L OMM ON-SENSE COLUMN' By E. C. Cazel & J. B. Seyler, HUMAN NATURE: A woman in early days *ho- lived bY a spring where pioneers camped on their way West, used to ask the women of, the cam~ps 'I suppose, you hated to leave al your good friends back East?" one^ of the women would, sa that îhydid regret leaving thei. and she wouldreply, "Well, neyeàr mind, you will fintd lots of good friends where.youare going." And those Who said that they were glad 10 gel away from spiteful, unfriend« ly neighbors back East, Sue wouldt Say, id am afraid you will find the same sort of folks in the new cou ntry.". True enougix, wasn't 'it? I.. a ferrutuc disaster -tç « eôch Uncle Som the wisdom' of thef course! THE WISDOM of demeanding com- patent *ye care 18 obvious. Vision lu a deJicateIy balanced sense... attention of a skiIIed specialist, usinq sci.ntifically accurae. mut ru- menft. s unoessury if your cymu are to mecoive CoMplet.ly effectve tiuatm.nt. Lot US care for YOUR soie. .LtheAxev. AmoIs Iilloriiurg, minister, will preachi on the theme, "Finding ýGûd." The musical numbers for the serv- ice will be as follows Organ. Prelude- "The Beilso! St. Annie de Beaupré"............ Russel *"Deck. Thyseif Out,: O My Soul"..........Brahmis "Jesu, J'oy, of Man's Detsiring". Bach Introit-"O Gladsome Lit (From "The Golden Legend").. ..... Sullivan Ànthen- "Ô Lord Most Holy" - Bruckner Offertory, Anthem-"How Lovely. Is Thy, Dwelling Place"..... ....... Brahmns "St.,Annç's Fugue" ..a... Organ: Pôstlude- *VISIT IN MICHIGAN Police Magistrat.e John J. Peters and his sons,. HarryV and Anthony, 1519 Washington avenue, are leaving Saturday for a week's outing in Mich- igan. They will visit relatives and friends at 1'aWl Paw and ±iake jour- ncys to interesting points in that part of the state.... ECZEMA IS AN AFFLICTION By D. S. Lyman Lyman Plirarncy the skieV, a secreuion rrom ugly, red blotches anld sores., Only' a capable physician can pre- scribe correctly for the treatment of eczema. Old wvlves' remedies are failactous and ofteén serve to irritate the condition. Consuit a reliable doctor when any skin. trouble begins. Eczema spreads rapidly,. The old proverb that "a stiteh ln time saves nine"' applies to j Ten-year-old Charles Steiigrabcr, 713 Macican avent ie, K enilworth.i prouedly displays his catch of 7iorth- ernt pike at Burnside Iake, E1'. REPORT ON CONTAGIONS Three cases of chickenpox consti- tute the entire list of communicable disease victims as reported by the Wilmette Health departmnent for the week enizoeT,,h,1Z Satusrday eand Sunday Speciol BRICK Parisian dancer, Ida Rubenstein. Following the. siuccess of the "Con- certs Golschmann," he became inir- diately ini deniand as a guest condue- tor, and'conducted over the Continent froni Portugal to Scotland, to Nor- wa y as guest conductor with coný- tinuous, appeararices in Paris. Gains Popularflity HIere Five times he had visited Amierica' hefore becomiong the permanent con- ductor, of the St. Louis orchestra. twice, with. Walter Damrosch's. New York Symùphoniy orchestra, and in 1931 as a "pinch-hitter" for Arturo Toscaninni as guest coniductor of the New York Philharmonic orchestra -in Decembeir, 1931, the same -vear he Went to St. louis. Ths summer Mr. GolsChmfa nn openied the Lewisohn concerts ini New York City with the greatest success attracting more than 15,000 persons to bis first concert. He also appeared wifli the Philadeiphia Dlls concerts of which José Iturbi is the dirèctor. His Ravinia appearances \vill be his first there, although he ha-, conducted his own orchestra at, various times in Chicago ini the past fewý, seasons. * True Festival Pregramn I-is Ravinia programs show an '-c- lectic taste and a fine appreciation of musical values, listing as major SymTphlony orch-estra's htrst performi- ance of Hanl McDonald's Rhumba from. the "Rhumba" Symphony, De- bussv's effete. "L'Apres-Midi d'un Faune," and Ravel's glowing "Dlaph- nis et Chloe" find a. place on the four programs as well as the Prelude to "Khovanstchina" by Moussorgsky. anid Wagner's Prelude to "Die Meis- tersinger voni Nurnberg" and the Prel- ude and "lsolde's Love-Death" froni Ligkt and Dark Shades, BURNS TOG-GERY The l7ilmette Store for Mew 1164 Wilmette Ave. PonWi.25 ýPhoné Wil. -2435,ý..