TIT TAKES YEARS TPRODUCE THE PERFECTION IN landscapfing we.a:re offering on nearly 2 acres Ila GCicncoe. The location, 170 Bluff St.; the neighborhood, the grounds, wel, they couldn't be better. As for the bouse, il isn't the'* iatcst in style but is well and substantiaiiy built, with many ,extra features dcs*igned 'for comfort and Honse and;grounds. (could be div ùled), $35,000, wcll financcd., For sale by own- er, E. 'M. Kimbaîl, Glcncoeý 170. 1'ILTNI2-itpý BUYORPLAN..YOU7R, HOME NOXV Our advice (dlscounted 50 per cent) remains substantial. Homes availabie from $4,500 to $125,000, can be.bought rîglîl. MORTrGAGE- LOANS R'efinancing, and C onstruction Lt.ans Commitmetits WiIhln 24 Hours Amortization. Less Than R--nt - 1ARNETT & SCHELL 748-750 lllSt. ' Wniietka 9'65 111 LT1N12 - 1te BRICK HOUSE-$8,600 1624 HIGHLAND AVE., WILMETTE. Priced by owner ta seil in 30 days. 6 rmns., buil in 1923, H. W. oil heat, I1,42 baths, '50xl56. Open for inspection Sun- day 2-6. Key at our office weelçdss EDDINGTON & ALLEN EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 410 Linden Ave. Pli. WiimeILe 407 111TN12-Ite Pure New England Type AN ARCHITECTURAL. GEM. IN A perfect settlng in beautiful estate sc- tion. Site' wooded and. landscaped. 5 bedrtps., 3 baths, 2-car 'garag-e, air 'con- ditlon'ed. reereation rni.'A true tradi- .tionai' type, perfect in' delail. Offer.cd on basis of 1936 costs. IRVIN A. BLIE11-TZ 1160 Wilmnette Ave. ll1LTN12-ltc BARGAIN IN 7 .ROOM FRAME ON fine -75 font wooded lot. Tin the besî of N. E. loc., Il. W. bt.: 2 pc(hs., 30 ft. liv. rm. -car garage. $13,000. CLOSE IN, ATTRACTIVE 6 11M. SHIN- gle res. 3 porches, good condition, near schools andi trar>sp. $9,500. R. M. Johnston & Co.. Opposite' -L" Terminal . Wilmette 444 Mrs.' 407 Lin n Ave., IMPiOSING,-6BËEDROOM, 4%/2BATH, moclert brick; SUn, room0, brýakfast' nook; G. E. ou ,heat; 2-car attached gar.; large landscaped wodd dgrounitds. Offer under $28,000O. Wnnetka ..2.53., ll!LTN12-ltc GRAND VALVE IN. SOUTH-EASý.;T .Winnetka. -5 bedroomis, 2 baths, break- fast roomn, sunroomn, ,011 heat, 2-car garage, $15,000. Mrs. Lange. Winn. 1194. 11ILTNI2e-ltp WANTED TO BUY-HOUSES PRIVATE -PARTY WISHES WELL Ilocated reasonable ý60-80 foot vacant lot-or mQdern 6-8 room ýlrck bouse.ý Write. full particulars. Àddress A-49, Box 60, Wilmette, Ill. 113LTrNl2-ltP) FOR SALE-VACANT AreYou Seeking Anl Insured Homnes i te? SSFE FOR YOURSELF Indian HilI1 Estates-E ast ()ne of the mosî. carefuiiy plànned and beautifuliy landscaped corn- munities on the North Shore, wbere the restrictions insure and make for higher values. You are niw' offered a wide selectlon of lots, with frontages of 60 f t., 65 fI., and 75 ft., as 10w, as $55 per front foot. Many new homes are under construc- tion or are planned. Why not see your b omne going up this summer? 1,ocated ini Wilmette on Lake Avenue, between. 23rd Street and Illinois Road. Entrances on Cheroj<ee, Paw- nec and Pontiac Roads. PARCELS OF LAND SFOR SMALL COUNTRY ESTATES Sunset Ridge is the answer; these parcels are iocated ,lust north of Winnetka Road, west side of the street. 'Prices On the Lake. HIGH ON A BLUFF, WITH MILES 0F' .broad expanse .oyer bine waters, is the ideal homesite for the family dèsiring rii)arian property. at a low prive. 65'x342 in Smiutbh ligiafd Parký Price$0,.. SMART & GOLF,. c. EXCLUSIVb AGENTS 15f)4 Shermnan Ave. uni. 0283 Il 4LTNI 12-1 tc .HUB BARDWOD 90-FOiOT LOT EAST 0F. NORT14 Shore Electric - $2,000. (O0ne-half assessor's 1936 valuation.) For, a e 1heap lot, thisca:n't be ýbeat. McGUIRE & ORR, Ilic. Over, 43 Years.of Dependable, Serviee- 530 Davis St,. Evans., Gre. 1080, Wii. 228. 328 Park Ave., .Glëecoe Gleflcoe 13 CALL AT .OUR HIGHLANID ,PARN .office:and iet us show you pur. lovely Westview subdivision lt-Coe t( scho 'ois and transportation. Highbly l'e- stricted-Street Improvements ail in and paid-4 neW bouses ,now being built by reeernt purchasers.ý Price.s iow. M URRAY & TERRY KENILWORTH - FINE LÔT.,flTOI- ly restricted. 75x160. Owner says "gfet offer." R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. Opposite "L" Terminai Wilmnette 444 14LTNX 2-1Icý I00-FT. LOT. HEAVILY WOOD- cd on Oak Knoll Tcrrace, Highland Park at 50%/, under prices asked for adjoinlng lots. Owner wants a quick deal. Wilmette 730.. SUMýmrENRESORTS SUMMER COTTAGES' McKINLY LAKE, SPOONER, WIS. 5 rm., bath, elec. light, rnnning water, gas stove. Accommodations for 7. Gar-. age, boat. $27,50 a week. Greenleaf 5263. '116A-LTN12-ltc fore' hatwill protect your h1ome f rom unpleasant encroachrnts lh tihe years to corne. You wil Md 'that BARRINGTOS offers ail of these, as well as many other important' suburban ad%,an- t a ges Barrington is only 37 minutes fromn North Western station in' hi- cago.1 Its beautiful. drivewvays, winding, through the hllls, offer building sites of, rare charrn and lad iv iduality, PR ESENT 'OF FERI1NG S ,GENTLEMAN'S HOME ýA short' distance from the Bar- rington His Cbuntry Club, is t.his. truly lovely Place. The bouse of Colonial A-irchit4ec(ture stands on a knîl with a coinniand- ing cross country view 1<> Ithe west. There ýare, 4 master b'hos -baths.' Large. living roomtn, dia ing. room, butler's pantry, kitchen and laundry -- a sun' Pol-eh -al tli;roughly modern. 3-car garage with rvns >quarters. 1 4W-ïcres . Weil landsc41ed, wit4h fiower and vegetabie., gardens- also greenhouse - .An unusually beautiful walléd ila terrace. PRICED EXTRIEMLY VAlUI. Owner wil.l sacrifice an aftractîvo house of English architecture, lo- catcd !in highly restricted. colony near Barrington His Country C'lub. Ultra modern, air conditioned. 3 bedrms., 3. baths. Guest bouse and combination g-trage and stables. il, acres beautifuU1y landscaped, includinq a nursery of several hun- dred elm trees. 179 ACRES with 14 roorn bouse, comIpl(ete sýet> offarmi buildings, suitable for 're- mnodeling. Surrounded 'by fine old trees. A small lake and winding .stream aiso add beauty. Completc set orf buiuingsý. Other. Town andi Country Property. *"Barrington Is an Excellent Addiess" HELENE LEDERER EXCLUISIVE ,'AGENT ~5E, Main St. - Phone, 37- flarrington 14T1-t SEE OUR 51 ACRES OIN(GREEN eAY Rd. overlooklng Golf course-4 blocks from Ravinia~ station, schools, etc. All improvements in. Grand views over Skokic Valley. Wiil divide into 3-acré tracts or larger at lowest prices on north shore. Cail at Highland Park 1,000O. Maice yonr bC. ODH E *933 Linden Avenue 1l1L~N12-tc 'netica 180. '. ttaciearswt Atratiehig-h 20 arswt RGE LOT NEýA-P J1j.\X southern vlew a&nd exposure la .NSPORTTION. sta'te, section. west. Ont o aths, obU heat. town owner prices tract . at $ 2 50 ,n terms,______________114LTN12-l1te per, acre. %LTY CO. KENILWORTH F A'CI'N G$30,O00 WIiinetka 115 homes. A rare'bargain $2,750. Kenil- WvYATT & COONS 111L12-lt orh540 14T 1tc Wauleegan Road Geve 1" 81prie( 4ier, practîcalîy new..1 Winnetka 747. '1 h