Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1937, p. 35

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f cynicism, lie faces ýs Capitol. On the a'famnous line f rom, Et's Dreamn" is ini- 'at fools these mûnr- Àtý that statue the Administration leaders could ýwell pause for thougbt. The Senate is,,fighting a wholly un-ý ne cessary and foolhardy battie over ti-e-Court bill. t isbeing'fought ini thie.sltry hýleat of a Washington sum- mier. t is being fougbt at, the. risk of lives of weary senators, -toriibe- tWeen personal convictions and, Poli- tical eëxpediencyý. t is being fougbt with itterniessat the ex,ýpense of aý united Demnocratic party. lt's a 'Big "Why?" ButwyWhy lias the Adminis- tration been insisting that this issue, be £ought ta, a showidown at such an' expense when there are, niany other matters ta wbvichi Congress shouldý give' attention ? If there miust bea showdown, as the, President insists, wby cannot it wait unfili Côigres mieets again next January and memn- bers have hiad the opportunity ta dis- cuss -the issule with their' constitu- tents, at home?' Those are unanswçred questions ini the mind of every citizen. No national emiergency exists. A conservative hias resigned from tbe Supreme court bench. To tbat vacancy the President is privileged ta make an appointment. As evidenced bv the recent decisions,. the liberals ai- of duty as the President's spokesmnal ini the senate. The tragie passing of this weary, heartsick man brought a 'state of confusion in Cotngress and a temiporary truce. He ýhad beeni figbting a losing battle. Not nany' hours- beforwe his death Congressman Hatton W. Sumners, c hairman:of the House Commrittee on judiciary, took the floor ta state that his.commiittee would neyer. report the, Court bill. Believing that Sumner's dramatic speech would definitely de- cide the issue for the oppositom - bers of *Congress whohad been no n- committal in *an uncertainty. as to where tbey should stand, joined with 95, who have been,,opposing. the pro-1 posai, for many months. A. genteral movemnent to shelve the bill. déveloped. In spite. of these developments- thé President in sists. that the fight con-. tinue. He insi sts that the bill must pass at this'session. urges Public Expression This is the greatest issue the nation hais faced sincé the Civil war. Tt represents a fight hetween two philosophies of government. The pressure of public opinion mnay deter- ine the resuit, and the next few days wiIl be crucial days for this Re- public. t is the patriotic duty of every -citizen, ta express himself to his respective representatives in the HFouse and Senate. ,Tt B othIlVinilc e 'Oatis Jr., 125 Cres- cent drive, and Evans Jasper, 600 Stonigegate terrace, also of Glencoe sur- vived the sei- Y finals, but .w ere climninated in thbe finals. The -boys ail at- tended New Trier Fred Henschel High scbooi t hi s past year. Hen.s.chei va.s a, member of the swimmning tcaîn, and captured first place swimmùing the breast-stroke in the state interscholastic swîrnming meet held at the New; Triier inatator>ium last winter. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL A wvoman gi ving ber name as Armenl Yenni, 1423 N.' Central'-avenue,. Chi- cag o'. while fishing f rom the pier at Wilmiette barbor Iast Sunday mornling, rail a fishIt6ok ilito htlr leg. The police' were notified and took her to thie Evanlstoil hospital for treatnient. Miss Nel'Mattingly of 1326 Wasb- ington avenue plans ta spend the week-end in Newlander, Wis., on a fisinig trip. FGood appetites-goo, i satisfying Wilso n's Tender Made Han~ Ready- to slice, and serve a t the beach. No.waste. More servings to the pound. Wl LSON"'S "TNUMTIOU CUT ýWIT A FOU" Not Revoutionary That court will not, to be sure, ai-. thoug conposed of a liberal inajority,' sustain anytbing and everytbing the Administration may: want. ht wil not accept the révolutionary theories as set forth by Se cretary Henry A. Wallace ini bis book, ."Whose C7on- stitution?" It will not lift the "gen- eral welfare clause" out of its context and interpret it as a broad grant of power ta Congress completeiy inde- July> 23, 24, and 25, at the Bradley theatre, 808 Willow road, Winnetka.. Lan Cbaniey, the fiend, is in love with an opera singer, Mary Philbin, who spurns bimi. As the, buge six ton crystal chandelier in the opera house crashes during the performance of "Faust," killing bundreds of people, the phantom appears. A thri.iing search for the mnurderer follows. This film is said to be the most terri-: fying picture among screen thrillers, constuents between sessions wm n crease the 'opposition. f rom members of Congress ? Haatened Roblnson's Death In this historie battie over a prin- -'ciple of govertiment the' beloved aorty .Leader of, the Senate, JoehT. Robinson, gave1 his Ilfe. He, died, as the, President 'phrased it, ln 105 N. WebahAve. 0' 78E. ME, EVANSTON BlId.'0 18 So. L&Sait. Sf. scnîbed : "Lorct, tais be.". r;<rýj»

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