Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jul 1937, p. 47

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Fireproof .Warehotise- G'RAY EA E SELLERS KITCH- en cabinet. 'Porcelain covered exten- sion top; utili'tY compartment- 2 draw- ers. and. metal bread box. blow; en- closed flour biin ith .2 shelves above. Excellent condition. Price $10. Winnetka 1253.' 129LTN12-ltcý NE1wT LIVING ROOM:ý DINING RM. suités:, :bookease ;. chairs; beds; _351 iii.m. ,(:tjn1erîtnevw fulll mattre s.; magn'etisntu bIeit. 'for, nerves, arthritis. Orenaf022. 129,TN12-ltp FAMILY SIZE FEDE RAL WASHING machine.. Good condition. $20.> Cali evenings after 6 :30. Wilrnette 3468. FINEý, 7 PIECE GÉAY WICKER SET. Green Venetian chair (Watson & I3ooker) $20, oak Hibrary table $10. (lencoe 062. 129L12-itp WANTrED T0O*UY-bHSHLD. GOODS C HFOR YOUR 1SED FURNITURE miodern.or antique, and other hotUse- hold articles. Will abso accept your furniture on consignment basis. Established 1898 10o4-6 Emnerson St., Evanston Uni. 0189 13OLTN43-tfc WE 1BU7Y FURNITURE RUGS BRI-A-BACME1N'S & WM en's clothing, shoes, etc. Ph)oneý Uni- versity 0103. i23chicago Ave., lEvains- ton. 10Y'1-t FOR SAI.E-MISCELLANEOUS USED ':)FRIGIDAIRES. TUIE lýARG.EST DISPLAYS ON THE, north shore. Ail sizes and -prices. Hoffmnan will appear on the third. Tuesday of 'successive 1months iii this- f orum of the pianioforte Quoting the statement of Theodore Roosevelt, "Let the love .of literature, piinsculpture, architecture, and, above al, music,' enter, youir livýes," Ralph McCallisfer, director% of the. cçouncil,. said the purpose in offeriîig the Musical. Arts series at the un- precedented low pric.es of $1.25 to $4 for the, cycle of five concerts. was.' to, enable -as large as possible. a number of miusic loyers ini the Chicago area to hear the great- artists of the day.' .We hope also," .he said, ",to. demon- strate that . aduit education. covers evervY interest in lifie, theý arts as w .ell as the so cial anid-natu rai sciences, and is for everyone whoc cheriskes the o pportunity to learn and enjoy as a if e long Prirélgè7 Sri Gieseking Opens Sre Walter. Gieseking, world famnous *Germian pianist, willi make his only Chicago appearance of the current season wvhen he opens fhie series Tuesday, October '19. He will take his prograi f romn the compositions of Bach., Debuissy, and Chopin. Novemiber 16, Dalies Frantz, brilli- ant young Amnerican artist will appear. Florence Kirsch, who will be. Staff Phot". 'Conniie Kenler,., 1228 Forest ave- nue, showit puttiig >oit her-shoes and. stockingjs after she had been wading in the Vcttma» park pool, W ilrn e tte, o n e w arm 'day last uweek . Turn Gemeinde,,Sponsors 1101dSettiers" Picenic As iis contribution toward the Charter Jubilee celebration, the Chii- cago Turn Gemeinde, 4217 Lincoln avenue, in its eighty-five years as an eduÊational '1nstttiôtla n, nn o'u ii ce s plans for the annual "old Settiers' Picnic and Reunion" for the sixty- third consecutive year. .This year, in accordance with tradi- tion, the picnic will be held August 2 in Harm's park, Western and Ber- teau avenues, and will again honor those pioneers who were so integrally concerned with the developmnent of this great metropolitan area., The cyclists are. rîiig Tearby. bSecretaty Hughes explained, however, that "4careful as motorists miay be, bicycle accidents cannot. be avoided tunless tecyclists themselves' exercisie the, utmost caution.", According to statistics 770 personIs were killeci 'and more thari 24,Q00 in- jured in accidents involving bicycles. ïI s with regret," sald 1Mr. Hughes "t hat we learn that a majority of, these tadiswere boys and girls.in their teens." *According to $ecretary Hughes the follow ing safety rules,1 if obeyed, would virtually eliminate bicycle accidents: L 1 Keep). to, the right of. the street or, highway. *2. Obey ail 'traffc rules and, signais. 3. Avoid riding 'on the sidewalks. 4. ,Neyer: travel at night Without both à head and tail light 'on. your bicycle. 5. Do not race. 6. Signal for ail turns and stops. 7. Do flot hitch to a miovkng vehicie. 8. Do not make aUturn in temdl of the street. ttm44 9. Brakes are just as essential on a. bicycle as on a car-kee.p them lin.good working condition. 10. 'Do flot ride anyone on your bicycle. Il. Avoid trick riding. The law requires that bicycle riders obey aIl traffic controls including stop lighýts. Secretary Hughes said. When operated at night, bicycles must be equipped. with a white liglit visible from a distance of 500 feet to the front of the vehicle, and with a X itIz (;001) '.AJ 'N l oi'JN. ROLLO-1FLEX CAMERA, LIKE NE,ýW. CALI, GLENCOE 1288. 131lTN12-ltp) LADY'S NE-W WILSON TENNIS RACET.FINE QUALITY. REýý'ASoNABIY PRICED son tien Ph. r ANS OL CUB: DRIVER, ýrssie, 5 mnatched stainless stee l - ý Walker Cup" irons, aiso bag. Prac- ily new. Aiso womian's iet and bag. .Winnetka 747. 131LTN 12 - 1tc WANTED: USEDOI01L, BURNERS5 Oil burner Exehanige, nc. 73 W. ýWashlngton, Chicago. Haymýarket 5724. 132LTNle-2tp troduced as a mature artîst to Chi- cago. Miss Kirsch is now at work vith Arthur Schinabel at Lake Comio. Italy, where she is, completing hier fourth summier at this famous center for pianists. Uer program iii th,'e Mlusical Arts series will inclxde com- positions of Brahms, Beethoven, Mo- zart and Schuman. Following her Chicago appearance, Miss Kirsch wjll begin a concert tour of several W-îiTD. îTO BDUY-MIOCELLANIEOU$ WANTED TWIN BABY BUGGY Wiimette 3144 132LTN12-ltp clherish in their mnemories the little 1 whose very existence was thie breatft nondescript incidents and the thrill- of life fanned into- the flame that is ing, .heart-movinig, important events i n tw Chicago. the tracks of the Ni east e.nd is iocated bctween Wayland children toi qvoid th lietka avenues, and H-igýh school.

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