Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1937, p. 34

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3man. G flOOKSHO lILIBRARY C,&R JjJ Stationer 'Ors He're! CONVERSATrIONAT, MIDNIGHT by Edna Si. Vincent MilIày let edition Reguor dilon 2 Leather Edition 5 Special Edaition $15.. (Auütographed-Liim.ted) 1724 Orringion Avenue G.e. 0227 Orrington 14ofel Bldg., Evanston AUCT ION Monday, Tuoeday and Wedm«day JuIy 26-27-28 1:-30 P. M. Each Day On the Premises FINE. FURNISHINGS ÂuUrique Carriago-Slei#g', Outboard Motor, Large Spee. Boat, AiIverware,. Eletre Befrlgorator, Gas Rangé, Randreds of Items of AU Kindi. Auto Route from Chicago-12-14-89 te> Couty Trunk 0. Onu]Public Vlew Sunda.y, JlY gith, 10 A.M. t. à P.M. WILLIAMS, BARKER & SEVERN CO. nerve centers nor over-tax the orçiin celis cornes from the çpress of G. P. Putnam in the formn of a new novel by, Alice Grant Rosman unider, the titie "Truth to Tell," Miýss Rosman, the. authoress of nine previoius booksi will.be remembered for her last novel, "Mother of the !Bride." Not the 1Cus tomary'romance, but, .a story of: the Somervilie-Dubenny fam- ily feud which -brought about1 the' sep aration of a six-year-old boy and his sister is the suff and.substance of the plot. Susan Dubenny's separation from berbrother, Malcolm, and the eventuality of a possible reunion be- tween the1 two.supplies the suspense and interest.. Wili the girl brought up in wealth and seclusion ever corne te, know ber brother, educated and cared for by an aunt and uncie of the middle class? Two. .lderly women are prebably the best characterizations in the book. One is Charlotte Somerville, Susan's grandmotber, with whom the girl lives. A. bigbly emotional, demanding per- sonality, she rules her busband *witb ber "scenes" and her imaginary ilI- ness. Susan she absorbs and dom- inates üntil the grandcbild is old enough to reach decisions for ber- self. The world is full of Charlotte '..ontrast brings out the characters of the sisters-in-law excellently. Malcolm Dubenny and his aunt and uncleare splendid people-almost too splendid ta be anytbîng but men and, women in a book. Everyone bas bis flights of magnanimity and noble motives now and then; few of us sus- tain ourselves in such rarefied at- mosphere- for long. The beroine, Susan. is ice. Alwavs a girl hrouzht Elliott & Fry, London Iii "Soniething of Myseif, for My Friends Kiiowki and Unknow.'t" Ru4d-: yard -Kipliing'goes i-upon anauetobio- graphical ex-cursion The book tuas rctIyputblislcd by Doubleday, Tells How to Discover Fitness for Vocationï What sort of a job sbouid 1 try to get? Wouidn't 1 be happier and more successful at some other work? Everyone bas asked himseif tbesc. questions. Often we are fiot certaiýn of the answer, but there is a scien- tific way of finding the right one. Harry Waiker . Hepuer, associate able whole. He telis you bow to-get, rid of doubts and conflicts thiat ac-. as a brake on progress and bow to tap the reservoir of eniergy and coni- fidence. that brings stuccess. Professor Hepner bias iinciudcd la. nuùmber of excellent psychological tests and cbarts, wbereby the r eadler may test his-abstraçct intelligence, so- cial knowledge, barriers, evasive ad- justnents and, fitness for fifty differ- 1. wenty-lour cnapters ot Observvatins by a, naturalist, interwovcn with bis philosophical speculations, each chapter matching a single hour ini the cycle of one day and onie night, are contained iii .4 Book of f-ours., the Iatest puiblication of Donald Culross Peattie, under the Puitnam imiprint. Mr. Peattie has recently won populari- ty with Singing iii the: Wilderness. a biography of-, John James Audubon-r CGrec»t Lautreis, an account of :the lives adachievements of the great iatural- ists, and withi hisAlmiaiac for M'oderns, the book 'which won the Limited. Edi- tion c lub's gold medal ýas an Amnerican classic. Comniencing wvith the death-like houir of thiree ini the morning )when the- siceper verges between the conscious and uncon- scious, Mr. Peattie follows, the clocic around the day until he returuis to the hour of two o'clock ini the mnornifig hen slumiber is deepest, and man's grasp tipoit life 'is tenuous and frail. Jntroýducing each, of .the ~twentyfour chapters are black and wvhite illustrations by Lynd Ward. --JX.Peattie is an antidote for ail who have becomne bored with the mionotony of civilized living. H-e, himself, cast off the yoke of the white collar worker al- mnost immediately and se. off for Georgia and the Carolinas to sit in the sun and watch crawling ants, study the habits of b)ats, listen to, the. matins of birds, and observe sunisets. I-is enthusiasm for life and living overflows, and is ample to share with anyone whose source of sup- ply is running dry. Practically al nmen would rather sit. under a tree and eni oy nature thati sweat i an office. At the sàme time they would rather eat than starve, and a few are clever enough to loaf and earn a living at the same tirne. Mr. Peattie knows how to commnercialize bis biologi- cal research-and hie knows hcî-w to write! His sound philosophy of life il; shtwith mysticism .and wonder,, and his descriptive passages Nwith beainty and surprise. A Book of Hours is delightful and stimluiating relaxation. unaraçir tnat ias Made r.nglanu ne reaa .by everyone wiio craves for a great. Although England bas to realiy superfine criticisrn of Soviet Rus- stoop ta a lot o f double dealing and sia. We have had fairly blunt ones rigbt cbicanery, tbe world being wbat it and left, but tbey .bave left room for is, ber soundness at the core makes Gide's complete originality, sensitiveness, ber invincible. I have neyer seen it apd. masterly literary, workmanship." sQ impressively displayed as in this GCide's 'book,-was recently pulblished in hfeof Lord Grey?, this country by Alfred A. K(nopf. j. 1700 Central Street I IvosI..Devis 2004

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