Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1937, p. 46

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414 Linden' s J. lusiveA e., 4 Bdrms., 3 Baths. $16,500.0 11- EAST WINNETKA, A' splendid location* for schools, grade and New Trier,: transp., lake andshopping, att. gar., ohl ht., nice yard. Seldom can we offer such facilities for this price. ,Caîl Mrs., Mead.. THE BILLS REALtPY, Inc. 529 Davis St. Evans. Gre. 1166, Wil. 3740 111LTN11-lte Owner:Leaving Town WHITE COLONIAL ON BEAUTIFUL- ly -wooded and landscaped lot. Living rmn. 30 ft. long, huge screened pch.,with Cernent floor, lge. but. pýantry and break- fast rm. Model kitehep, Ioads of, cabi-' nets & Monel metal sink. -Exterlor Just painted, ail ià excellent condton-ý BAUMÀNN-COOK 553 Lincoîni Ave. W"innetka 3450- 1i LTNII -ltc -- Exceptional Off er ENFINEIST' SECTION OF WINN. Conv. loc., -large lot, beau. landscaped, is a fine, well-built, artistic mod. Eng. Br. home. Large Liv. R. Bk. cases, 2 por. 5 bedr., 3 tiled baths, mariy unusu- jai features. See it!! Priced right for quick sale, Appts. through HILL & STONE Exclusive Agents Wn.14 543 Lincoln -Ave. Wn.14 111L11-ltp scaping. iBargain a R. M. JOHN Opposite "L" Terrm N& CO. Wlrmette 444 .11LTN1-ltc. EAST WINNETKA - NEAR NEW TRIER H. S. AND 11/2 blks. from Indian Hill sta. 64-ft. lot adjacent to park.- Substantial 4 bed- rm. hse. wi th lovely 28-ft. liv. rm. and large sun ,porch. 011 ht., 3 c. gar. A real buy at $13,500. HOLC financed. Call Mr. Nickel Greenleaf 7220. Attention Home Builder.s YOU CAN BUY IN EVANS- ton.within-2 blocks of L transp. a homne-site on an at- tractively landscaped hfighly re- stricted private street, ail as- sezsmehts ln and ýpaid' for at only $70 per foot.. Nothing else ln its class. We Will gladlyf ur- nishiplat on application-., Hokanson & -Jenks, . é EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 513 Davis Street Greenleaf 1617 114LTN1-ltc BUILD A HOME ON THE LAKE HIGH ON THE BLUFF WXTH MILES Of broad expanse over blue.waters, is the ideal hornesite for, the family desir- irig ripariaii property at a lQw price. 65x342 ln souith* H- ighland Park. Price $10,7 50. SMART' & GOLEE, Inc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. 1564 Sherman Ave., Evanston Wil. 2486 114LT11-ltC CHOICE RAVINE LOT 75 FT. FRONT-1 35 FT. WIDE IN rear. Very deep with plenty of table land. -Beautifully wooded. In sec- tion of new homes neâr Braeside Sc'hool. Owner very anxious for off er. Call Mr. Piersen, 5 S. St. Johns, Highland Park. 1855. Win- netka 1802. tion. No speciai assessIineILLs. msrc ed. You can't make a mistake by buying this at the 10w price of *McGUIRE. & ORR', It1c. Over 43 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080, wil. 228 328 Park Ave., Glencoe Giencoe 13 - i14LTN11-ltc WANT OFFER ON LOT 40xl35, NEAR EV- anston Golf course in fineat north east section. Cal Mr. tion. Owner, Grenl4LTNîîîtP SUMMER COTTAGES, LOG CAÀBINS - WISCONSIN NORTH- Woods on beautiful lake; g ood roads; 2 bedrooms . dining room; lifens, blankets, boat- furnished. $12.50 pe r week .. Addresà, IIldernest,, Winter, Wisonsin. il 16A-LTN1 1-ltp L:AkE ]BEULAH, 'WIS. 4 RM. FU.,N. cottage scr. pcb., firepla'ce, row boat. $16 week. July 24-31; Aug. 8-15; Sept. 5 -on. WJlmette 824-J. 116A-LICN1I1tp. SAND BEACH Inspect These >Wooded Lots TWO HO0URS FROM NORTHSHORE on clear, deéan lake. F ishing *and. Gol Highway 89. Write, phone. or cail !Robert P. Ferr,'Lake Mili1s, Wa consin. 119A-LTrN8-4tp FOR SALE-IFAUNS ArH0 WANTS A - Northern Wisconsin Fari FOR ALMOS-A-GIFT? I have an 80-acre farm wlth 15 acres cleared and balance in beautiful tirnber. Hunting, trap- ing- and tlshing is the best. A f ew hundred yards frorn two trout streams and the Wiscon- sin River. Because of my con- nections here I will sell this ture, $100 dowYl and $20 a mofth for three and a -haîf. years. .Mr. Clifton, Se nuo.Wlmette rASSOCIATION IETTE 1126 Central Ave- 121A-LTN2-tfc FR Shore FOR $41 ,250.0 In Woodstock District 320 acres--Dairy & Grain -Farm 1 rmiles from 1Harvard *40ý acres timiber $34,O00.00 A 160acre farm 80 acres. timber-New da iry barn 5 miles, North of Barrington 80 ACRE VARM Large 10 room house Located on- Route 22, & Barrington Road,-- Additional Biliding site 3'h miles Nrth-for $420. per acre *50 ACRES Near Forest'Preserve Complete set of buildings,.deep -well--good water ,suPPlY systefli Only, 3 miles East of Barrington 15 Acres with Private lake sur rounded By Beautiful 1trees-Opposite Country Clt.b-On County * Line Road Unusually PictUresquean 20 acres of beautiful woodlan about 5 miles north of * Barringtofl 10 beautiful ac-res 4 miles. south o.f Barriflgton Very lovely homnesitt A real buy. $10,500 Large 9 room bouse 463' on-Hough-345.6' on N.W. HWY. Excellent location for tea roôrm Located on 4 acres. Good buy 90' of Lake Frontâge Wonderful for -business 'investmelt' 7 room bouse with 100 ft. porch. on Rand Road in. Lake Zurich WI-1 seii or rent brfce 2 y re. old, 8 Ige. e bath.m, 011. Priced res 1 TR1 vrecentpu urchase-.-Pric-s-- reaciy for you tobuuuu. -l'or nhlwRth 2016 pr asrs PicsloiV. complete Iinformatilon calMr. 11ILTN1-ltp MURRAY & TERRY Serrin. -, 114LTN11-tc THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. ýol. less than WEST WILMET'PE CLOSE IN LOT EXCLUSIVE AGENTS rful rmis. 21h $2,500, AIl paid.,. 529 Davis St., Gre. 1166 >nably., Winni. F. Pavlik, Jr., Co. Kenilwlort4i 2016 Evanston. or your own broker Wil. .3740 1 11LTN11l4tp l14LTN114tp - 12LN1lt lire or ic Box 60, 2flnU of $20,000 uuruis ess Inquirles to &-43, 127-LTN11-ltP 4

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