retireci tromn that concern in 1923, is credited. with being the original promotor of a township manager plan for New Trier township. in an,.article which appeared in the "Lake Shore News" (now W114- mz=. ~LiPE) some twenty years ago, and wliich.' bas just býee'n called to the attent ion of the!editor, Mr. Snider proposed to create the office of town-1 ship manager, and combine that, office with the offices of supervisor and highway commissioner, contending that, thereby a better administration of township affairs. could be had. Experiç'nce Bringt Idea Mr.. Snider had, at the sacrifice.,of, time and money, accepted'the 'office of supervisor, and 'it was at the -end of lis termi that lie startedagitation for 'the township manager plan, on the grouind that the duties of supe r- ~visor weve to o ,great for' anyone to undertake for the small compensa- tion. aliowed by law. It is interest- ing, to note that at that time the Mr. Snider's plan provided for a governing bodiy, or board, to which the township manager would make regular accountings. By the em- ployment of a capable business niai- ager at a salary sufficient to attract first rate; talent, and the élimination of the offices'of* supervisoôr and higl- way commissioner, lie argued, econ- omhy of administration and efficiency in township goveérnment would,'be achieved.. Hie concluded with. these words: "I want to go. on record as the original promotor of the 1 township manager plan,ý and I' hope to see New Trier citizens adopt it."1 RETURN FROM WISCONSIN Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Rodenkirk of 1121 La ke avenue and their daughters, Lucilie -and Anigeline, came home fromn Bonduel, Wis.,.Sunday. Miss Lucilie spent a week-in Bo4uel with lier uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Oscar Peterson, and Mr. and Mrs. Roden- kirk and Angeine spent the week-end with them. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Fiag# 1937 Spring Lamob SaIe-Friday and S.turday L.g o' Lamb 2aTtc Lamb Loin Chopa Genuine 1937 Spring . . . . . 49c lb. Usa orRump VeauRoast Fancy Milk ed . . . . 27<lbý Boneless Rolled Shoulder Veaul oast Fancy MiIk led 27c lb. Summer or Salami SaUSage Creamof Meat, 0 . 6 29dlb. Hazel Skinless Wieners.e a e & * * .31.c lb. Cream.d Pototo Soilad .* ,* 9*. ... I9c IL Minced Horn creainofmeats. *e . e29c b. Na I Suces Afflor' Star AIfr29 119WmTteiAseue IN KEILWOTH 619 ~ 40 Green Bay Road 89RdeRa Fort tJearborn Salted 2-lb. Sodas or Grahaas pkg. Ys 14-oz.UC Togato Jute .ns25:a ECORNED BEEFTDOW.S 12oz.15 SALAD:PRESSIN OI tS UEO PIIYSASercnoe2-l.aS S~~~~ PAETl.eica omePreparcd 2 18-oz. Caa 15 MIRACLE W I P SALAI DRESSI NO t. a 250 SlOW QIIEE LAYER CAKE whoîecale250 I SPECIAL CANN4ING NEEDS SALE FRUIT JAR Sdoz. qtsTU7rPta: 5 Jar pkg. SelParowux. JarCaps pkg.of122e Certo X= or SIWI MasonI 1-1b. cake 10c 8-oz. bottie 21c .1 *-1b. pkg. 39c pkg, iJ. Cockàs*T7 -L .1 PUA BST-ETT flOIDTRU[ CHEESEFOOD 6-z. C POM MTESZ'n35e Plan or 610.1 Cpc Phiunto pkg. Celery 2 swà 13c IVE SOAP.. I cak.5 1