through WVilnette center of the In-' fant WVelfare Society of Chicago, assumes part of the suipport of Alice H. WVood station. During the first six mnonths of. 1937 this station pro- y*ided for .1M61 children under. six ycars of age an(l expectant mothers ini famnilies which are without the ncanq to pay for sucb service.. Asaresuit of. twentV-sLx earý of expericnce- in caring for thousands of -chilren earthe Infant \Velfare society's doctors,. nurses and nutrit 'ionists have arrivec i at ethods of child care Wvhichhave provéd their efflca 'cy by keepingi( childrc in good healt.h, even In. the tenemnent areas of Chicago. Expain Diet Rules Following <arc somne :of, the* rules laid doWn hv the societv for cide betwe,eti the ages of 2 and 6 vearsý A child eats tbat bis, body and mind inaýy grx'w and .ÇIMNÇÎp, joria1i, To. have hcaltb the chilci neceds the fol- lowing foods EVERY DAY: MIL~-neandf one-haif pints il daY. Mýi]k nmay he bttl(ed( or evaponratedi. CEREALS-Cook one hour in a d(oubhle bolerunlssthe cra is qujek-conking, when15 mnuteis suffiient. ,Useol ,wbeîtt, woewet VEGETABLES-Conk is shiort ais is flc~5siy~tn Im:ke them tender. Ruly vegietab]i-s that arfe in seaisonbeae theyv are haps and best. PTATO-P,ik,u1 hniieu <(1 or e tolliatoes. Open the cnand. mashi tOîiitoes tlivough a seve. E~G-oacedsoft cooked or scrarn- bled over water. ,%EA'T-Stewe(l, broiled or baked(. Avoid fat mneat and gravy. Use liver tWiue a week. COD LIVER O1L-Give one tablespoon every day. WATIZR- ive regullarly! betweeni meals. neyer with rmeais. Serve three five h<urs r' 6. For' k A5I< e.. use in connection with the class. The opera was. given on a portable imodel. stage 1brought .to .the. schoo1 for the Play, and the sttüdents directed the pupets thernselves, as well as. spealz- ing German through the entire per-. formnance. T 1 01L ~uw -= wi 'Awf