kriowf l aces oui Ir1Lrest. Crossing the chairnel to the quaintf countr'y of 1{olland, they next spent quite a little time in, Ansterdam and visited the famnous National Museuni are hung the wvorld, famnous paint- ings1 of Rembrandt and Van Dyck. 1 F'ollowing a short visit tuo Berlin cam e visits in succession to Vienna, Budapest, Switzerland,. Munich, Cologne, a n d finally to Paris. In Vienna the group visited the beau- tiful Schoenbrunni palace which has 1.040: rooms, and was originally owned by the 'royal family of, the, Hapsburgs,. Tt is interesting-to--nte that bot Napo- leon and Marie Antoinette spent much tim e there. Paul G. Delaporte, teacher at New Trier High school, is leader. of the group., Lowell Snorf, David Skililin, and ack Fyfe, of Wilmette, are also in- the. group wvhic h. will arrive back ini New York on August 15. Escanaba Scene of Birling Titie Event li voul want to witness a sport "tiiat's different" and fuil of thriils, 5aYs R. Thomnsoln, passenger traffic manager of the Chicago & North W esterni railwav, go rip to IEscanaba. Mich, Auigust 13-15 andi take iii the .worid's chaniionship birliiig tourlna- The, comnpany wili also continue to operate daylight transcontinental trips. New schedules .aisô caîl for steeper plane service f rom New York to Chiý- cago. United's night schedule will1 be a'r- ranged 'to provide sleeper plane service, directly or through Connections, from practically ail major Atlantic, seaboard, and, Great Lakes, c ities to every city- of 100,000 population on* the Pacific Coast, marking the first time there . as been sleeper service from the east to Sani Francisco and to Portland, Seattle anùd cities. in the Pacificé Northwest. The company will also provide an overniglit service to Los -Angeles. Douglas Aircraît conipany will next week deliver the last of United's order of thirty Maà.inliners, which inclue sleepers as well as dayplanes, the in- vestmetTt in ý thti inew fleet, being in ex- cess, of $3,000,000. spinning it try to "unhorse" each other. The starting log is usually, 20 feet long and about 20 inches in diamneter. The contestants 'take po- sitions on either end and at a signal start treading. They leap in the air, reverse their birîs and emiploy -various methods of strategy to throw each other off. da .Tha7,ee traiai ns -he euOO.At agi S USN D A S week-end round trip in Coaches. GO Friday, SaLtUr- $'1 Md HO LUDAyS day or Sunda,, retufli up to Tuesday, 0017 M DSNw.s. 2. BARABOO-DEVILSLA.KEmWL Roundtriin 1coachs front Chicago. GO Pniday or saturdar frons Ch i- on 9:00 L n. Or 1:0 .m. trai au. cg.Retpirn up. to Sunday daytr Sunday, rriw uPto Sundayuight. nbight. Thiüe'Flambeau to the NORTH WOODS DAILY et 21-08 P. Mi. fvWflTheswiftluxuxlous trainwith afCçofdiioflbd Chicage loung, pàrlor andi diaing cars atnt ds~ (Darme St.) lucheoni as Iowa 50c--dinnéri 65C anti up. AiseO vernight Service WISCO NS IN, D LLS MISSISSPPIPALISADES S *2. Days Ali-Expense 2Days4il-Expense$l2> Adlahtfül rail anti moto trip - sce 330,miles byrail-27% "ies 0t o ;7û ru(~l Baraboo cuios DIe*ils Lk aro.bauflviscon"s. __ ts nocossary Dayight savieig tins exceedingiv dcurucuit to execute. It nalt the cnçuu'x iSU)LIUL consists simpiv of two men with ler logs, somfe only 12 inchc spikedi sboes getting on a sippery diameter. This mnakes it more, log ini a poloi f water, and then by cult. "lTry and beat it". Ni"' HOTEL For information and reservations CHICAGO OFFICE-332 $. MIchi goi Ave. Webash 8381 DOES A GOLF COURSE CATERING ONLY TO LADIES AND GENTLE- MEN APPEAL TO YOUP Waukegmn Rd. t. Tech