Doing for Johnny? By D. S. Lymnan Lyman Phanmacy BÉy "Johnny:' we mean that boy Ôf yours-that littie chap that you think- is the finest ln the wor d. "Nothlng l wouldn't do) for him," you eay. ý.3uT* are yo6u wa7tchirfg to see that he keeps weli and fit? Wheil he has a coUgh or a -coId,. if he is fretful *or complaining, do you see that. he gets quick and comipetent help? Or do you let thetrouble take care of Itself? Pllease stop and think. That ýcold, that peevlshness. An ache or a pain, Mians that your child is not welL.. Cal ln your doctor and you may save s utferipg, expense and regiret. See the doctor- then go to the driugg.tat, bhe recommnids. This. l the twentieth of a series of Editorial Advertisements appearing in this paper each week. <Copyright.> --,1 1 N VILI2ETTIZIL sI t- 'v IN -THE 'belief that a systei of corning oIie-way 4itrâffie. Barricades ..traffic control in Washington park C and D are placed to eliminate al will not only contribute to , the traffic on road between these points, safety of persons themselves thus preventing various tangles of of its recreational facilities, but also trafflc at intersections C and D., contribute in-large measure to those Avoid Tie-Ups facilities, the Wilmette Park District The advantages accruing te, the pub- board, ini an endeavor to cooperate lic through the installation of the with the Village board in its s afety systerni nclude, according to the program, has installed the systein board, a mnuch smoother flow of nMo- shown ini the above map: t01 traffic, with no tie-ups, at inter- That some such plan* was essential sections and a minimumn of police mately 10~,000 square feet of park area, lias been mad 'e available for roller skating, bicycle riding, kite flying,- mnarbles, shufle board and other gamnes requiring a hard surface. It also converts the center section of the park into one unit and mnakes- it more readily accessible. Playground For Al As the program of park iniprove- men:lt upon which the- board is now eiigaged develops, it- hopes that Wil- 0,Prepare it iaround l *ices of Wilson's Ten~der Made Haui-coolced in its own rich natural juices. Whole, haif, 'Il and quarter or sliced by certs and yacht races impelled the -board to prompt action. S Devise One-Way Traffic The system m 1aç devised with- the. aid of Cloyd C. McGuire, chief- of the Wilmiette police department, whose knowledge of trafflc hazards. and traffic control wis drawn upon by the board in cornpleting the details. Perhaps the outstanding featu're7--of the system is that almost complete one-way traffic ' throughout the -park -11-1 wl, lteu[0 arnloJI ut nly tat mn \wasliington park it lhas the one lane of traffic inistead of the uisu- possibilities for one of the Most al cross-fi re xvhen passirig f rom one i eautiful otitdoor recreational cen- section of the park to the other. ters to be found anywhere; the board' By the elimination of. the drive- ïs pressing to brin,- its ambitious p.lan, wav l)etween points C and D, approxi- speedy attainment. - camp, where they were -married. (The Nilmette couple 'are now- residents of Glen- coe, Mr. Lynch being assistant di- 20 Years A.go-. rector of the Illinois Department of Conservation.)- July 26. 1917 Mr. and Mrs. Elrner D. Becker. (nPe Learning tnat Company D> ot the Society pages chronicled the mar- National Guard was to be ordered to rnages- of 'Miss- Natalie Yonkers, the front, Thomas- J. Lvnch, Win- daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. netka village forester, hurriedly con- *Yonkers, 911 Sheridan road, to Gran- sulted with Miss Dorothy Jlg, aiso - ville Revere Lewis,. III, of Lynch- of Winrietka, with the result that.the burg, Va., and Miss Helen Mearns, lady joined. him at the St. Louis of Kenilworth, to Wallace Weld. Presh J e-