$ 2 ?$7 ig timpoq FRngerwievle -Maieurb IT~ for.85e Linden. Cr es t: jBeaut y S-,h o p 426 Linrden Ave., Wilmetfe iý Phono Wilmette 4454 à,- ý' owder of servie at il a Sthe following:, * non. vWe invite, you to stuuy witîils.. Tits m-i1l be the last session of the class 'doek iIl before the pastors vacation. Lento expressivo . . eeb iv the inWAI Uof AaW tGu- tprc- Solo----;I Heard the V(&oi f .~tenot:fAgut us rah * ess a" ath e rs will supply the pulpit, as&aninounced(,Il WmsSa, ..E. RRuseh Iiast week. Services will continue through. Dr. he summer. Offertory-ýAndante grazioso Smart j Thé, Sermon- .ýl 0I The pastor 1i1s away this week. visiting "Thée'Good' Christ" Markir 10:1r8esof 1Wis 1co nsin Synod iii1 Postlude-"Grand Choeur". Claussmaînt~lrrsso h Cnena oîc This afternoon -the Martha 'Guild, anl Eg.sýt u~ ea organization for girl.s-employ*ed in 'north hI L L shore homnes, meets at the chureh. Since there are no Sunday evening servIces iii Seventh street at Greenleaf summer, the meeting wiIl bein with a "A HOUSE 0F WORSHIP" vesper service at 3 :30. Business ses.o The Red David R. Kabele,. pastor, at .4:30; social hour at 5; supper at, 6. SUDT ERIS Tiie Junior- Walther: league rs will i Early service..........8 11,11. have a..beach party, en Fridwy from 2), Chureh sehool............... 9 a.m. to 6 P4 m., on the Wii1mette beach. The Second servi-ce......... .;......il a.m. l.eaguers are asked .to mneet on th The music for'the services next Sun- waterworks esplanade at 2 o'clock. i day . morning_ is as follows: Organ Prelude--"Evening Soang". I{oly Communion will be eeerated 'n..................Biso the il o'clock service on August 1. An-j Quartette-"IMy Défense is of God" .. ntnrnements will be' received-at the ... ... ................Sehuler close of next Sundai's serv-ýice. Solo-"Lovýe N&t the World" .. Sullivan I Mrs. J. H. Hopp Poti--Fiale, Opus 40 G *ulmant "Cive unto the Lord thue glory due Victoria MeLoed-Mlnistr.v of Music unto His namie; %vorshilî> thie Lord in the ea-ty f hoines."Psal 29:1. The Chur.ch school. convenes each Sun- day morning during the summiner months Baptist Church at9ocok Th Dr Gorg D Alî'on, îniter ranged by Williamn Lindberg, the super- Dr. eore D.Allionintendent, are proving to be very inter- esting. We invite You to our Church Ila. n. -%. orning worship. The lschooi. Uniôn service to which ail mnembers of the threýe participating congregations Next Sunday morning, the ninth Sun- are cordially invited. . day after Tr-inity,,the pastor -will preach The churches united in the Cominunity i>n the Epistie for the day 1 Corinthians servic-e are the Congregational, Baptist 10: 6-13. We invite .you to worship with of W-ilmnette> and the Union chburc(h of ts Our early service is for the. con- Ilevein Lve. I~AIIIQÙartet rehearsal-Th.ursday evening DrveinLoeit 7:30 -o'clock; r. Allison occupies his )wll pulit the first Sunday- in August and VilÏI conduct the Commrunit.v service in the 'The quartet will furnish the special m~usic at the Inspirational service the First Congregational church the re- Sw"n undayý, in \ugil.,t. . eveninig of July 28, at Long Lake Bible Newcm'.ys ie pecall inite ('onference Grounds School for Mis- srein aIl these [-Iion Servi'es. ~ oayPsos The School for -Missiopary Pastors at u w . 'Long Lake, JulIY 25 to 31, will open July First rresbyterian 12,7)with an Inspirational rally to which Sinth street at Greenleaf avenue ail miembers of the church are învited. Jamnes T. Veneklaseîn, iinister The services will be at 4 .o'clock ln the afternoon., See the pastor for further *wlil ibe lhatl,'rho en rou-begijiswlth the organ pîtlude <lac 10:45 oelook and the introit i, suig Just bt-fore Il. Memnbers9 of the "iita'hnand out-of-town gLie*st are iniî'tt'd (o sliiire ln the et'it e V0'h ip ' t'iVi&'t0. "he sp't'ia I intisio'for. iiex t Sunday ,niîîîît.i i i bo' as .foIoïws.q -Adagio-I(111, iîpîoiiie> icn "l'uîai Fl'ei~' * ~letcher la rie liriel ,,The Lord Is ii u 4Io Te1 le Anithemi by the Quaitet- "aiethe Lord, (0 M.v S<ui West Offertory Solo- 1.1 "The Lord, Is MY Light" . l larker Ruth Crai Organ Postlude- "Grand Chorus"....... ....... DÜuois *There is a nursery where parents may leauve smiall chlren'du ring the .worshil> service. Thé ushers will be _happy to direct you. On Mon4ay eveninà7, July 26, there *1111 be a 'Special Nvorship ser'vice in this church. This service marks the opening of.t.he flth session of the Suim.er In- stitute, un.der the. dir'ection of tho Chuireh-and..Choral 'Music dtepartment of Northwestern university. The meii- bers of this ehurch will take great îleasure ini welcoming ail those wvhose interest in church music wvili bring them to this srie The Aeolian A Cappella cholr, under the directioli of *Oliver S. Belz, will sing, .and Miss, Marie 3il our own. organilst, Nvill i b atthu console. The minister !ti cburuh -will preacb.h th(, sermon. Ad- taiid aiionceentof the Servi.e ;ap- pears elsem-herte in Wilmette' Life. Thie .progrýaniat the' I esPlaiîîes <'anip: (irounds is -well unclei wav. The speakers form the rýemainder o! this week art' as foll1o Nvs Tonighit (Thursday)-8 :00lù M lshop fl-i lph. Cushinian preaches. Frid y-ornng-issRubv Mattieck, Mrs. Vilbur AIe, Pr-ofessorisateS. Cor-n ; Afteriiooni-:Mrs...D1. Hickini and MBshop Cushimin;Eeiig- BOULEVARD -DRUG S' 1101 Central Avenue n >RE B 1 G CO ilip /(.:) le ,1ý 11, ! ý -ý t Q,,ý P, ý SI ATION N' ( 1 AN P j'fi ý