I hop Suey, qi.qy lue. pt. of IICE-8erves ,Throe T AI-LE E cIOP-suEY* 27 ,Green Bay Bd. Wil. 644-6 Opn eveniings until il1P.M. Keep a supply of canned or. bott ed boerln your refrlIgerator durlig tbe botouhmmer weather.. complote service by the barrel, 'hait, quarter and eghth., W. have y.ur favorité branad fer Speclao c.si.aas Phône EUN ERICKSON Wihntt. 4012 HOUSE. WLuchou frein-...-.........35C Dîmner from .......... .... 85C ChiIdr.n's Dinner .... 50< o lic Sunday Dinner 11:30 fo 9 CWC090. Avenue of Michigan Foeu'.g ater Tower Superler 7371 Easy Parkinq *The world's inightiest, amusement enterprise o n tour-the Ringling Bros. .and Barnum and Bailey com- bined circus-with its 1937 seven- ring-and-stage program, star studded. and liberally .iiterIspersed with new thrilIlers from Europe and-Asia, fea-, turing among. its array of new wonders the most'gorgeous introduc- tory spectacle in, its brillîant history, India, is definitely scheduled . to 1ex- hibit ini Chicago riniie day.s.)e2ginninig Saturday, July 31, on 'the lak ' fronti east of-Soldier. Field. India is flot' just anothber',,circus spectacle. It is not merely,,a,,glitter- ing. parade to open the -Big. Show. performances. It is the resuit of a year's planning, a really, staggering expenditure and. much research on the.part of ,Samn W..Gumpertz, gen- eral manlager. of The Greatest, Show on Earth. Costly fabrics were pur- chased ini car load lots. Color schemies blend in lQvely perspectives. Every one'of the two' *housand people and animiais taking part wears a small fortune on~ his or its back. Ail have towering headdresses of exquisite beauty. One group of 170 borses, with. girl riders, is like nothing ever before. offered, for the horses, Wear- ing medieval bejeweled blankets of velvet, carry gorgeons canopies over the girls' heads. Iiidia is a torrent of color and flashing jewels, flowing over the hippodrome track- and the lest troupe of somersaultiflg stars; the Fanmed Wîlliam Heyer, >Holland's great *horse trainer, and his wonder horses; the MaysN-Brach troupe of aerial uni- cycle inarvels: the Naitto family of wire wizards; the Lu bolita tr7oupe of upside- down aerialists; the Qualtieros, alrplané aerialists; the Cleveres. whirlwind acro- bats; the Wen Hlais, novelty stars and *many others equally renowned in Europe. Asia and South America. There are 800 performiers. InT, ,.c,.Iil rad u,i trian. disnln.vgThe A Star là Born. David Selznik picture, directed by William A. Well- man, with Janet Gaynor. Fredric Marc.h., Adolph Menjou., May ,Rob-' son,. Lionel Stander, Andy Devine. Valencia theater, August 1w-S.: This. social drama, in technicolor is highly. recommended. The 'tragedy of -the actor;, who, because of his weak ýwiiI, has slipped from bis ped- estal, :is admirably portrayed., by, Marth: the .devotion to plurpose -and the resultant rise to star.dom-is equaàl-ý ly well represented by Jan et Gaynor; and 'Me.njou, as the friend of botb, gives a bigblv satisfactory performi- ance. The su'pporting cast ýis ex- c epti'onally well. choseni and the di- rection outstanding. David Copperfeld. Leading 'roles taken by Freddie Bartholomiew. W. C. Fie1dý,, Edna May Oliver, Roland Young~, Màflreen ýO'SrXfivanw Lionel Barrymore. Valencia theater, July 31, matinee only. This .great film, taken fromn the pages of the Dickens classic. has beenl revived by popular demand. Not, only will. it delj-lit tbe tbousands who know and love the Dickcens works, but the miillions to whomn Dickens is only 'a name. Elepkhant Boy. Alexander Korda-, iThe film emphasizes the charnuung personality of the smnall Indian boy, wvho is s0 devoted to bis friend the elephant. The photograpby is ex- cellent;~ the- picture is very worth- while. Hit Parade. Republic pictures. di- rected by Gus 'Meins, with Phil Regan, Frances Langford, Louise Henry, Edwaid Brophy, George Givot.. Teatro del Lago, July .29. and Duke. Ellington supply, the mnelody. 1 Met Hlm lnPariS. Paramnouqnt picture. ,directed by Wesley Ruggles, and w,,ith a cast, composed of Clau- dette. Colbert, Melvyn. Douglas,; Robert Youing. Stadiumi theater, August 1-5. The picture has everythîiig from sheer nonsense 'of a relaxing.tvpe to the 'ultra beautif ul. theç serious., It bas> the. smaàrtest kind of dialogue. beautiful sýhots, of snowv-covered mounitains, and - thr-illing winter sports, as1 well as a pleasant musical background. It is undouhtedly a "icomedy plus." with -enoig h in. it to keep you laughing and enougb, of. the un1usual to keep, you rnarvelilig. Kid Galahad. Warner Bros.. di- rected bY Michael Curtis. The cast* is conifhosd nof Edward G. Robinson. Bette Davis, Humphiýlrey Bogart, and Waynie Morris. 'Varsity theater. Julv 30-August 5. The picture wbvich is chieflv prize- figbt draina is to a real ma.n's taiste.. The story %vritten Ibv Franicis \Vai- lace was closely followed, anid the cast is excellent. l'le picture is welI directed, and there is n"hie washiing' of the filht game. The. theme. contrast betwcen the sordid My Anwrican Wife. Paramiount picture, directed by Harold Younig, with a cast composed' of Fraiicis Lederer, Ann Soth- ern, Fred Stonie, Billie Burke, Grant Mitchell. Stadium tbeater July 29. reversed in this move he'rr.the- No Cover Charge at Any', Time L - - -- 1-I-.