Prices Reduced 20% to 50% for Clearance GLASS.TOPPED TABLES CHAISE LONGUES UMBRELLAS .MÉTAL and CANE FURNITURE We Urge your' prompt 'gelectionas 1tIya mal stock remnains in the shop. 151Sherman, Avenue * Evanston th* !eephons js' Universily 2268 with the new Wils-edge 1UMLESS SPECTACLES *The iinerant photographer cau gh't titis ylillPsc of a' haP/'y group play- ing and Icaring at Camýp ,horewood, 822 Michigan avenue, directed by Miss Betsy Shapker. Chlidren may attend haif -day ý or fiill-tintc se ssions of..tfli camnp wlzzch is notuoperating, in, its eleveyth, yca)-. Ciloyd Family. Home. Prom Motor Tip, Chief Cloyd C. McGuire of- the Wilmeëtteý police department, who1 lives at 515 Greenleaf avenue, NIrs. McGuire, and their. 4aughter ,and son, Helen and Junior, returned re- cently f rom a miotor trip through northern Wisconsin, upper Michigan, Mfinnesota, and southern Canada. On their way they stopped at Clintonville, 'Wis., and took with them on the trip .NTr. .and 'Mfr s, August 'Kuester, friends who live at Clintonville. At present the McGuires have as their gues.ts for two wecks or ten dy their son-in-Iam- and daughte r,'M and Mirs. john C. Merkl, and Miss Robert L. F. Biesernejer, 80<4 Le"'- tral avenue, chief engineer of 'New Trier Hligh. school and Bob Wolff, 1119 Central avenue, of the Wolff and Watt Hardware cdmpany, left last Thursday for a fishing trip at International F'alls. Mr. and Mrs. Allaii D. Macinnion-,. 2008 Central avenue, came home Mon- day f rom northern Wisconsin with their solind 2n dauehter, Walter andi Betty, Here Re turnProm Extended Motor Journey in East. Mr. and Mrs.. Clarke L. Hayes and, their daughiter, Mary Alice, 911 ýLaktÉ avenuie. returned to \\Vilnctte M6ni-i dav i rom an ,extended'înotr rril, throughi the East. They visfted tlm Great Lakes exposition at Ceead .Niagara Falls, Lake Georg a i i(l Tatighainnock Falls 1P New York' state, then drove thirougù -Ithe. Grut.n ni ouiit a ins to ]»en 11ilngtoni, Vt.. tu visit the birthplace Of Mrs.Hac mnother. Fromn there theycotin\c throiigh -the W'hite niointains to t11it. coast of Maine whucNli-.Hac joined a business associate fortw wceks' fishing "on 'Lake Chiputuiî- cook in New Brtunswick, 'Canada. 111 ey went down the Atlan~tic co ýi>* to Ne1ýw Jersey .10 visit' their '-'on, .10( Hayes,, who is ini business in Trcilto.. and then on to Vas'hiligton, 1). C_. to 1)e the 'ho.useguests of Mrs. Hy! sister, Miss Alice PirowN-ell. WIN PUZZLE CONTEST 'l'i, Evaiistonians Nwerepeantl surprised this ,veck whien they Iearn- ed "that they were winners 1 lut HNTvdrnx nîizzle contest which %va, jor a at tht' to r'e- 1645 ORRINGTOI In 105 N.,Wàbash Ave.@0 78 E JE, EVANSTO N BId 8So. LoSall, St. hers. içeitn i.urrier of G.aesDurg. was the houseguest' for a week oi s-Julia' Carroll, returtiing ' o sbu1rg Iast Saturday.'. 1'