Fred dies Place in th e Playground and Recreation 'board's fast,. pitching league won two games last week f0 tighten their hold on first place. The first gam.e was an easy win.from the' Wolff and Watt Hardware, 21 ta 6, and the other *in was also a slug feast for the Freddies when they de- féated the Nelson Laundry 20 to, 5. lu .the other games of the week \,el- son Laundry took the Pearsons -into camp 15 tao 3 -and the Wolff* and Watt Hardwares.. broke even for the week by picking, on the. Pearsons for ,a 14 fa 2 win. The ýscores and team standings Teanm Standings (Juiy 20, 1937) Teain Won Freddies Place .......8 Wolff & ýWatt Hardware. 4. Xelsons....... Pearson.......... Lost i 9 8 Pet .88e .57: .50( Kelsn Lalidr 15Péarsons3 T'. Saxton, Lf. -A. <'chinj, p. R.. Gauger,--s.f. L1. Ilorre, 31) J. M71ontontlre, 2h) T. Mullins, c.f. F. Meitman, s.s. J. Phillips, lb G. Saxton, p). B. Prevallet, 2h P, Horn, lb1 . H. Schwal], C. R. Hardt, 31) H. Blin~d, 2h) C. Borre, (-,f. _W. ýýc1iefte, c.!. G. Everett, r.!. R_ Fridmnan, s.s 1. Burhians, e.. Wailio, r.f. Un pi re--Conrad Wolft & Watt Hardware Il Pearsoits2 R. Borre L. Borre, 3b P. Wagner A. Ciechini, p B. Knel.p 'T. Mullins. c. Fredilles Place1 21 R, Russel J. Hoffnian G. Huck T. Knobel T. Sehinler H7Janaes M. Reimer M. Melers D. Chester Freddics Plaice 2( B. Russel W olff & Watt liard irare. R. Barre W. Winters P. Wagner B. Johnson C. Micheson R. Schneider R- Steffens P. Baron M. Meier D. Lynch M, ndry 9 hard enough ta win the kiclcbali game iast Thursday, the girls of the Vatt- mani park team took lunches, bathing suitsý, and towels and cel.ebrated witli a be)ach party., The group ieft after. playing the Village Green team and INCre" verY jubilant «ver the score of 9 to 2. The day wvas unuùsuail1y warm .and so the, afterno'or of Swiimin.g was doublv. enjoyed. They carne back ta thc playgrouid, about, 4 o'clock, tired but happy over the -outing. Miss Moon was i n charge of thle group. The 'New Midget feam of Junior.s wants fa know when if mnay have a bcacli party. iii that inniing. - The Beyrer Electric <} toôk their gaine from the- Ridg.e,'Run'- trs 201 to10 in a game they sfarted weak btffiilied strong rnaking 17 Of. thoir runs i-n the Iast 4 inningS. Thie scores and team sfanding-si ôt- low Tenam Standings (First round) Team won Lost Pct. Fe'. of C.. .. .5 O 1.000 Beyrer Eiectric......7 1 .875 Publix ('leaners.......5 1 .833 W-%. W. il. . .. . .4 2 .666 2Panldas 23 12 .60.0 Ridge Runneýrs... ...... .375 Whites Drugs , ..3 .375 flot 5lhots........2 4 .33:) OwIs........... 4 .000 Mapie Leafs.......0 6 .000 Pandats 9 Runnprs 6 KI Doyle, lb W. sclu.ette, e.f. R Freidman, e.t. H. .Talnnes, 3b De Tamblû, 3h A. Chiccini, s~ D. Torrey, r.f. .1.PbiiIips, lb P. Emrich, l.f.. L. Borre, p. Knoop, sc.s. 1 T. Mullins, l.f. ID. Pavlick, s.c.f. M. MN4eier' r.f. F. .Lind, p. .L. Manick, c. C. Hamilt on, c. B. Prevailet, 2b *R. Hermalison, 21) B. Roemer, s,.c.f. Umpi re-ýSacco B eyrer Eléetrie ils OwIs a R. Welch, 2h Mr. Rarms, p. R. 'Sullivan, c.f. J. Norris, .!. E. Berol, r. B. Greenberg, lb J1. Fischer, 1.!. A. Gruhn; r.e.f. Pahinian. s.s. R., rrf. Staff Photo Carol Schaeffer, 820 Sixteenth street, show» holdiing her pet chicken .which won a Prize ii» te Pet contestj held rcceiitlv at Vati.. uzan park, Wilinette. Village Green Nines Win- Inter4.Park- Games' Only t-wa intfer-play-ground games were played this ,week as the Village Green playground wvas closed two days because of the "'Wiltnectfe Day" cele- bration 'at the Village Green. The Village Green wvon .both gaines from Vaffmnan park. The \Taftmaxî park senior girls' seventh inniing raily fell three runs. short and the Villag.e Green won 13 ta 10. The senior boYs' gane. at the Village Green wasa thriller. The Village Green gof off*1 ta a five-run le-ad in the firsf inriing, but tfhe Vatfmari boys kept paunding Vattman Park Girls hunt out ail the dolis you can fifld for at the end of this week Vatfrnan Park playgrounid is liaving *aspecial showing of dolis.1. D1iixvck vas infroduced by a Doil Buggy parade Friday afternooni. *The buggies. Werc decorated with coI- ored crepe papeérand the doilies vrc ail so dlean'i an.d sweet. iookinig that the littie girls feit, proud, as. could be as the doit babies were starfed. on *their airing. Some. buggies ~vc.r e pink f rimtiied, sanie blue, some bath blue and pink xhiie others were trimmcd with red. paper. The children sang. sangs1. as Ithcy slowly rnmoved along on Lake.avenue, south on Sixfec.nth street, east on Washington and back ta the park. on Prairie .avenue. Mrs. Fanckboner puiled ont lier pattern of arms, legs, head and l>o(lof a -dariing rag dolly and several girls drew the pattern on mutitli, sceither niUp atid ,are now hs stifufing Cofton in, fa gef the shape dolly fhey wanft. Little sun suiits xvill be made latur iii which ta drcss .tlîern Thev are cufe as cati be with their yarn hlair and big eyes. Any girl williing to- inake hier dolly is weicorne ta o Sa',. Nýow, don't forget the doll show this ilexf rialal day ! Any kind a'd11v( r kind of dolly WIll lie w couic, Tea wvill bc' scrved ta o dollies and thecir liffle mothers, Mrs. Fanckboner Is Busy With Ti.ny. Needlewomen Mrs. Fanckboner is kepf busy dur- ing the afternoon hiandicraft hour tlireading n'eedies, fying kiiofs af the ends of fhreads, undoing other knots in tangled _threadii and ofherwNise help- ing with tlic making of littie -dressés: and sun suit-, at Vattmnan. T little girls are busy as can be trying fo finish their, là timùe for the big demonstrat ion at the end of the play.ground. season. A new dress was cutýThursday affernoon while a littie su" suit was planned by Shirley Ba- coni 'to nake as,,a giffta li erflttie cousin. The Hot Shots won their game of last week from flic Owls, 24 f0 9. J. N The first inning was disastrous for C.1 the night birds, as the Hlot Shots B batted and, batted, scoring 12 ru nsJ 1). Kendrlck, Sb r.!. B. Romn,. .c.f. c.P F.Storýdeur,, 2h tlmpire-Sacco grounid,j away sïgned Up at u liad better M. Da- 'If youi tir play- s0 right 11U -, win weeas Itiows: Large Dogs Dorothy Krohi......... Jon eto....... .......... .. nd, - S maIl Dogs Sd Mýary Jane Watson, Nancy Weyl . ... Nanc Shlilek2nd ~4