clijiniation series wvere sailed at \ViI- * mectte Harbor Saturday and Sunaay, july 17 and '18. The winner of first place ini this series is to represent' the Shieri- dan Shiore Yachit club (\XViliiette fleet) ini the International Star class Yacht Racing mneet which will be hield at \Vest- cru Long [slanid.Sound 'Septelinher '14-20. Lockwôodf Pirie's Twin 'Star finishiec an easy first ini ail five races. - Gemnîni second Geuinii, the new Pirie boat, fiiiisied, second ii t'le series by taking,5th, 2nd, 4tlu, 7tli and 4th places' in the five races. Doipin ( Emnerson RayniondT) finishied third taking 4tlu 7th, 211d, 6th and 9th *places. Il muinial(l Doiphin will represent the wilinette fleet ini Great I1,akes Star Class cfialij).oi.sliii) races to he lheld at \Vil- miette Harbor August 15-21.' Race 4--Saturday, July 17 Strong, northwesî breeze., Triantgtular course.. l .miles. 130-2 hI r. 0.4 min. 48 Sc 1082 hrbi. 0 i.5 Ili- hS. 10 min. 19 sec-. Il26 l2 Is. 1 --, m i. 38s ec.. 67 1-) h rs. 1;',min.-25 s 12 2li rs. .14 inin. '48 -Se c. 15012 hs. 15 mini. 0 s ec(. 11-rS, 16 m pin. 21 sec. t8 1 -2 Iirs. 17 min. 3su(,. 500--l litS. 2()min. 18Sec 10- l'rs. 20 min. s8 ec. 845 - lhrs. 2)0 min. 39 Sec. C, 62 lhrs. 21t mini. 1 S sec. I 1f -Sr. 21nin.1 tC 1'211 lis. 23min. 26 ec 1220-2 hris. -24 min. () Gseu. >-)4-2)hrs. 24 min. -"S seuC. 11 (;:-1, ius. 2 7 min. (0) >ec-. 5th Race-Suniday, JuIy 18 Sti ong -SOutheast breeze. \V'indçwar4' hrs. 15;- min. 12 sec. . 38 hrs. 15 mji. 47 'sec....' 5 3. b rs. 16"min. 32 sec.. ....26' hrs. 17 min~f. 34 sec.....20 hirs. 17 mnin. 37' sec. .... 14 hirs. ' 1 min1. 64 see.......9 h rs. 19 min. 34 tsec.....18 hrs,. 23 in1. 22 sec.. . ... Bain of 466 Ptoplar street, Win w-ho hlas hèr sumie.r home in Igan. 4J 2'- 1012 42-,-2 fiin. min. :19 min. 51 in, lU 1 i .i,37 ùmin. -45 .sec.. sec....... sec. sec....... sec....... sCc....... sec. HAVE INFANT SON Lecaving the 1EIvanston hospital inia fc\ý days, Mrs. Charles Reinnolds Ostromn (Frances Copth'orne ), with ber s on, will go to the hoifie of lier ford. EdWard Fisclier is PX return liome about the .first1 from lMuskegon, Midi., wI attending a-'summer camp.. aS has- finer tlavor.. .better keopîng quality than ordinary butter O.Why take chances on butter? Cloveré. bloom 18 fiuer butter... The U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture certifies its quality. You'll flnd LJncle Sam's Certificate m* every r Riock<- 'ected to f August ýre lie is. ýa, ----------- Dlam nds-ý Watchez and SILVERWARE îaAy-- 1 -si ) oi -/,, (. 1?1 1)11. JOS. Fý KUSS ----------- CLUI &nu iw 'w - it s (lif