j~JJ4 NO CARRYING TIO DO-W! DELIVER TO YOU Wilniefte 151 Rogers Park 01.18 Buckingham'.2000 ýCHOICE POT ROAST. So goodi and, so toen- der when roasteci in a Dutch Oiven.' Eithar'*on g top of the stoye or ini the.oyj l . C SHOULDIR LAMB ROAST. Brown wel i , butte, tiien roast' until done-add potatoes, onions and, carrots threo-quarters b6efore 2g1ik ready fte srve"- 1.LE2 FRESH4 GROUND, BEEF. For picnic. "hamn- burgers" or for atasty beef loaf-The lof is21c eitbor bot or cld-l.-UC CALVES' SWEETBREADS. A réal delicacy whether breaded and fried or served in A a rich cream sauce- lb.- 49c LAKE SUPERIOR WHITEFISH. Bake or btoil andi serve 'witb parsley potatoes, 1b.39 INDIVIDUAL PUKE. Just the right i. and Geneseo Tomato Cocktatl Roast Lamb--New Potatoes Armour Starr.COOKED BIEF TONGIIS. Hure's a wonderful buy for a buffet supper or luncheon entree-Average 2-I1bs. lb.- TLc PORK TENDERLOIN No waste, alil meat andi ready to breaci and fry for a lunicheon or dinner enree- lb-39c BONIELESS BRISKET CORNED BIEF. Start cooking in cold .water; bring to. a boil ýani simr untiýl tender-.mServe bot or slced cold- lb.34c' ~AUSA%~The. real thing-A welcor tien to the. "colci plate" or as a sandwich ingredient- l b.- IIVIR - me addi- ..29c Chiilled Honey Dew eaded- Pork Tenderlci Fresh Fruiîts. and'Vegeýtables RED, POTATOÈS. finest qualify-Beilers, 39 bakers, fryers- pc- i IIONY DEW MELONS. Vine î ipened se th. nec esweetening-Serve, with IO quartered lemon-ý Large six- I 19 BLJEBERRIES. *The luge, sweet, jicy> jumbos that are-se o dous when chilled anci sered with W sugar and cream-A gift at this Pi ce- qurtý-. 37el LJMQNS. The. regular Schloesser large ;ize29 and super-qualiy- dcie 9c CORN. Just as fine, sweet and iuicy as that we haci on sale last week- do.-23 RADISIIES. Crisp, red, fresh - Serve with a portion of the- fresh aiman lit G~eneseo Cocktail oiled White Fsh-Lomon Avariety of fa the chilcren whe sports- ýe-flavors in pop-Keep pleinty on ice - for eycoe om fomthCasec 4 oties- y 5c sy corn homeafeinti ec orfi rom ( Plus 75c deposit) When, ths delicately blencieci, tstily' seasoned cocktail is chilleci and serveci before luncheron or dinner it is bounci to cou feor repeat orders-5 for 1.00, 24 oz.-3 c For delicious desserts or for marsh- 17 ICho se &Sonbor JELLO 4 for 19C Morshmcullows mollow roasts- 1 b.- lb -~~ ex a a a- - OXYDOL 21cI1R1N SO 21c Speciols on. 1Ave. 1509 Jas-vis Ave.. 3 151 Rogers Park 0118 buçIgI front JuIy 29-Au gust 4 JUL 29137. It~ 13 4~ MEATS - F1SH - .ýPOU LTR Helpful Suggestions for This Weeks Menus 'y 00 1 l M"