CORPORATION 603 Chicago Ave. Evanstonl ire. 2700 Wil. 608 Rog. Pk. 6636 Secludec Y et, Cônlvenient ,is this charmlng white frame, shut-, téred residence of:five roorns, sleep-ý ing ýporch and bath in lovely east section, of Highland Park. Spaâce for 2 more bedrc;onis and bath on second floor. Hot water heati nclosed garage %vith side drive. Nicely lafdscaped -and _mooded lot with 88-foot.front- age On two streets. A safe invest- ment at'.$11,000. SHIOWN BY APPOINT«MENT ONLY, CORPORATION eni 7L7 M1%. Da il y lIILTN9ý-ltp Engli.-h Br)iick Home AIvou could ask for .plus many extras. A step-down living roorn, 5 bedrooms.z 3 baths. In the eýast-, 4ern1 part of Winnetka. ALL FOR S18,500 UINC.t T vnto 1-71 Sherman Ave.. Tlogý. Pk. 2616,_ Uni. 260" WIL. 2602 I11LTN9,) Ncar Lte- 1onAe 1 rmi. modecn home - 4 bedroomýs, 2 baths. sleeping porch, solarium, large landscaped giound.s 100xl60, 2-car- garage,. hot wate.r heat, e HEIL &HETII< 1322 Chicago Ave. Davis 1819-1820 Rogers Park 63(00 111LTN9-1 tc ENG(LISH HOUSE WITH B R O W ý1N thatched rof and brown timber on bheautifully wnoded lot 100x350. 7 large 1,0011s, 3 baths, fireplace in mse' bedroom], living room 28x18; stone ter- race, sereen sumrmer bouse overlooks ravine, 171 Road, Glencoe. Ali-. pointrnents miade through -Mrs, Fùiier & XVm. Pickard EXCLUSIVE AGENTS *EAST WINNE-TKA- Eng11lisli brick and cenent homle, wcvll coflstructed. 5 bedrmis., 3 baths (2 tile), spacious step-down living rn., stin rn., br-kfst. nook, H. W. nil ht., att. gari. Neargrade and high schools.. priced to selI at s18,W0. Cail -MW, Dur-hain. TUE PBJLL-S-REAI4T1y. hic. 529 Davis St. E-antri (Ire. 1166 %VIl.37c40 A LITTLE WH-ITE BRICK INN -INTA NA BLOCK 0F fine horneç. Just lhslted. 63 rrns.. iI,;t, hathsý. Olh for ht. and hot water. Perf. (-nfi. Close to H. Wds..sta. M.%any fine feaitures. If interested in. a sniall bouse at a very moderate price, don't fail to ,~this. ç522 Center q.t. Wini.etk-a S9' 1211 -EI2WOOD AVE.. M~. WIL.WNER SAVIS EL A T orire. XIIcnie any reais. offer for uiie sal ofthixwel-built lhc,ne. 3 1e. drnis, slp. pch., .eNcel.bath.. boveLy yard, A111n. lit.Ke at our fi. FUJ4LErR .& PJCKARD k EcluiveAgeints 407 Lindeun Avet. Wilmeétte 4:17 NEW BERICK $9f00 C, R-M. NLHCLOILBRICKý c(<ttage'. P-',haths ; air-cond. To be i l i ,()f3 ft. lot for $.0. $.0 dnwn. '»e plans. in thi'!ofic NOR TH SUORE RF.ALTY LEWIS T. DODDS New Nor-thfield Village Hall .Wineka1111 Greenleaf 2738S REAL OPPORTI7NITY 01encoe owner mnoving. to California andI offers bhis modemn clapboamd Colonial inpeft condition on 100x200 fi., woojded lot for but 3000.4 nmaster b b., 2h. maids rms. Very larz,, snreen pcb., 3 wondburninz i~lcs SEA-,RS REAL E.-TA2ýTE- S. E. WIN.NETKA Six rrni. bungalow in excellent condition. 2 screen porci,. 1 car gar., H. _W. heat. 3 blks. from trans. and stores. Most desirable neighiborhdod. Ail for $8,000.. Mr. Enchelmnayer. Phioné Glencoe 323- evenins. 11LTN9-ltc WINNETKA Outstaniding value. Six roorn house, Modern tie bath. Desirable location. M7 - M.Sibley. E.» SAWYER SMITH 725 Eli St.. Winnetka Phone 3500 906 CHERRY STREET 7m.. Eng. 4 bedùms.,, 2 bas., gar., open pcb., HV ht., oUl burner.. Lot ;SxlS7. Poss. Sept. 1 if sold b>y July 30., -Sho-wr oniy by appt. Sat. or Sun. Calil at 89OkS. or phione Winn. 6É9.. 111LTN9-ltc N E AR LARE. .ATTRtACTrIVE BRICK., r rms, 11, baths, 2 car garag 1e. $1.i0- rentai $80. Mrs. Lang, Win- netka '.119 4. '111LTN3-ltp BAR ;_AIN_ AT $12,500. NEWLAY DEC- orated 5 bedrooim bouse, gas iieat. Ex cellent location in east n'ilmette.. Cali 'wRer.WiietV 460. il 1LTN9-ltp FOR SALE-VACANT -ARE YOU SEE KING An Insured Honiesite? SEE FOR YOURSELF Indian Hill Estates-East One of the most carefuiiy planned and beautifully land- scaped communities on the North Shore, where the restric- tions insure and make for high- er values. Ynu are now offerèd a wide selection of lots, with frotitages of (60 ft., 65 ft., and 75 ft., priped as low as $55 per front ncated in il mette on L.ake Avenue, between 23rd Street andI Illinois RoatI. Entrances on Clierokee, Pawnee and Pon- tiac Ro'ads. * C >'U FOR BROCHURE S HOPTON RE ALTY CORP. 16,03 Clilcazo Avenue, Evanstonl ( 27600 *Wi. 608 . Rog. Pk. 6636 114LTN9-Ite PARCELS OF LAND CITOICE RAVINE LOT 75 FT. FRONT-135 FT. WIDE IN rear. Very deep with pienty of table land. Beautlfully 'wooded.' In sec- * tion of new homhes near Braeside School. OWner very, anxlous fer offer. Cali Mr. Piersen, 5 S. St. Johns, Highland Park 11855, Win- netka. 1802. 114LTN9-ltc BUILD A HOMIE ON.THE'LAKE' HIGH- ON THE BLUFF, WITH MILES, of broad expi'ansé over blue waters, Io the ideai hornesite for the famnliy deslr- in g riparian .Property at a. 10w price. 65x342 in south Highland Park. Prie. SMART & GOLEE, Inc., 1EXCLUSIVE AGEWTS 1564 Sherrnan Ave., Evanston Wi. 2486 114LTN*9-ltc .1-.----- ONE ACRE-WINN3T1KA~ 200'x233'. LOCATED IN ESTAB- lished estate neig4hboI'hood second to none. Convenient to schoolsanad trans- portation. No specil assessments. Re- stricted. You can't make a mistake by buylng this at the Iow. price of $8,000..ý McGUIRE, & ORR, Inc. Over 43 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis St., Evans., Gre. 1080, Wil. 228 328 Park Ave., Glencoe Glencoe 13' 114LTN9-ltc CLAUDE W. MO RRIS Buildersý Developer Since 1915 1617 Greenwood, Wilmette Wil. 1490 114LTN9-4tp NEVER BEFORE LISTED! Unusual opportunity makes,-it possible 1,to purchase in choice Sunset Ridgeý 1-, acres haif of which is wooded at but $5.500.for the price-restricted. SEARS REAL ESTATE 421 Richniond Road Kenilworth 5288 Can Youfild an. artistic 7 rrn. 1½ and h artad bath. moder-n home near transp. hle.frs rpti for only $9,800? Onîy a ýniallr1BreiU cash payment needed. See it soon BRICK 13 for It miust be sold. . 9 rooms, 2 bal Hokanson *& Jenks. mlc. ap artment.Pi 513 Davils St Greenleaf 1617 521 Fourth, St. JfltJ )ý -A- ow us-d as a 21I uneapst and1 ,500. HOLC loah.j R. CL LTY 0M. IEx Wilmett'é91 12 Chicago 111lLTN9-ltc I * Lt~~ILl.11IPA-LTN9-Ite )T.SAND- BEAC H avînia Park. Inspect These Wooded Lots RavInfa. TWO HOURS FROM NORTH SHORIE OW N * on clear, dlean lake. Flshing and It Golf.,. Highway 89. Write, phone orý reenleaf 0 32% eai! Robert P. Ferry, Lake Mille, Wimý- 114LTN9-2te consin. 1S-TN-t 4, 1-