with "Gotterdamimerurýg"' on j uly 27. * i AnHungarian by birth (Budapest), *Fritz Reiiner studied law and music side by side, but the music muse proving more attractive, he, started his -conidtctorial career a h ua pest.Opera Comiquein 1910 moving. in a short time to the RoyalOpera of Dresden where he remained as the Royal musical director.'forseveiî years, makiig guest appearances both in opera and: symphony in various couîntries. In 1922 he was offeréd the perma- iient directorship of. the Cinci nrati SYmphony orchestra. He* remained the conductor of, that orch'estra for, nie, ycars, hogh te season 1930r'31, and vas Iargely responsible for the high reputation, of the Cinicini- nati orchestra thirobug h o ut.the cou n t rv. WideSPread Activity 0f recent vears, 'Mr. Reiiner's ac- tivitices. live b.çen nunero.js andi varied. He lias conducted the New York Philharmonic and the Philadel- phia orchestra during. their winter seasoils and hias been active as an opera conductor ini Philadelphia. Sum- mners have fotund imii as this year on a festival tour. His porm o h ia eko thîe Raiia Forsthéal v eeo chosen with a fine taste for musical worth as wl as. muscial pleasure, 1. Ov>erture-"le Carnaval Romain," 01). 2. .Synphony No. 3 "Eroica," E fia.t major, Op. 55..... ..... Beethoven . ntermission 3. Fromi "Die Meistersinger von Nurn- berg...... ..........Wagner Preluide to .Act III * Dance of the Apprentices Finale 4.. Forest Murmurs, (WaldWýebeni), fromi ',"Siegfried".... :............Wagner 5.. OVertureto "Tannihauser" _ .Wagner Sunday, August 8, ait 4 L. Prelude and Fugue in b rnajeor(new) .~Bach-Respighi 2. Symphony, G mino.r (Kochel 183).. ........Mozart S. "The $wan of Tuoriela" from Two Legends from the "'KaloVala".. ... . . . . . .1. . . . .Sibelius 4. March'from !*Karelia," (new) .. ... .. . . .. . . . . ibelius 5. Three Dances .........Dvorak 6. Divertîiento (new) . .... Leo, Weiner 7. Overture to "The Bartered Bride" ... . ....... Smneta na SAILORS ~ 1119-21 CentrlmaIAve.. O»P. ilU ,u. Thurter.WUImeit iS3-l 84"ý- Largoe Parking Spawe le the rgar for 1th e vedeuofl 0cr cuutomers Quality Merchandise at Right Prices-Get Our Estimate HARDWARE- PAINTS.. - GLASS - IOUSEWARE BUILDERS' AND CONTRACTORS' SUjpPiES Roofing-Gutters---Spout-Sheet Metal Work, RePatring - Cleaning FURNACES--PIPES and BOILERS Fertiizers-Seeds-Toola-Hose and Lawn Spriklers Omèting, Pishlng,, Camping I4.ds. TockI. Boxes, Iieoks, etc. 111. and *is. Pis/sang Liceouse: - Fr. ~DlIIvery Aayti.ue V.. Sp.clfy________ of rîay, August 6,. cevoted to the togreat Strausses-Richard and Jclihann. And with Sunday's programn the afterniooiî of August 8, ends the Raviriia -Festival of 1937. Fritz Reiiner.'s complete prograis, 'rhurs(lay,*August 5, t S:30f 1. Toccata anid Fugue'iu D'nminor .. .......... Baeh-Leonardi 2. SynMoionyNO. 2, in 1) Major Brahmis * . Intermnission 3."Fcde"(new).......Welton 4. (To be tiiicuneed) Staff Photo Most of the time sýcnt, and knuch of the funit iîolved, in beitg a yachtsman, consists in lying in the harbor, busy -on one of the multi- tude of jobs cvery biout requires. Tw7o1 of the local star-cIass sailors are show ' in» Wilin.ette harbor, laboriously bending on sails to hal- vards, and otherwvise inaking readyý fi).r a season's series of races. SOAPS WrisIey Perfumed Soaps Bath size . 4 bars.Si face size .4 bars Soc Assortmennt.of scents. DRUGS - CoIIyrium 75e S'oothing eye lo- tion ...69c Squibb's To@fh Powder and Neutraliung AcId Large size .. 33c TOMMTRES Lelongs Cologne Lelong's Glace Cool- ing Cologmele n Travel Pac. .Eudocr.nwe new and revolution- ary restorative , face, cream. Aair for ex OUTDOOR R.ECREATION SCKOOL 822 Michigan Ave, il th Yecir WIlImeHe 1068 Betsy N. Shapker, D'rector Phone WiIm.f te 28