N E -W L Y DECÔRATED- bric'k - cor. lot with broad view - 5 bedrms., 31 ½ batis- oil heat - 2-car att. gar.- AND- your rent mnoney will buy it. We will sho1(w it to, YOu on Sunday f rom, 3 tili 6.. 1260 Oak St:, Winnetka Corne to 554 Dundee Road, Glencoe on, Sunday frorn 3 tili 6 and Ilàt. us sh ow you a charrn- ing white brick -all "s-picand span"- with 4 bedrmns., 21/2 bath.,- 2-car att. gar. and. oi heat. Ail for $17.,000- AND- your ent mao.ney xwillibuy It. Kenilworth Gardens.is the talk of the North Shore. We have a real treat for You. A red brick Col. with 3 bedrms., 21/2 baths, oil beat, rnany extras. $13,500. Drop in Sunday afternoon. .. .1010 Týhoî:nwOôd Ave., Xilmnette .*Apple p ie order" best de- scribes this lovely. brick CoIL onial. Landscaped grounds - 2-car gar., 5 bedrms., 31/2 baths. An F. H. A. logn takes came of the financing. Onîly $18,000. Nealy .new- v brick -2-car att. gar, Jeautiful garden. Four family bedrmns., 3 batibs; serv - ant's quarters, Iirary'. A H O'MF 0F DISTINCTION. - - INC. 1511 Shermian Avenue 1tog. Pk. 2616 Uni. 2600 Evanston Wil. 2602 I11LTN12-ltc - w- -- porches, tile roof. ïînest'east iocauux. -Cost $75,>000. Now $45.000. Mrs. Winh-.. -MAYWME FINANCE AND BUILD 'FOR y ou on ýomeacr'e with al improveenets inl a section of $12.000 to $20,000 -homes - in Hlighlan(ý Park. One acre îriced samOê as7-foot lot in saine section. $3,750. Mm. Walters.. LOVELY house. 3 naît hatns, a log uurninglie place, a two-car garageý, hot .wat- em heat, and a very large living room. W'e can take a 3%.cash payment on this. homne afd the. balance can be paldd(on a mnonthly basis to comnplete the î.Urchase price of ..................500 In southeast Winnetka on a cor- liner we have a delfghtiul white frame bouse with garage that ha, offered at a price that we believe is low. Both the grade ind ýhigh -school are within a few blocks radius and 50 al so are the stores and the stearn and electric .sta- tions., The -house has three bed- rooms, bath, a uteeping î;cl, and a -sun porcli. 'The wooded lot has a.. 66-ft. frontiig-. -na very. pretty street. For loc ation and everything. else, tlîis ir, an outst4anding bargain at . .$13i500 This English brick homie in Win-; netka' is a beautiful home. Il has -four bedroorns, two and one- haîf, baths, a& sun room, a. recrea-- tionrin the basement, and an, attached garage. The heat is hot water ohl. The home is sitiiated on abouit one-third a,,re in an extremnely nice neighbior- -hood, Thi.s i$su rely, a h omeof. character anld worth every 'cent of the. asking price ..25,000 11ILTN112-Itc Your Money's Worth Wi.lmette Ho-mes COUNTRY COLONIAL TYPE, 7 RMIS., 11/2 baths, gar, gas ht.-$10,000. Dutch Colonial-brick, slate roof-() roorus-breakfast. nook-oil heat, Northeast -Wilmùette -8 roomns- brick. and stucco. Newly decorated -2 baths-sleeping and breakfast porches. Large cosets with windows -- 2-car garage-Si 4,OO.. ROTH BROTHERS., .1569 S-iiermian Ave., Evanston Mr. I1ff Gireenleaf 6070 Wilmette 18S2 l11LTN12-ltp WE BELIEVE THAT TIS KENIL- s ý' ý'5 o.batlis,'also mai O!~fAT>T' Q. (~~T"T~T teel twin boil, SMART & Jj.4LE, I1lc.. onst. 50 e Exclusive Agen ts health forces 1564 Sherman Ave., Evans. .WiI. 2486 Ave, cor. 3rd [31.> ' 1I1LTNl2-ltpý :LIr. attraCti-ve -feattiùres 0-Of the modemn, up -to --the -minute residence now hearing completion at 1028 PJAWNEEROAD WILMETTE In-dian Hill Estates, East.. Complete architectural supervision by. Ralph D. Huszagh, well-known Nýorth Shore archbitect. The flouse Is open for your inspec- tion. Corne see ItL For. sale by CORP-ORATION)." UNI1. 7777 E\-ANSTON 1,IL1TN12-ItP, Modern Frené>h'-Re sidence East Kenilworth BEAU. LOCATED ON A LGE. lot.150x200 in a secluded spot wiîth.-a ve1o helke. ,Brick resîdence with siate roof, lare liv. and din. rm. with scr. pch., ,over,1oek4og r.ose gardenan jd pergola, brkfst. & powder rms., 5 mast. bdrms., 3 baths, studio on - rd floor, lge. recrea. rm. with bar, 2-car att. -gar., air cond. ht. The hast word ha con- struction. Caîl Mrs. Starnes. THE BILLS REALTY, Ine. - 529 Davis St., Evanston EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Greenheaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 111LTN12-ltc an d'be aut -i f -u 1il-Y shrubbed yard fenced in; A steal at w. G. RUGGLES & CO. 517 Davis Street, Evanston Uni. 6886 Ilol. 6886 *Wil. 1660 ll1LTN12-lte RADICAL REDUCTION 74C E~t lm S treet Wînnetka 36932 $7,8 0,. fY OWNER.1 house, niçe order, 2 pc trànksp. Wilimet-te 1650) WINNETKA 744 Lincoln Englishi brick' - in cholce location- everything new from t'he recreation roorn and pine panelled lJrary. to the air conditioning., 5 bedrooms, 4 b-aths, brkfst. room-$37,5OO or wiIl 1.rent $200. GLENCOE 580 W'ashington The.iast word In comfort, loation, liVa- biiity, n che eriness- 4 family bed- rooms, 2 tule baths, servants' rooms and bath, library, solarium - owner Must.seli this*fali or mright rent $250. SEARS REAL STATE Exclusive Agents 421 Richmond Rd. Kenilworth 5288, SOUND VAIUES Frame,: modern 8 rms., 3 bs., Y4 acre ner lake, a real value ....... $24,000 Brick. rnodl.. 7 rms., 2 bs., only. . $10,500 Stuco, good cond., 6. rms_ý., i. transpor- Stationi, $8,000. Framne, 6 rms.., large lot, good location, only,$6.500. Frame, 5 rms., Ige. lot, 2 c. g., W. WIX- mette, HAR, well built older 4iouse,, only .......................... $4,500 PAYMEN¶ LESS THAN RElIT, REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT. We- take the GUESS out of buylng. BARNETT & SCHELL 748 Elmn Street Wlnnetka 965' il 1L'1'N12-lte EAST WINNETKA 4 BDRMS.-2 BATHS, MODERNTHROUGHOUT, FINE yard, 2-car gar., excellent location for schools, transp., lake, shopping. Another find for -somneone. Call me piIUL sL-c'ar ~ameneu g rage. First time- offered-this -will go quhckly. Mrs. Fuller & Wrn. Pickard 736' ElM Street -Winnetka Winnietka 3'603 Ulniversity 7444 neariý 2-ItpI City National Agency 0F EVANSTON, INC. Davis St., Rm. 400 Gre. 1412 l11LTN12-ltp .-