4 4 4 1* CENTRELLIA PRICES * GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Home-Grown Selected cobs. .9 BUTTER COOýKIES The perfect Butter shortbread ýookie. So gqOod with.-ice crean., 12. oz. Pkg. 15ç Silver Cup Pichie Specials!. 'SWEET SWEET ,MIXED SWEET. PICKLES. PICKLES RELISH Large 22 o.23 jars 2 SUU1Wff ?ICNIC 'SUPPLIE£ Rappimwax, 100 ft. rol............... 2 for 41 c Duue Cups for hot drinks, Pkg. of 6,..3 pkgs. 25c, Dixie Cupa for cold drinks, Pkg. of 12, . .3 pkgs. 25c Purity Picmic Plates, Pkg. of 12, ....... 3 pkgs. 25c Paper Speons & Forks, Pkg. of 12,...... 3 pkgs. 25c Snow Puif Paper Nap kins, Pkg. of 60, . .2 pkgs. 1, 7c The TASTI EST, )VU ever, BLACK COW Nothlng like a Black Cow made wlth pure, creamy dellcious Hy- drox Root Beer. Simply use a smali helping of Hydrox ice creani lni a tall glass and MIl glass slowly. wlth ice cold Root Beer. Chlldren and grown-ups like them.L HYDROX ROOT UEER NEWU!0 .CONSOMMe, MADRILENE. Deliclous tomato and chicken soup. Grand hot and better stili when chilled and servedcold. 13.o2x Zc souýps VEGiETAuLiE UouP VttiETA13LE-BEEF SOUP CHifJCKEN Od 0BLE SOUP * PUA SOUP Now OnIy Can I I 4 4 4 4 TR AYMO RE TOMATOES' TRAYMORE FRESH LIMA BEANS Né, 2 Càn 2. cans 23< No. 2, Con GRAPE JELLY- Large SA RDINES .. . >/4 Aium -~FOR SCOURNG 4-S.O0.S....8 2 caril21 glass1 *.19c ImioUra2. caris i 9c pod pkg.. FOR BREAKFAST SERVE SHREDDED WHEAT CENTURY CLUB COFFEE ..... Y lb. bug IVIKING 2 for 15e Waihington, Swe et, Tender PEAS .2b523C GREEN Be prepared for unexpected guests by keepi4ng a supply of these Wilson deli- cacies on your pantry sheif. And they're marvelous for luncheons and summer picnlo baskets. OX TONGUE, ....$1010 26 oz ....... SELECTED PIGS' 2 45 FEET, 14 oX..for45 ALA 2t,. t - ~t a a~ a ~j Use CIIIPSO For A ,Il Washing Large Pkg. IVIKING COFFEE .. We Recommend TOWN CRIER 24 lb. bog 02ice 2 ..pkgs.25c * e. e e. e e IL bug* 99 ond 44/100%. PURE IVORY SOAP .Medium, size 3 bars BUY A SUPPLY IVORY SOAP. ag u a, 2. bars .23c, 919<i 0 -55C1 ,l9c 1 9C mow, ifl- -r uw vo Treots hos no rival for quclH'y, flov< or appetile appeail Are Fiest Quality 1937 SASY LAMB........... YVeaU Roasf, Bonelest rolJ.d- lb. 29C 420025 Wflmette WILMETE IFEJULY .29, 1937 ' >r 4 4 4 CII*TwEI.A MIATS Grade-A--U. S. Inspected - - - - - - - - - Fancy Leg 0' Lamb . ..* .' y lb. bog J I reener Iros. 34e .à 77w- 7m7l -- -, -1. - W,,I--LM'É'ÉTE LIFE, Aa