Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1937, p. 44

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Gré.. 1 DL,, -wil. 12 rms., 4 bs., 1 acre, nr. lake ... . $300 12 rnis., 3 bs., lg. lot, nr. lake .... 225 9 rnis., 41/ bs., exeel. 10 . ......... 200 8 rms., 2½% bs., mod., 2 c. g. . -......140 9, rms., 3 bs., ohl, nr. -lake........ 135 7 7rms., 2 %, bs., HWO, 2 ce. g. 110 6 rms., 1 b ., o11 east, 1. c. g.....-90 7 rms., 2 bs., oll, 1 c. g.......... 80 7 rnis., 1 b., *HWH, east, 1. c. g .. 75 5 ris., 1 b., slp. pc h., HWG, 1 c.gl 65 6,rn. apt., nice.ly 'dec., heatd ..60 4 nm. apt., modern .......:60 Other good: Values, fu.ih., unfurut. BARNETT -& SHL 7 48 Elm Street Winuetka 965 9 7LTN11-ltc .An Attractive Hom.e 1 SURROUNDED BY LARGE GROUNDS a.nd beautiful trees-6 rooms 3 bed- .roons-2-car garage., In Glencoe near shopping and transp,-This ls a corn- fortabWe homne-Its roonis are ail light and atry.-You would really.enjoy living here. $75 per nionth. Possession Oct. lst. HEIL & HEIL 1322 CHICAGO AVE. DAVIs 1819 ROGers Park 6300 97LTN11-1te WILMETTE 6 Rm.-Nr. Trans. Cholce ........S$ 85 Brlck-3 Bdr., 2 Bth .............. 110 KENILWORTH 4 Bdr. 3 Bth. 2 Car, 011, Moden.. 160 4 Bdr. 2 Bth. Serv. Qtrs. C4hioce.. 150 WINNETKA 4 Bdr. 2%/ Bth. Modern. 011......1145 Colonial 5 Bdr. 3%/ baths. 011....... 135 Witzleben Realty Co. 632 Green Bay Rd. Ienlworth 5540 At li. R. M. Johnston Opposite I'L'!Terminal 1 CO. IN KENILWORTH ALONE, THERE .are 12 houses available for ent- m>anging froni $100 to $250 a mofth- having froni 3 to 6 bedroonis each. For New and Intemestlng North Sbore RentaIs See SEARS REAL ESTATE 421 RJchmlond Road Kenllworth 5288 97LTN11-lte ATTRACTIVE HOME IN EXCE LLENT OWNERS! WE WOULD APPRECIATE listings E A R b Y - applicants are ahead of tirne this year. HARKNESS & LLOYD 584 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA 177 9 9LTN1 1-1te WE HAVE CLIENTS FOR 6'OR, 7 RM houses. WiI pay $100.to $150permo. Phone Mrs. Tucker. ELMER E.' STULTS, INC._ 460 Winnietka Ave. Winnetka 1800 99LTN11i-1te- COLLEGE WOMAN AND DAUGUTER desire to exchange occupancy ýof home during uwner's absence for care of same. No chge. Ex. Per.,& Bus. Ref. Franklin 130DO. 9LTNý1i-tp, 5, OR 6 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW in good Wilmiette ýor, Evanston loca- tion, to lease. for October 1 occupancy by couple With no eb.lîdren. Write A82. Box 60,.Wilmette, ýIII. 9LTN9-4tp WANTED:. UNFURNISHED HOUSE having 5 bedrooins. 3 baths, oil burn-, er. Glencoe referred. 2 or 3 year leae or longer. iite A26, Box 60, Wilmette, Ili. 99TN8&4te I HAVE MANY SELECTED AND ,ighly recommended clients to place this faîl. Phone nie as soon as possible. Nancy Levinson, Winnetka 269. 99LTN11-1lp 1 WANT A GOOD, WELL-LOCATED house under $100 per month for Oct. Ist. Write A-42, Box 60, Wllmette, Ill. 99LTN11-ltp THE WILMETTE REALTY CO. CAN rent your house. Caîl us up. WiI- mette 192. 9ý9LTN11-Itp FOSALL-APT.SUiÛLDE N GIS HURRY BEFORE THIS .TWO flat goes to foreclosure. $1,000 cash. plus monthly payments .will take this two flat at $6,000. For details, cal W. G. RUGGLES & CO.- EXýCLUSIVE AGENT 517 Davis Street, Evanston Uni r R gr. secuUIVU Von LlLe Ný)fl v.,jnor. . u convenient to schools andýtràns- portation and in a beautiflngh borhood. The - ouse is structurally sound and sureiy amenable to re- modeling into a model home. in, the hands.0f a brave soul this home .could be transformed into a gem aàt little cost. We concede lt's no bar- gain at the. asking price but we f eel ,confident that the owner Will take a lot less than $12,000. There are Colonials, brick and New Enigland, ail over the, North Shore, but -this isl possibly the most out- standing and authentic example of a New, England Colonial in any of the villages. Three bedrooms,, two tiied* bàths (with shower), extra lavatory, a study and recreation, room is a concise statement-of the roonis, but.added to that this home offers a grand screened porch, two wood-burnlng fireplaces, coinplete insulation, air conditioning, extra- ordinary closet sjpice, copper-screen- ing, downspouts, and gutters, every effic1erncy acesgory ln theii ktfcn,~ the highest grade of liardware and fixtures iu Colonial design and doz- ens of other details too numerous to mention. The garage la two-car. and the nicely landscaped lot, is 5OxiSO0. This home certainly is cx- ceptional value bordering, on, a sacrifice for........8,5 This home on. alniost a haîf-acre In a beautiful neighbor4iood is a inagnificent place. Five beautifuil bedrôoms, three baths, an extra lavatory, and a two-car garage woula costmny urnes the prIce thls owner is asklng. 'ilôwever, he ls leavlng Chicagoland and he must sell so, he wIlI take......... $35,000 lIlLTN11X-ltc NtW SOLID -BRICK H OMES 1004-1008 Osternian .Ave., Deerfield 5 Ronms , WILMETTE KENILWORTH GARDENS SPECIALS 2136 AND .2140, KENILWORTH: Beautifully appointed 'Z and 8 ro colonials-2 baths; .2"extra, lavs.; game rooms. 2225 THORNWOOD:,' ATTRACTIVE Capeý Cod of 6 room§, 21/ baths; air conditioned. Bargain. $1 3,500. 2035 GREENWOOD: 7 IROOM BRý]ICK. Attached. garage. $14,500 or for rent. $110. 2000 BEECHWOOD AVE.: -6 ROOMS, 1% bathé with glazed- sunporch. Priced to seIl at $12,000. Winnetka 2700 Briargate, 1855 KENILWORTH ENGLISH C O U N T R Y: COTTAGE: Very, modeirn-red, tapestry brick wit4i brown-stained wood trîm; on beautiful landscaped grounds - 8 rooins, .3% 2tlle -baths; 'attached' garage. Near -station and schools. Spécial circumstances make excep- tional buy.-Caill Miss Cronk. Winnetka 2700 Briargate 1855 WINNETKA* NEAR INDIAN HILL CLUB: BEAUTI-. fut home and spaclous grounds-11 roo4»5, 4% baths. .Prieed low for quîck sale. Mrs. Wilder. GLISTENING WHITE FRAME-IN S.E., Winnetka: 7 rooms, beautiful glass-tiled bath;* nice yard; con- venlent to' Greeley and New Trier schools. Owner anxious for offer. Trade for larger. Mr. Pietsch. Winnetka 2700 Briargate 1855' HIGHLAND PARK VERY ENGLISH: MASSIVE STONE firefflace in heavlly beamed studio living room-7. rooms, 21/2 baths. Ravine lot. Owner is anxious. M.Nr Piersen. Winnetka 1802 Highland Pk. 1855 ing rooni. and reception . hall.A charming home now vacant. A real bargain too. Mr. Hart. WVinnetka 1802 Highland Pk. 1855 BARRINGTON JEWEL, PARK: 2 MODERN HOMIES- 6, roorn French style-S« roomi Dutc h Colonial.,Also attraéti've lots. Mrs. Eames, Highland Pk.. 1855. VISIT OR,.PHONE ONE. 0F THESE 3 COIVENIENT LOCAL OFFICES EVANSTON YD- à&HFzý & 522 Davis. St. D) ll~i Greenleaf 1855 L IHollycourt 185f) H I GHr-G RA X.E 'CLIENT WANTS. BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH HOUSE ON well-fumnished modemn house, 4 master large wooded lot 100x350. 7 rooms, 3 rbatha, 2 fireplaces. Living room 28x18. bedroonis, 2 maic's rooms, 3 bat4is, for Stone, terrace, screened summer house school period September to June, Glen- overloca ravine. coe or Wlnnetka. McGURE &ORRmc.Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard McGUIE & O R,.*.nc..EXCLUSIVE AGENT S over 43 Years of .Dependable- Setrvlce 746 Elm Street Wnek 188Par Av.,GlecoePh.Ginc0e 13 Winnetka 3603 University 7444 99LTN11-lte *111 LTN11-t Fred'k B. Thomas & Co. 743 ÉIlM St. Winnetka 28501 IlliLi -ltp EAST KENILWORTH Chamn. Enz. home - juat a block t'r zrade and New Trier High, ,offered at $11.000-4 bed. 1;- b. sleep. pch. K<enil- worth 6288.1 111LTN1ltc ROTH BROTHERS 1569 Sherman Ave., EK'anston Mr. Iliff r-ýreenleaf 6070, Willnette 1882 11LTN11-ltp M O S T BEAUTIFUL WELL-BUILT HOME. 4 BEDROOMS, GARAGE, ETC. WOULD COST MUCH. MORE TO 13UILp. NOW'ONL-Y $28,000. F., Pavllk, Jr., -Co. ýKenilwomth .2016

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