Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jul 1937, p. 50

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Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Seizer, 212 Sixteenth street, aniôunice the birth of a son, Frederick, on july 16, who. at the time of his birth weighed -five .pounds and. five ounces. Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Susen,' 700 t inden avenue, spent last week-end at Fish Creek, Wis., ase the guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Dolan. ~rIIOICELL ~ISTMc- MIiE srSE ToTTE T+E'TRMAVCLfi">S Q VH~ TÀ~A~ND c i-If DRIVKUES ~N-141 EDCI~IONIS .NOM CONNP1TE. J~¶ s.. -~fr Itr 4ui~~ - I *11) I j I s.- jft~ -. '~ncd Safely Councli VACATION JAUNT . TO GO TO CALIFORNIA ber of the United tates lNatlUioni 1J4a1. This spectacle *which' is Chicago's Charter Iubilee show will have sorne- thing of interest for everyône. Parading, pageatitry, and battie, ail vi1l be given. Jncl'uded among the numerous events planned fo r the, gig.antic performailnce will be examples of ýthrilling horsenian- ship, ,glinipses-,at.the new miile-a-minute combat. tank, glimpses of the, huge search lights and anti-aicraft artillery, and the chance, to sée the magnificent presentatians of. the pageanits of the Fort Dearborn Mass acre, .ain d the Battle of the Argonne. Shows >ln Evening The '.enitertaiiinetts wili be bell' 1U the evening 'anid those who corne early will *have the privilege, of seeing the aerial circuis from 8 to 8 :30 o'clock. This circus, the first event scheduled on the. program, ýrill be corposed 'Of. eigh- teen National Guard planes fropi differ- ent states ini the union. After this ,N«ili come the genera1'-parade which wili in'- clude Geni. Samuel T. Lawton, hon- orary commander, and bis staff,' the famous Black Horse traop, the fancy- riding teans, the massed clors and 'standards of the Illinois National Giuerd, a company f ro-n tbe Naval Rs:vs machine guni and artillcry t nits, aiiad a parade of stage coaches, and l-tm equipment. Display 'OId Equiptnent *- Accredited Junior College for girls. A rlch cultural back- ground has set a high intellectual stand- ard for Monticello. However, the' aim je flot only the acquisition of kno'wledge, but the ful dcvelopment of the indi-ý vidual. To this end the sehool' offers thorough in M instruction in the classroom, 1fe in an at- their new' cabin. Suzan.neLyoni left eariier in the week ta; visit relatives ini Minneapolis. She wil'l join ber family later in the week. Miss Esther Loffmnan,ý 1635 Lake, avenue,. bas returned ta Wiliiette after ain extended business'trip through the south. She has been away since the first of the year and will be homne just a few weeks before Hollywod. Mr. Schultz, who is, superintendent' of ' Public Works of Wilmette, will be away f rom blis desk for tbree weeks. Mrs. Thomias Baldwin and her three children, Gertrude, Tommny, and Joan, 729 Greenwood avçenue, re-, tu.rned home on Friday froni an ex- tended trip visiting relatives throughi the east. They were in Philadelphia.. ,Quartermaster. regimetit ha s.. Scolir one of the' original "'ierk-linie" teamis'of the' type the army used in the \Vest. ail ox teani'used 'at Fort Leavenworth basze 'ta supply ahl Western pasts, as \vell as ,t,1e original Buffalo Bill coach, Benefit Performances 'This show is being presented for. the beiiefit of the organizations coin-posing the Illinois National Guard ta further their recreational activities and to sup.- Staff Pho Machinery was docked in Wiliiiette harbor Iast 'week-end preParatory to the big dredging Project which i: calculatcd to make 'the harbor iiavigoble for pleasu-re' craf t as uwel as the equipiment of the Coast Gu<rd. The contract for the work has been azvardèd to the Keq. Marine E;1ginleCI'- imyg comnpan- by thie state department of waterways. -- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rood and their daughter, Barbara, are nôw oc- cupying the new home they have buit at 1940> Thornwood avenue. They nioved f ran Chicago. about the first. ofi July. Chicago A1Iumnae Representaoive »IS. HAROLD B. SIMONDS' 1414 N. Dmorn Street, Chicago II

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