picting in pyrotechnics, dran song the hundred years of d( IlalVUY IVtIFSe aiiK, Vyyu-, ment andi contribution of the Polish. ern Springs, and! Wiimette.eee The sumimer round up is an annual einnt. to .the, social,. religious, heaith checkup for children eof pre- conornic and politicai expansion of Schooi age. Children are brought r-thi ra iwser erpls i the institute centers where the clinii- Soidier Field at 8 o'clock in the. eve- cians assist d* y local physicians and<î nng, Sunday, .August 8., denitists give ach :i o ne a thorugh Opening the day's. celebration wil 1)hysicai exaniination. Ail physical de- b1e a, gigantic parade, in which :the fects aoc! abhori-nalities such:as eye participants of the- pageant aoc! al car, nose aoc! throat infectiostb-Poli sh-Amnericanýif orme.d organïiza- fully checked., If the examinations ladies' auxiiiary, boy scouts, "har-, re'eal any such findings thechiidren. cerze,". "wiankci," falcons,ý aoc! other' are, re ferred to private, physicians for groups of, sâilar character, 1led% by corrective treatmnent.. &ellidd-iUed -_an4 coIorfully. attired The purpose of this programn is. to. bands and! drum aoc! bugle corps. At Your A PMeut Market Swifr's'Fresh Smoked YUKON CLIU BEVERAGES DAILY 424-OZ. 1BOTTLEs2.c ROOT lEUR, CLUB SODA,. GINGERALE, ETC., DO0:GFOOD CAMAY: TOILET ýSOA'P' 10 1 Afl.. CANS 49 Pork & 13eans CAo Oc ORANGE. PEKOE LIPTONS TUA PKG. 9 p&G WHiTrE NAPTrHA .SOAP. ICENTER SLICES s *e eg g* .lb. 49c ICE. CREAM___ POWDER 4 PKGS. 19C .1 mi m IL 37 A &, P MULK BREAD FULL POUND f~ LOAF o IRKE r UTA I3 TO,4-1. average), A & Food Stores Heiehts- Harvev., Mpýtrnqi-. -Pý4rV Wpc-*f-ý. -1