Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jul 1937, p. 43

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Dealin fo Inertons Classifted advertisemeflte will be a w-iLMETTE LIFE or ail tre paPera; WednesZaY 9 P. I. tor WINNETKA rALK anid Thuaradayr 5 P. I. for GLENCOII NEWS. TelePÏioneu: Wllràett. t3o00, Wlninetka '2000 (Wlnnýetka 500 after 6 P, M.), Gréeenleat 4300 oT Sheldrake 1216-1217. SITrUATION WANTIED-FEMALK EXPERIENCED WH14P WI .411ECALIZE IN HIGH -'RAD)E dnwti help, ail nationalities. No i a rge to vrnployc'i. Refervnves in- Vestigateil. UdrSaesprii ýe'inha.rt Enil. Agencv 7 4 9El niSt. innetka, 33'9 6;8L'rN28-tfv WANEI WtNB Y THE' DAY. Nursing, cooking, serving, eie aflifg, la1undry or pflain sewing. Sunday dinners,- .aînd .teas a spc--ialty. Best refs. W1.1 .l (O8ITNI1-4t11 ivhite rnaid for general housework in 'S*ni~l farnily for înonth o'f August.. <llenooe 119:3 <'OJKI(~PAINSEWING. Whie.~3Qcper hour. \Vrite A4.5, Box 60, Willrnette, Ill. 6)8LTN12-ItiP GRIADI'ATE NURSE desirts positionl, Care of invalidi or oild. Reasofable ,sulary. Excellent references. W\ýinnetka 3232. 68LTrN12-ltlP .1.T1~tI~TATM-p~~ SIT4 WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE SHORLINE WVINNETKA *3012 FOR, MAIDS COOKS BUTLE RS CHAUFFEURS COUPLES MOT10'HER'S THE, GO HOME NIGE Glencoe 1473 Very sniall Last imaid tka 309. 71LTN12-1tc Li1PER -ITS. 71LT.Ný12-Itp Lauhdry to take home OUTSIDE DRYING Greenleaf 4563 711,T-NI - GENERAL HOUSEWORK, WHItEý. Own roomn and bath. 2 children. Salary $40 a mnonth. Phone. Glencôe 253. 71LTN12-1l MAI D FOR GE NERAL HOUSEWORK. 3 .in famll1y, 1 chfId. Own room.. 3 blocks to. translio tation., Phone 1Vn netka 3503. 71LrNl2-ltl) (,ENERAL MAID, PLAIN COOK, white to stay; céolored to go. N'ew home, - Z -adults, 1 eciid. Phone (llenee .1225.71LTN12-ltp [IADFOR (GENERAL HOUSEcrýWORK. NLAUNDRY. SIMPLECOOKING. ENCEFS BEFORE YOU INTERVIEW. NETKA 2688. 71TN12-Itip SHOELNEEMPOYEN AENCYIIR; WHITE, FOR GE-NERAL 746 Elni Street, WiY0eta hdusewiark, plain coÔk1hg, light latm- 70OLTN124(tcc ]dry. 4 adults. $12 to start. Glencoe 66i2. Cai-lsoi'.s Emiff. Aenc '7L1-t Selective class ofWHT (111FO E RA ail domnestic hellp HOUSEWORK. NO LAUNDRY. CoU*PLFS-:MAID)S-SECOND)S-NU-RSIS ADULT FAM~ILY. WILIMETTE 4672. 818 Eim \Wlnn. 1175-i1 1 17) 71LTN121ltp Private roomis for interviews WHITE GIRL FOR G EN ERA L 70LýTN12-tfcý housework. Stay nites. No heavy Auûstrian couple, 3,ece..-. - laundry. 3 in famlly. 1001 Michigan, Beginner couple, Finnish, 24 & 35. Wiete 15 LTO-p Germnan cook, A-1, 40. Good generals iisted. IIELP WT.MALE AND FEMAILE WANT .R.piirt rmnrd Areiie'v y Iy c UMM Y UILLI' i ARE HAVING. THEIR JULY t'SED) CAR SALE. THESE, CARS Y017 THE UTMOST IN *DRIVING PLEASURE AND) -ARE, ALL READY FOR 1.SI-, (-TU A RANTEED AND RECON£ TIONFD SO THAT YrOU MAYSTAI YÔUIR 'PTP RIGT mAFTI'P Di- VERY SM%ýALL DOWN PAYMENT AND LIBERAL TRADE, BALANCE LýONW TERMS TO SUIT YOUR PURSE.. SPORT SEDANS, COUPES. TUDORS, ROADSTERS AND, TRUCkS READYý FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 611 GREEN BAY ROAD PHONE WILMETTE 4414 77A-L12-ltp ADD PLEASURÉ TO YOUR VACATION BUV A BETTER CAR These cars are ail carefuily seleicted, and zuaranteed two.. Wilmjette 1463. Asl< for oeîux' or, Edw.in 8lTNl2-1tP COMPTENTWHITE W O'M A N wislies cookjx4g or serving parties. Also cleaniflg bY the hour or day. -Wil- miette 955.-, 68LTNl2-ltPý COLORED WOMAN WISHES GEN- eihousework. Well recommended. Last position 6 .years. Cali Oakland 2619, reverse charges. 68LTN12-tPi MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WILL CARE for cblidren by hour or day. Com- NOW IS tHE TI1NME.TO secure choice positions., Generais, cooks, seconds, nurses, couples, 4iousemen, chauffeurs; day workers. PAULINE'S 421 Fourth St. 634 Davis St. Wilniette 2171 Davis 7777î 71LTN12-ltc TEACHER OR STUDENT AS HOUSE mother. Care for children evenings, and occasiona.l week ends in exehange for private room and bath andpartial board. Most desirable location. Conv. to * Winnetka home $125-Kenilworth home .$125-Winnetka home $150. A-1. vef- erences required. OPEN SUNDAY 3 TO 5 P.M. SHOREINE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 746 EIm Street, Winnetka 73LTN12-ltC EXPERIENCED COUPLE AT ONCE.- Aireferences. No laundry. Good cooke man, driver. Reliable. Stay. Cal Wlnnetka 3024. 73LTN12-ltp a..... l r1. ......... pac '33 Chevrolet coach. Dark blue. finish., H. W. heater, ruila like new. Veryi low mileage .................. $265 '32 Chevrolet business coupe. Black fin- ish.. Runs perfectly. Excellent tires. Low mileage ................. $196 '32 Chevrolet coach. Ieautiful black fin- ish, rëconditioned motor. Very good tires..............$215 '31 Dodge 6 sedaný 4 door. New paint. Mechanically 0K. Good ti'res.. .$165 '1 Graham 4 door sedan. ide inounts. Black finish. Good tires Runa fine........................... $ ' cook, gen. wk. Man, 'b feur. Write A47, Box ndow washing, IQusework. NooxVUing or laun.U .Wim te n r by contract. Stay or go. 6 /\/ Gree Be Roa 69LTN12-ltp . Wilmette 2.10. 61GenByRa - - . ~~~~71LTN12-ltc ___________ IDFEMALE -G-EEAL H -OUSWORK, G-00- D 'CHRYSLER 34-8 CYL. YjÎS.]EXPEýR. cook, neat and dlean, no laundry, 2 ln passenger coupe. Built- )tonally good famlly, private room wlth bath.. Cal er; etc, Fine cond. $495 er, lic. chauf- (ienview 256 Frlday morning. Jackson Ave., Evanston, Wilmette, 111. 1T 2-c A-LTN12-lté:lo

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