SMYTH, CUSTOM BUILT. Upholstered. Chairs Made in (Above), Wing chair, sold mahogany; tapes- trv or damask covers; Our Qwn Sh Ops. SpecîalIy priced is this- comprehensive selecti.on of Smnyth , Custom -buit chairs. You haveawie hice ofde- signi-with choice of alternative cover- ings in -the coloir you select. Since 1867 the' John M. Smyth Store has built a reptaio.n fordepefidabiit-y on~ uphol- stered furniture. and in these chairs, as in ail Smyth ' upholstery, you will re- ceive years of service and satisfaction. DEFERRED PAYMENTS IF DESIRED BRQ0A D LO0M C A R PETINO1 Complete selection of floor cover.ings includin9 ralo Carpeting, in a wide range of colors and weaves. Domestic Rugs in Orie ntaland modern designs. Chinese and Persian R Rug s. SmalI^.novel.ty, and..t extu re Rugsf or bedroom ,and OCCâSiOfl.l use. PEBBLY- broadloom- (above) hard twisted- wool carpeting of intéresting weave; 9- 12, and 15, ft. wi dths.;I sq. yd.', $5.450. FIGURED broadloom-Palm Leaf pattern (above right) WiI- tôîi quàiity. ,Usabeas rug or solid- a ein. ac f colors. 9, 12, and I 5 foot widths;, square yard, $6.95. RIBBED FRIEZE broeclloomn of unusual texture - in shades of cocoa, choc&t&ate brown, venetian henna and pistachio green. 9 and t12 foot widt'hs, square yard, $6.95. S.curîfty and Dep.'ndabiity- plicyadopted in aur 1 st year, continued through' our lOtfh yeer. 1867 to 19370 SPECIALISTS IN HOME FURNISHINGS. VISIT OUR EVANSTON STC>kE SHOP AND COM PARE spring cýushion, $44,75. I. Noveliy and Texture rugs'for bedroom and occasional use; wool and cotton, selection of cotors. Fringed rugs, sizes.36, 42,4 48 and 54" diameter. $1 1.50 ta $2 1.75. Barrel y and youreT Pillow e.t.