ncossavily for publication, but Iiror îles. Sncb matersal Mun reach the. editor by Tuesday noon to be in timo for, the current juSUC4 "HISTORICAL SOCIETY" Under the above titie the following- editorial appeared ini this paper early in July, 1936: "Sentiment now being ýexpressed favorable to the organization of a Winnetka Historical sociecty ...should be rapidly crystallized, into a. movement that will permit no haltingt until the goal. is reached and the, biographies, pictures, letters, and other data pertaining to the first settiement andi early pioneers of the village are s'afely housed and catalogued for the benefit of present and future generations. "Winnetka,'and ini fact, ail of New Trier. town- ship, is rich in the lore of a hundred years .igo, Whién Inians r6ned the tiorth shore, àrnd the white man came, with his courage and indomnitablc spirit, to carveout of the wilderness a home for himself and family, and to lay the foundations of a civilization that has yet to reach its hiei.ght. Actual participants in the stirring events of those early days have long since been gathered to their fathers, but groups of their descendants are to be found ail througb the township,, to whom bas been passed, f rom parents to children, data that is invaluable and which should be preserved in such a manner as oniy a Ilistorical society cani preserve it. those who founded it, and wbich has been nurtured and faithfully maintained' by each succeeding,,- generation. The traditions which have b'ýen the prized possession of the present citizenship miust be passed on to posterity. The Pattersons, first settiers, were .attracted by the natural beauties of the localityi. The Pecks, who later acquired, the land and founded the Village, nanted it v :. netka, meaning "beautiful land." Tbe setting 11o doubt served as an inspiration to the "founding destruction by ire or other cause of data essential to a complete record."> Since the above editorial was published, Glen- coe bas formed a -Historical society that is func- tioning in an excellent manner,: Owing to 1' combination of- unfortunate circumsgtances the W.ïihnetka- Historical society h, as emained' quies- ing in a groùch against the north shore, withhold- ing needed showers th-at have been bestowed upon neighboring communities, it is stili the falrest part of God' footstool to be found in a week's journey behind the wheel of a V-8. Thianks, to an nnlirnited water supply, gardens and Ilawns retain the verdant. beautyof early spring, and are a delight to iresidents and visitors alike. Not least of the-pleasure of a drive through its, muni-. cipalities is 'the fact that gardents are planned in the- open where they inay be seen and admired. by. ail who pass. This tendency is in keepinfg Nvith the characterist.ic- desire ofvillagers to share- their pleasures withi others, and to it' may be at- tributed-their reluctanice to plan1 a screen of. shrubbery that m-iight afford privacy to thent at the eost of keen pleasure to countless. passersby. It is worth -while for -even residents to occa sion-, ally visit. local sections with which they are.un- familiar and view the- marvelous contributions that their neighbors., are miaking to the matchless beautyý of a favored spot. CALLS'IT'MAÏDNESS Co gressntan Everett M. Dirksen of the 16t.1 Illinois district, has a penchant for uncovering, ridiculous things in goverriment practice and ex- posing them in a genteel -mànner that gîves 110 offense and yet removes front themi the "glad rags" and leaves the facts forcibly exposed. Here is a sample: "Sonie weeks ago we hiad a distinguished visitor. His riante is Mr. Kuin,,. Mr. Kung is a Chinaman. of our gold. We have more than haîf of the world's supply of goid at this time.- We shook our collective heads and gave itn the Chinese équivalent of "okay." Ali agreement was made. China was to buy gold front us and pay us for this gold with Chinese. silver. Now doesn't that sounld rather silly-buying gold dollars with silver dollars? WN-hat difference what kind of dollars they are so long as you have plenty of thent? But that's the agreement. But it's not ail sà simple as that. When we get Ciutese silver, we mnust Mr. Mussolini, in bi s privately owned newspaper tO whicb aIl Italians are required' to subscribe, States. that the war. debts will neyer be paid. America had -balf-suspected that. * A contributor to a cofitemporary column used txvo strange (to us) and exceedingly awkward words, "steatopgous" and "bathycolpian." XVe were conipelled, to go clear down to the beach to discov'er the allusion. At age 61 "«Little Lord Fauntleroy,"- in real. *life Vivian Burnett, is dead. If. we co.uld have laid hands on' ViWdan in our ' boyhood days the, world 'would probably have been. depriv.ed,, of a brilliant columinist and jourait oeei se.eins that bis miother was really to blane for those -strait-jacket suits whicb bore. his literary name. The state highway police are miaking another gesture of enforcinig the, law against eve.ry'Tom Dick and Harry di'splaying some-kind of -5ynthetic star on- his automobile as a meansý of gaining traffic favors or slipping out of penalties f or traffic violations. It would, ne interesting. if sonteone xwith nothing better to do sbould rnake a survey andi publish a list of persons guilty of this cheap practice. It would no doubt include the nrnes of * recinct committeemien,, as- sistant dog-catchers, relatives and friends of 2x4 politic'ians and other personages of im- portance in the commnunities froin which they bail. One can imagine with what fealty to duty a traffic officer would arrest a violator when faced by the imà.wessive star on. the front of his car. mars~. %VnI icy snouU l neeU l orwdIt tieru ispast the understanding of the citizen who "goes it on his own" and seeks no favors f rom. traffic officers or other guardians of the law. "Southwest Collce.Seeks Superman as Linguist and Coach," read a Sunday headline. Address Washington, D. C. Our favorite Sunday Tribune, attempting to ini- press readers. witb the large number of, grass- Supreme court from. utter destruction atth ad of the Republican members 'of congress. Found-.A Congress of the United States. Lost since early 1933. Resfored to its lawfulonr Iast weèk. TH PHANYOM RUPOR1 il