lai LIBEÂEY Statiomeri Choice ,LH'teroture, of Manày Nations MODERN LIBRARY. 5cand~11 (Prices tb advvutce on Ausgus: 1) 1.724 Orrington Avenue ýGre. 0227 Orrigfon.t4o»I Eidg. Ideal Reducing Tune The Guaranteed Scientifie Method to a Symmetrical Figure-Normal Weight - Glowing Health. Reduce -Now for Health, Beauty, Economy 1700 Central Street' Evastfon, MI. Davis 2004 aniel Iiawthorne's wife as appearing "tired-far into the future," who ýrote a book which she expected to hring harmony between North* and, South, and who was amazed when it intensified the bitterness to its fatal climnax.. That book, of course, wasUnl Tom's Cabin; its authorHarriet Beech- er Stowe. 'And yet,- until 110w, there has been no, biography of this imnport- ant woman Written by. anyone, but close relatives .whose 1viewpoints are necesa- rily nfo conipletely objective... *Catherine Gilbertsoni hassuppliedthis want in hler Harriet Beechee'Stowte, a, book at once witty- and sympathetic, ful of the most, penetrating psychological insight and tolerant understaniding. Few càrispicuoüs figuIres have cried louder for this sort, of biographical treat- ment and few have more richly repaid it, for Mrs. Stowe is in large nitasure a key to the understanilfg of innetefïnth century Americani life, the beliefs and aspirations of which she so eloquently expresseci. The Li. c,ýhers were bouyant, exub- erant, two-fisted, fighters for the public welfàre, always influentiali often sen. sational, and sometimnes a bit ridiculous. * Thus Harriet camne honestly by the cru- sading spirit that made her the stori center of such widely diversified con- S troversies as that on slavery and that 'Doroth:, Canfilk1Fi sher. About New York . Fromn Dallas and Fort Wayne and Brooklyn. . as well as from Times Square and Greenwich Village and Clara Laughlini hersé1f cornes praise of 1Eva T. McAdQo's handy guide, -How Do You Like New York?" "Both in the discovery of piqiuant. Kay Vaughan "Time Picce» by Naoori Jacob i's Ihe sftry of wk#t Jr e4t4ed wheu womant of energy and judoinitable courage. deternined to fight for hap- pîness. The m ovel is a recent Mfac- millan book. Gathering World News Subject of New Book In these days when international affairs have a larger and larger effect in'l'okyo, ivoscow, DerîW.lm n iU Aires are assernbled and printed by side in thlis rnorning's paper? e ipîii side In The. Press aid [World Affairs (Appleton -Cent ury), Robert W. Des- mond explains in highly readable style the processes and influences in- volved in gathering the news of the world. Presentinig the first detailed study of the contemporary press as it operates on the broad stage of in- Although 1Lyle Saxon lias Nritteil short storJes for' many years and ap- peared in the Century, Dm1, New ke- public, and Aincrican Caravan. and hias been inicluded ini both the 0. Henry and the O'Brien Best Srnf St'ories, "Children of Strangers." published July 17 by:Houightoni Mifflin comipany' is' his first, full-lenigtlî niovel., Drawn f rom long experience and ob- servation,- and mwrittein out of. deep svmrnpathy,* it'deals with the Planta-, tiont life of todaY. Ess.enitially a story of a miulatto.girl. it seeks to unravel the comnplicatiois .which resuit from ,the mningling of four diverse types--planitation 'ownlers*. poor whites, negroes. and "fre m rUlat- toesý." The backgrounid dérives from the Cati River câbiîi on Melrosc lantation, whe.rçe Saxon -has tfor moniths on end buliried himnsWef iii.the, heart, of, the planitation .eounttri. Hisý recet . duties, howeVer, as I)ir ector of the Federal Writers' Project for the State of Louisiana, hIavé drawni -ni r1a-k--o civilization and,. made hlmi a familiar figure. at the St. Charles hotel. New Orleans stillF takes great pride in its adopted son, l)roperly. 'cliarac- terized as "*a bon vivant, a bibliophiile. a conversationalist, an artist with a jigger' of absinthe, a lazy inan, and a ,vriter withotit anenm. Stories are still told of his prankls; of the Matrdi Gras night %vlen, overeonic another iiigit when lie gave a dinner for Julia Peterkin and DorothY Dix hoping for fireworks, but found that. the two ladies "took to each other like sisters and each baite.d me un- miercifully inito the bargain." 'To the reading public"' writes Marshall -Morgan, "Lyle Saxon is a distinguished Southern writer. But to the sun-flecked Creole yugtr of the Vieux Carre who sn uon 1152 Central AvO. University of iMinnesota, is no W on-il the editorial staff of the Christiain j Science Monitor. recommended to' those planning a North Cape cruise this sunlner. The Scandi- navian countries, as others visit- For North Cape Travelers ed by Cruise, ships, are alsodeait with Uoughton. Miffin Company has -pub- in special chapters in '1937 iti Europe," lished Clara Laughlin's new guideUbok, the new Houightoil Miffin travel annual, é4$o Yo(u'1re Gopi ng to Scandinavia !", edited by Eugene Fodor. WilmectÏe 3201 j 'j R