be held during August, and women of the club serve Saturday noon lunches .and Sunday nighit suppers. One of the major events: of the1 seasn wîl le Race wekAugust 15-21, -with al of -its acýcompanying celebratin. .Races will -be scheduIed every nor.ninm and afternoon during the week. W.'Burton, Ellis is chairruan of, the *Friday niight (lances. *Hostess at Luncheon Mrs. Ralphý H. Rehbock washost-ý at 'luncheon Wedne'sday -of' this wek ini lonor, of Mis Catherine Moore, who has been spending aàbout teti days with her mother, ýMrs. Ed-, * wardl E. Moore of 606. Greenleaf ave- nue,. and in honor of Mrs. Dan Bur- nul of *Chicago. MIrs. Rehbock enter- tained at the hiome yf lier parents, *Mr. and Nlrs. Claude E. Fitch, 1033 Elmwood aven tie, wh@rn slie~ and her husband and two children arc visiting. J. H. Goessle, -third. Travels in West Miss Honor O'Brien of .532 Gýreen- Wvood avenue, Kenilworth, came home Friday with four. other girls afea five wèee-ks' trip through, the west.. MissO'Eienwhois*a daughter of the eJames V.. O'Briens, ttaveled through ý Los Angeles, Sani Franc-isco6, L.ake Louise, and Bariff. AUl of the girls are graduates.of. Mundelein col- lege. A medal was received: by Miss O'Brieni in June for having the highj- est average for her four vears in col- 1lege.Miss ýO'Bricn may enlter Col- ttinlhia uniivergity, Washington, D. C., at the .beginning of the school terni, Gives Bridge Lunclieon Vîs'it Grandmother Mrs R.XV.McCndlsh,153 Wah- Mrs. Edward Mendsen, 531 Eighth ington avenue, bas as bier house street,hlad as ber guesis last week ber guest' this surnmer ber sister, Missi grandcbildren James Kline and his Florence Archer, of New Orleans. !s'iter, Dorothv, wbo are on their way Last Wedn esdtay Mrs. McCandlish 1! to Europe. James, who graduated tentert-ained at luncheon and bridge f roi the University of Minnesota in for lier sister. J une, is. conducting a tour through y-- 1 - 1(--- -.,- T- - - - .ntCI f h INNERSPRING mattnresses sQ75 Low as ý Maltresses Karpen Perfect Stepe BauchS. SIUMb'er Shop Shermà n und Grove ItNt1. Me 32nd ANNUAL. Ridge boulevardz, Vvanston, wil ave 150 guesfs Suntday at their home for cocktails ini honor of Miss Wilnia Harvev, of Wilmette wb'ose mna riiage In Wedding Party to Gunther Brandes of New York City takes place Augu .st .2. -Mrs. John Tittle of Wilnnetka., sis- ter-ini-law of the bride, will serve as niatron of honor at the marriage of Tea Hostess1 Miss Elizabeth Tittie, daughter of *Mrs. P. A. Nichol, 522 Central ave- Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Fremont Tittie nue, enterta Ined at tea yesterday ini of Evanston, to Davidi Gray Poston 1,n---r "f -U,çA T. FnlLyer, Tr-of lof Louisville, at. the First Methodist The lar gest and most complete selection of FINE FUR COATS at a definite savings of Convenient payments or charge account t050 You r old fur coat taken, in trade August gntil 10 P. M. other store of slmiba nmem 2.5% Off of ýSimmons, AI R-CON DITION ED 'I w.Î I cel'at'ad: wie i