"v ulZIJ10 r Driiliant Ravinia eleges they may enjoy while they are inlsSTnon rhsr P e r f o r m a n c e ~s Ite O o fl o t t h e o sv mrc e n t),an d (lm e ou o twn. Adults mnay borrow loAper n Reries at.etr I ,children, sixto bekept for the dura- te Bowl Plaving to capacity crowds, the first Agata Lewstgfeedacatioon.r concert of the 1937 season operied a The library reserves the right tô ata >orano o f ChicaQo bas been Ravinia Park last Thursday eveningcliiîbkstaarindadA w'it a b illant erfo man e of oper - Ishe f of suggested vacation r eaing- chosen to app ar as so oi st wt h tic selections,,ably cond ucted by Gen- Jb s b e10rn e o h c n li os Sy i h n r h st on the:th- na o ap. Lu c.rezia B o ni, greeted enen e of .th s w s ino n - c1 sn o f tymh d d ton o ftr the oc; by a -risinz ovation, -sang her lovjest, tenial e ofth smerwihetheodrnit-bemette"on h ect o-nethenesa while Leon Rothier won tremendous tra o h.smewehr î-ev ette. e Wl applause with his excellent redto ih ito rraig. along more sa of wll ove faorits of wel love. fav tes, serious ulines. Ask the librarian -to Because of a cold which proved to ep yu be t st o k o iv s cal "t ~ tenion s aso ire ted o t e t at the edeal usi pro ecas se te youThis program is the first of a eies. e oCicnaiat the 'ast minuteé ~display of books on niusic, especially 8O)-Piece >orchestra willgveoWde- to repac Mai hnle h no! sym ho e, relative to the musical, dav evenings throughou the sum mer rehearsing Mr.Tokotoyan delighted ogÈ, seihtar eighed n a p perfo manc fort sho e du ing t e su merW ilm tte'sbeautifu l ea u a tW a d e awth e rla eal m rkabstnrt nsahav n a a k o as iginav n e Te rre dillbe c toe durin te sm trasepan am ph theaon: theh ait ~~~~~~~~W l é t Th t th'et foots fà.. av Sofho y rc e trWaashinke fr ta dthe banks fo f the b n beeî sad ab ut is p rfo manc s. Peni g o the sum er s rie of reeG iv e P o ic e ~ h s e R beroE.ofer W a3shickgotav nue Ghlet e v r th n ie w e -Te n , sii hw r R a a t a R naann u c d y se da htn , l n 1 , a 8 1 'lo ete poay.Wil c d earta in r ceied m ise Wlf er C Fas ar, ne raa a e \Vilmette rea hed itstquot'in the AlbereGoldljergcptI Chid uil.er a Comp l t h t s m o e a ft e W lm te Ton w s a s o cia- sal of s asnVbi yshell n d int i o f u n nrekSe srd ivi g oean tio i n tki ngt an un een te said- Ernes, Nfa Mill n, à ew c nduct r cag col ratur s__ automobileen eton aRidoaednnoado énear. wLakth althe two huled *boo s whiC h aee avens Y ue. A n sua c r n C au r edb ic D m alloted o Wimett. i ew ramuie rojH'igk Sico entSmosi ersod,131'Te oiance'Misof Lewis for.i Althugh he sle o boos eîof thm er lsumnseis oftrcg Washingenue haste openin og a nstrmealsin the w1 r of the t. Jlettetickets for ittee for I ileiiettes lI e frnt L.'e. *. . -. ..1 -II.a aveniue. ickçets Whîich' ure session, Condce in co max behadat LvYmanReekr peaion with Nonthwestr 11oVever. are for reserved seats onv esti trcigteuni- and. areît, yeventvtfve centsha attention of '11 ar svenv-fve cetseach. In alarge nurnber of teachers who are addition there is a seventv-fix;e cent stud-ving this year in Evanston. admission chare-e at the park. . The summer classes at 1the high Ansermet To Conduct school iiself, operated bv the board. As has been Previously -innounced. of education, on a fee basis, under j there will be five more weeks of cou- the supervision of Frederick C. ..certs ivith four concerts *each week Windoes, head of the science de- durink- the season. Binn Frn- partaient at the .school,- are. similar day niL-ht of this week, Ernest .Anser- .ini maniv s tn thri... -11 It is hoped that, ail who did flot "'e'y-v ", ningperama careben r'urchase season books will flot miss held for the benefit of the students tie otooortunitv offered to hear sev- and so populan are tliey that admis- e'ral of the p)roprams to be offerecl sion is by ticket only. In addition, duritîg the next five weeks. . Edgar B. Jackson, swimming coach ai --------the school, is conductîng a series of VACATION' s winming classes for township resi- Jim Clements, 381'..Sterling .road. dents, using. the new natatorium, Kenilworth, left last week to speid, whjch was comltdayeraowit the summer at Port Huron,1 Mich. the aid*,of federal',fuhds. p -uuraing tLUthe , Iâg( lGestival contest and bas police, and "stepped on the -gas," g o- appeared with the Chicago Symphony ing faster and faster as the officers orchestra and the Civie orchestra of ftried to ovetake him. Reaching Chicago as well as at Ravinia and with X V'innetka he turned w est into H ill t e y p o ie h o g o t te id road and eluded his pursuers. dle west. Later the police found Symons at E'rerythanig, luReady the Indian Hil1 Riding stables, where Everything is ready for the -openina he had crawled into the bush.es and of~ the new bowl. Plans for the open- slept the rest of the night. The car ing ceremonies have been worked out had been stolen f romn Fred Buckholtz .by the Wilmette Post of the Ainieican of Winnetka, and was recovrd the L-egion, headed bv Commander T.... These are ail in the Ilfarry C. Kinne, village president, t ~wil1 presiàe at a' brief ceremon yof, dedication as.sisted by the local post, R.@4The fo Pref f teLegion. Feor 'two hours preced- ose TIa.m for Reuta ig the conçert- a fieworks display will1 cail the atention of the -cititens _________________________of the north shore area to- the de4ica. tion Of, Wilmètte's beau u e w