Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jul 1937, p. 41

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ersa s ure Bareiy recovered from a severe bump'on the head suffered when he fe.from a speeding motor boat while on location at-Lake Arrowhead, Tay- ior's first scene after retuirning to -the studio was a rousing fight with Joe Sawyer, 220-pound, actor playing the. role of a gufide in the picture. Taylor received two cracked ribs. Uiidaunted- by the twôo mishaps Taylor continued. work--with his cracked ribs held in place by strong adliesive tape. Achiev .es Fame by Fine Performance .in Snoring M eet Chick Chandler, "onie-take" snoring actor! Chandler received that titie ,at Uni-. versai he he did a snoring scene for the comiedy;-drama "The- Lady Fighlts Back." The shot vvas so per- *, that directd1<Miltonl Carrtith ift-~ ini-diately okayed the first take and xent on to the next scelle. SCREEN DEBUT Currenitly mnaking her screen debut ini B. P. Schulberg's comnedy, "Ac- cidents \Viit Happen.," Orieni Hey- ivard, a Kentucky bluegrass beauty, xvas first noticed by filmn scouits as, the miodel whio portrayed the Quaker gli1 in advertiseentts of a weIl-. Silent Barriers. A GB picture, with a cast compiosed of Richard Arlin, Anitoinette Cellier, and Lilli Pahùjer. Xiimette thieater, Juùly 30,' 31. A.stirriiýg draina of the conquering of the \Vest. t lias the. loves, the lusts, the- lerils,. .and ftie disasters, of the, iusty pon ws ~ho buit the Caniadian) Pacific Ra'ilwa-.' Richard Arlen ,tales the role of a. reformed, galnlihiic mnin, whiite Antoinette Cel- lier portrays hîs sont mate, and Lilli Palinier is the sireni. lThe Picture is paeked fitl of dyvnanite, action-, ani th r ill s. Iii addition to the ex- citîenwnt iii the- filin there is also. a great amlounlt of' magnificent nende.d and the -work of the support- ing cast is outstanding. The film has beeni given the approval of the Better Films council' of 'Chicagolarid. The Thireenth Chair. MGM pc ture. directed by George B. Seitz. with the castof -Madge Evans, Henry Dani-eli, and Lewis Stone. Výalencia theater, Jly 30, 31. Thé picture with the -scene laid in Calcutta, India, is entertain ing. The cast, does good -work, an1d the suspense, of thlie jmv t.ery is mai ntained thr'ough- out. It is a' good picture. for those mwho appreciate a nivsterv niovie. scenerv mwhich n'as "shot' ln the This Is My Affair. 2ttî Centurv- actui Cnadan ild. IFoxý picture, -with Williami Seiter as - (irector, and the. cast of- Robert The Good OId Soak.M(, picture, Taaylor.. Barbara; StanwvcNk, ict.0o directed byv J. WaàIter Rubein, with aMcgiadBrnDoev. a- fin)e cast composed of Wý,allace ery it\- theater, JUIv- 29. Teatro del Una Merke1 Ted H*ealv, Judith ~Bar- t 1'iîÙ~ . 2, 3. rott, Eric Linden, and Janet Beechier. Ttie.plot revolves around a missionil Stadimtheater. julv 30, 31. j intruisted to ,,otuigcLieut. Perrv bv The 'niovie xvas takleii from theC Presideiit McKiixjtvy. Robert Taylor stae pav f te Sill Ilill, I ýicamre, out his part as Pcrry, mhi-le firnishes an excellenit rote for,\Val-Baaatawc.k takes the role of lace Beer -v. The cast performns wetl,1, ut. e Uic tertainier. Thie excitiiîg alid the movie which distiliguisiies prtofth \noie coies dîen Robert the s-ald towli "failutre" f rom T'avlor is about to- be haiaged as a themodl cti/ilisrater iii(Ile. mhlcilbr of the gangl that supposedly The Prince and the Pauper. War-asssatdtepeiet hrotihrs onctire. drerted hv XV i _ -- ..- 1:30 o 8:30S Thursday, July 29 &TUE IT irPARADE' Wth 50 Stars of Stage, Screen and Radio Frances Langford-PhiI Regan Eddie, Duchin & Orchestra Molasses and Jawaary F1,Sat., July 30-31 ELEaPitANT BOY"' From Rudyard Kipling's: "Toomai of the ElephantW' Sun.,'Mon. TIues. Aug. 1-2-3 "THINlm bY AFFAIR99 Barbara StanwYck R*bt. Taylor-Victoir Mcl-agl -Wed., Thurs, Aug. 4-5 "&AS G0009 AS Edwi Pre-viewcrs are unanmous in tneïr, eniltusîastic praise of this mjovie ver- sion of M.\ark Twain's. storv. The ,work of Bobby and Billy Mauich is renarkable, and th e coronation cere- mollies are spectacutar and apprQ- priatýe. The contrast betwveeni the g-randeur of the court and the squalor of. th.e slumn areas is strîk- ingly shown. The direction lias been highly cin- I Jean NER July 29. ~ This detightfully entertaining filmi kins, Joel McCrea, CharlésWýinniger, with good conedy and splend id music Erik Rhodes. Varsity theater, JulyI and dancing takes for its theme the 30-August 5. d love of a department store executive Charles Winniger's bit of comxd for bis secretary. The special nun- pulls this picture out of class of dis- bers are woven into the story deftly appointing, otherwise it would bé and the dialogue is breezy but not rather poor. The story is very im-. too flippant. Photograp.hy, costuming, aginative anid quite humorous. The and supporting players have been actors secm to take parts not too 'suited. to their abilities. ulI - Beverly Rioberts 'S SECRETARY DAILY fu1y 29 I l ,ersal's tur'el,

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