetest bùy in Winnetka at $14,500. R. m.JAE'GER& co. Exclusive 'Agents ,)2.2 ('enter St. WVinnetka 89 111LTNI3-lte 175 Lake St., Glencoe 7 ROOMS-2 BATHS, ATT. GARAGE, giazed porchi, bot water oil heat. Lot BRICK, 7 RS 2 BA:,., OIL. REA- sonable down payment, bal. less th-in Fraine, 6 rms, Gd. cond., near transip. Cauinot be equalied . . . . ......",,500 Framie,;-)rms.,' large lot. House ln good condition, 2 c. g. (W. W\ilmiette) $4,50) Several Other Rare V'alues, Good Houses $8,000 to $12.5,000 and in 'Betwteen. B)ARN-\ETIT & SCHE.LL 748 ElmnStreet ' Wiinne(tka 91G5 lI1LTN13-ltc RADICAL REDUCTION 6 ROOm -HOUSE in excel. coud. In 1N. E. -%Vit. 3 bedmoorns, slp). pcb., auto. lit. Beaut. yard, el2,700. 8 ROOM HOUSE in S. E. -Wil. Beaut. sun rm., library, 5 bdirms., 2 b atts, rec. rrn.,House v'ery well built. -$15,)500. Mrs. Fulller & Wmn. Pickard 407 L4inden Ave. Wilm-ette 437 IFIJXL %- . r.' .L * 1- reet, Winnetka 19. S. LaSa Inogers Park 7202, ~7MUST SE \7Y col. 7 rmi Coniv. local illTN 13-Uc OR RENT NEW ER. otrn.*n c 2% baths, ser. pch., cil ht. MvILTON'1 Make offer. Wlnn.' 269. 156 .Centér St., 111LI%-tp *62000 Modern English Brick well-built6 room 6 ItMS., EX. LAV., OIL HT., ATT. ,arage, conveniexit gar., onl lovely 50-ft. corner lot. 2 iced under $'6,500. bîka. t oachool, A good buy at $14,000. EID & CO. R. 'M. Johnlston &,CO. . ni. 1942, Wil. 771 Opposite "L" Terminal ,Wilmette 444 11LNI3-t111LTN13-ltc w j. R. B. 140 Winnetka