<1 ACE MO0TO R SAL--ES, NC AuTHoRIZED FORD AND LINCOLN-ZEPHYR DEALER r~c ~L Greenleaf 0535 435 GREE.N ,BAY ROAD MMI FULL' YOUR COÀAL BIN 'NOW! As the. summer months pass, you cen b. sure thaé pices for .verything, including coal, wiIl b. on a higher evel. Why not besit the incresed cos* and make a worthwhile saving by order- ing your wint.r supply of Consumers Guaranteed Cool or Coke NOW. A liti. foresight today . . when our fuel prices or e stlW low ..means~ reduced.heating costs, assured satisfaction and trouble. %W --"%e ýw GUARANTEED COAL - COKE - FUEL OIL Phones NWilm.tt. 1300, Winnetka 3386, Glenco. 75 w- ~AI!L Wilmette e3ju-Dio