welI ahead of schedule, according to Superintendent E. J. Lundin. Finish Four Lagoons During the past two or three tnontlis the actual excavation work has been running unusually high, it is pointed out, aggregating over. 100,000 cubic yards per inonth. Four of the' seven .Iàgoons are finished and another .s practically .completed. According lo Bob. CamPIbel, superintendent jiii charge of heavy equipment excava- tion, the excavation of the conniecting channels alo#g the etitire west side of 'the project wijl' be practica!ly finished in another month. At the peak enroliment of mani pow- er, much hand -work was done, par- ticular.ly in the. matter of sloping, the batiks of lagoonsand channels. Since the excavation of, the se ven lagoons and connecting channels-is about 75 percent compléted, and with the fal-r ing off in m an, power f rom 2000 to 800 enrollees, the formner hand work of slopirng lagour'. and channel banks naturally has lagged behind exca- * vation operations. Turn to Machinery Therefore, the heavy excavating * equiment hias been calied into serv- ice to do much of the work which b las heretofore been donc by hand crews, The large 48-inch elevating grader, ' (shown in the accompanying group of pictures third fromi the top) is sloping about 400 feet of channel bank talt to tunrei- ivurt ui as îuui.îw'.' , per day as the elevating grader. Ten-Foot Core Wall Pictured at the top is a section of a ten-foot coré watt ditch on which ex- cavation was recentty starteci and which wilt paralle] the east diversion ditch along the entire east side of the project f romi Dundee road south. The object of the core wall ditch is ho pre- vent any possible seepage of water from the proiect into the east diver- to a point comtecting with the preseni Two weeks ago Mr. i west enid of Tower road is compleh.ed. M. Horth and their daug thie roadway will be paved. It is« understood this will be somehime j- inito hhe new home they 1938,. Thorn.wood avenue. piteasure crat were circularized witn a view to finding some basis on which use 'mighit be made of this, potential re- serve by the Navy Departinent in turne of eniergency. I ,At present no dlefinite plans have heen made, but should suffcient interest de- velop it may-be. possible tomiake avait-. ablp to the commandants of the, varionis naval districts, the naies of yachting fraternities who are com!, petent niavi-, gators., engifieers, smaâll craft opeçrators, etc. Thee is no intention of formiallv enrolling these îindividuals in the Naval' Reserve or of *asking thei to perform any training duty. The niere fact, howv- ever, ,that their naines and addresses would be available to the commandants. of the various -naval districts and that their specia! qualifications were knowni would make it, possible to utilize their services to the best advantage. Th-e pirposes of suich an' organization may be sumrnarized 'as follows: To cultivate a.cdoser relationshi;p bt- tween the l. S. Navy aind United tts .1Yachting clubsanazd associations, To'promote nautical education aniongst jmembers of Yachting clubs and associa-. tions. To provide a reservoir of men accus- *tomned to the sea as a possible auxiIi;try to the 17. S. Navy in time of .var or ernergencY. Toe make available boats with charac- teristics suitable forthe local defense- of Naval districts in case of war or *entergenicy. a GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS3 of INatural History. Next Monday ah the saine hour there will 15e a tour cov- ering "Plant Ufe" ; TuesdaY, "Prini tive. and Civitized Peoples," a nd Wednesday, "Animal Croups." lu ad- dition, on each of. these afternoons at 3 o'clock and on Thursday at boffi 1l and 3 o'clock, tliere will be gnerat tours of antlîropologicat, botanical, geological and zoological exhibits', These' tours, conducted by staff lecturers, are open to ail .museum visitors. Parties* assemble inside the north entrance. t J 1. Il-lllvvlLf i it ist rîuay for a ME NEW RESIDENTS few weeks' vacation at Ephraim, Wis. di Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs Dudley R. Mays are ýers moved now living ah 2017 Highland avenue, Th ap.CClrswohve uItah 144havng ore hre romKanas rented their home ah 620 Forest ave- iil at214 haingcoe hre romKanasCity, nue ho the Sidney C. Compers, are Mo.,. last week.- now àh home in Jacksonville, FIa. â ' A