WLLMETTE, ILLINOIS' transmitted in response to cail of the Auditor of Public Accounts,ý pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business on the 3O.th.day of June, 1937. RESOURCES Cash and due from banks $1,421171 Outside checks and other cash items.......... .,.5 United States Government obligations-,, direct, and/or fully guaranteed.......... 190469781.89 Other bonds, stocks and securities......781,271.76 Loans and discounts ............5369019.78 Overdrafts .......... .............432.48 Banking house $150,000.00 Furniture and fixtures. $1.00.................. .........150,0Y01.00 Other real estate .,.., ..............249261.46 Other resourcesý..,.... ...............9168 GC-rand Total Resources.............. $39974,5Z8.92 LIABILITIES Capital Stock .............. é...... ...... 100,00.00 Income debentures'and/or cap ital notes. .. 69,625-00 .Surplus.........................5000 Undivided profits, (Net)...........3,444.31 Reserve accounts.................. .... 105,780.72 Demand deposits........................ 2,052,641.78 Time deposits .......................... 1 ,,011. 16 Total of deposits: Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments .$ 4,615.59 Not -secured by pledge of loans and/or investme nts 3,614,037.35 Total deposits......$3618,e652.941 Dividends unpaid ...................... Other liabilities ........................ 1,000.00 21t0«5.95 scratches. Mr. Dubbs was unhurt. S.A. Williams, 1352 Chestnut ave- nue, left hast we on an extended business trip to California.ý He ex- pects to .be awýay for about six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hunt, 142Ab ingdon road,- Kenilworth, lef t last week to motor to their summer home at Muskoka Lake, Ontario, Canada. They -wilI be away* ntileayfa. Mr.. and Mrs. F. S. Yantis of 1130 Locust. road' had as their houseguest s over the holidays Mrs. Yatis'pr ents,' Mr. and Mrs. Henry-.Strain of St. Louis. - Mr. anid, Mrs. John Taylor, .1055 Linden avenue, and their daughter, Margaret, motored. to South Haven Iast week-end to visit Mrs. Taylor's mother, Mrs. C. Lancaster. 0o Martha Merrifield, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Fredenich W. Merrifiehd, 1014 Elmwood avenue, has gone to Camp Greenwood, Ellison Bay, Wjs., for two mon ths.. The biih was then ready for third reading, the next to the last sta ,ge before going to Governor Horner The final act was to have the senate I concur' in the amendments the house had adopted. The measure was called just before the nioon recess of the bouse,, jyne 130, the Iast .day and a few hours before final adjournment. Vbte Ainid Fireworksr A hectic roll cail,. interrupted by the explosion of rirecrackers and, other disturbances and then repeated in càlling -the absentees, was able to squeeze out only 71 votes for the meastire. six. short. of 'the required nu mber for passage. An -"ordinary". bill would have beeni declared lost at this moment but Reresentativ AaoSki-qikl- oed fr ivst ponemeof -consideind r te bouse recessed with a whoop. -When Senate Bill No. 487 was called again, over protests of members who declared the action contrary to rules,- it passed ,y qvote of92-to,58. A few hours later, the genate, by a vote of 33 to 9, concurred in the amendments and the bill was on its way to the governor's desk just before the as- sembW adjourned sine die. Betty Lou Hall, daughter of Mrs. Marjorie Hall of 807 Central avenue, is now convalescing at her home .after an appendectomy. Miss Barbara jean Johnson of In- Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Danforth dianapolis was the guest of Miss of San Francisco were the guests Annamarie Booz, 919 Forest avenue, last week of Mrs. David H. Carter, ast week-end. 1227 Greenwood avenue. Grand. Total, Liabilities ............$3e974,528.92 Men Li >014", iLoans.and 1Investmenits Pledged to Secure inrectors State of Illiniois County of Cook 1s Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of July, 1937. VERA PRIEBE, Notary Public. (SEAL)My commission expires Feb. 9, 1941 REEb IT AMV I4AVE A G00t> ~L4~ fr e.