WILL D' BOL NEXT WEEK What to'do tohelp preserve tefree goverlmeflt etbih YounChiagoondutorinsare advised that the least they can do is to wire their protests to Youg CietgoondcPris a the two Uni ted States Senators fromthis stat. A suîggested Music L ers' foas a rn f te.legram is as follows Head of-Fed rlProt I an unalterably opposed to'the 'court packiWg biU or any IzerSooron yun Cicgo i,-compromise néasure, and urge you to stand. firma and vote to duct oi-. whose work -as director of th e proteet Our courts against political attack" federal music project's> eighty-7piec e T elegrams should be addr essed te: ilnlois Symlphony orchestra. won, for inii the recognition, of. critics and music loyers,- will conduct the or-,. chestra ixnext Wednesday e ven ing at 8 :30 oclock in Wilmette boWL. This is the third. in the currentý series of free concerts to be given in the new bowl by the Illinois Symphony on01 Vedniesday evenings tbhroughout. the. slimner. Mlr. Soomon bas been heaed with the orchestra in~ many downtowni concerts during the season ilust~ closed, and a capacity audience is ex- pected to attenid when he makes is firs;t Wilinette appearance.' Guest Soloist The guest soloist on this occasioni will be Jeniska Slehos, noted young Chicago cellist, who bias made many appearanices in Chicago and the mliddle xest. Miss Slebos has ap- peared as soloist with. the Chicago Civic orchestra and mrade ber recital Orchnestra." .The program by the orchestra vill include selections froni Weber. Schu- bert, Smetana and. Ippolitow. Large Audiences The concerts have dra-wn increàs- inigly large audiences since thev were inaugurated two weeks ago, and it lias been found necessary to increase * the seating capacity to take care of, the Crowds. Walter C. Farrar. c hairmnan of the civic comrittee, HON. JAMES HAMILTON .'LEWIS, UniedttsSeto and HON. WILLIAM H. DIETERICH, United States Senator Senate Office:Building, Washington, D. C. Women shOuld also urge tliir husbands and o thers to. send telegrais.. America 's fate may be (lecided on Friday-act TODAY. FE.7ëRal1tors Will L~J Play and Dine at Golf Club Th summer meeting of the Evans- ton-North Shore Real Estate board is to be moved to the counitrY Monday night, juIy 26. The member.s are to enjoy golf i the aftérnoofl and a chicken dinner while the customnary roundi tabiean discussion:of listings will be entered into. very little business will be handled at , this session, it is an- nounced. Golf is ini charge of O. H. Am- strong of the W. G. Ruggles office. Bridge wiil be bandled by Miss Flor- ence Cook of Baumann & Cook, Win- iletka. According to Elmer R.-Olseji, secretary of the board, this is ex- pected to be a large meeting and a splendid opportunity to become bet- Township Collecter Hale An- nounces July 31 as tho.New, ]Deadine on 193M Payments Thro ugh the coutesy and coo'pera- tion, of Horaceý G. Lindhe.imer,> county treasurer and collector, the ýperiod for collection of the first installme nt of 1936-real estate taxes and. the 1936 personal property taxes by Township Coliector Sanborn Hale has been ex- tended to Saturday,. JulY 31.: The ex- tension was announced on. Tuesday by Mr. Hale, who sought the addi- tional time in the initeres 't 'of -local, taxing bodies and thé taxpayers. collection to Date $6435 At the same time Mr. Hale stated that up to Mondav night lie had col- lected a total of $640,435, apportioned as follows : On the flrst instalînient of real estate taxes, $341,351.07-- on s econd instalîment of real estate taxes, $163,800.32; on. 1936 personal property taxes, $135,283.61. It was emphasized by Mr. Hale that per- sonal property taxes must be paid in one payment. It was further announced by Mr. Hale that on Monday he had n)auidtri among the various school districts. Wilmette Given $25,000 Other disbursements. reported by the. local collector included $55,000 te the couiîty treasurer -on account of portion due the county, and. $25,OOO to the Village of Wilmette. As a matter of information, Mr. Hale stated that the total amount on the first installment of the 1936 real a whole lot of pleasure. Marian Kremer, chairman No t e FEconomnY Shop ls conducted as an enterprise of the Wornafl's Club of WIllnette. on i age '8) at ral Gettin into reai Spirit of the to t] a Io rmd. Getting inte, 1