Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1937, p. 3

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l'OR VILLAGE IS MADE BY BOARD Ordinance Is Adopted at Ses- sion' Tuesday; 'Grand Total Reaches 4365,690 The Village boar d at its regular mneeting Tuesday night passed the an- nual. appropriation ordinance, num- .bered, 1811; for the fiscal year- begin-. ning April 21,. 1937, and ending Apnil 20, 1938. The grand. total of. appro- priations a~mounts. to $365,639.07. 0f this lamounit $296,948.OS is for the gener al expe nses of the Village, the balance of $78,.690.99 being for special funds. Expla.i "Gcneral Eixpenseffý» * l was explainecj that under the heading of general expenses comes. the entire cost of operating the V'7il1-. * lage, including police and fine, ad- ministration, salaries of officiais and emnplovecs, operating the water plant, and .ôther items. These are divided as follows: Xater fund, $76,320.17. Streets and alleys, $13,319.55. Sidewalks, $1,500. Street and alley cleaning, $7,350. Snow reioval and ice control, $1,- Tree fund, $800. *Sewers' and drains, $1,000. Catchbasins, $ý900. Stornm sewer pumping station, $5,- 344. Municipal .garage, $12,U50, reduced by amounts charged to othen ac-1 *couints to $3i253.50. Village_ hall, $4,8051. General corporate fund, $286,-. 948.08. 1 Special Funds Under the heading of Special funds appean garbage collection, public benefits, principal. and interest on 'bonded debt, police and firemien's HOME FROM TRIP M%/iss Joan Ross of 727 Cumrning, avenue, Kenilworth, and Miss Pris- cilla Colvin, 116 Robsart road, Ken- ilworth , came home ThÛrsday of last .week fr'or a trip to Alton, 111. They spent a, week visiing relatives- and, friénds. Mathew Francis Photo Fra)ik Hlavacek,'I known iWii- inette florîst, is general chairinan for the Chamnber of Comimerce in mnaking arrangemients for annuial W1,ilniette Days, July 21 and 22:ý, aiý the Village Green. Survey Indicates A ccidentRecord 'in Six - Mont h Period In an exhaustive analysis of the accident record covering the six month period. ending june 30, Mi which the village has been divided at Central. avenue and the number of, accidents north and south of that street, compared, it is shown that while more accidents occurred in the north division, the difference is -nfot ,great. a baby carriage-even lor one that would require a littie fixirig ta, make it usable. Mariai Krenier, chairman. Note: Econorny Shop is an enter- prise of th-e Wonian's club of Wtt- mette., Arrange Gala Festivity for Annual Wilmette Day Club Will Plant Iris Along. Street David F. Hall, 809 Central avenue, r epresenting the Wilmette Eveningý Garden club, appearéd before the Village board .Tuesday, night with, an unusual- request. His organization, in- stead of seeking a f avor-from the Village,ý degires to make the com-. munity-a gif t.ý Mr. Hall states that the club,, possessed of the meanls, knowledge and good intention, wish- ed. permission of the board to plant with iris the space between the east curb line of Green Bay%,road.and the Chicago and North Western railway fence, thnough the central business section. Mn. Hall stated that the club was prepared to plant at this time a distance of 1,500 te , 1,00 feet, and asked that the Village cooperate to the extent of remioving the sod and turning oven the ground. This prac- tical step towand a more beautiful výillage was appreciated by the board, as evidenced by the alacrity with which it accepted the club's fine offer.. Wednesday of last week Madelin Wild, 6 years old, playing in the yard at 630 Greenleaf avenue, was attac1ked by a stray dog which bit her on the face. The dog was later captured and taken to a hospital for observa- tion., On July 2 it was definitely de- termined that the dog was a victim of rabies. The child, was immediately put unden medical treatment. The owner of the dog has not been found. Chief of Police Cloyd C. McGuire Mili tary academy at Waynesboro, Va. TOWNSEND MEETING The regular weekly meeting. of Wilme tte Townsend club will be held in* the Village hall ýon Friday eve- in lg, j uly. 9,. at 8 o'cloc k. Frank Hlavàcek Heads Large Committee 'of Chamber 'of Commerce Plans for the celebration of- Wil.- mette Day on Wednesday and Thurs- day, Jly) 21 and .22, are rapidly round- ing' into shapé under the direction of Frank,,Hlavacek, general chair- man. Interest: in the annual event is' running high, and, practically, every business conicern in the, villageè will be an active participant. While the ýprograM is flot 'comn pleted, a preliminary parade has been arranged for Monday evening, july 19, in which merchants will compete for valuaàble prdzes i beaùty of foats and decorations, Phulip J. Hoffmann is the chairman of this feature, which is expected to surpass even that of Iast year, when so many of thue entries aroused enthusiastic comment for origiuxality and beauty. Plan Maay Attraction& The Chamber of Commerce, spon- sor of thi s gala event, is cooperating wvith the ariou.s committees in secur- Following is the list of committees as seleÈted by General Chairman Hlavacek: Concessions - Wilmette Optimist club. Food and Refreshments-Hal Ham- mond and A. C. Pearson, Jr. Parade Judges-Wilmette Village T rust ees. Parade-Philip J. Hoffmann. Gamies and Sports-R. C. Klehm. Workers-Al. Jfnsen. THIV~STAlCS JEWELRY-. Wednesday night" of last week burglars e ntered the home of James Rust, '2016 Chestnut avenue, and escaped with jewelry, to the value of $80.

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