4-1 iieutituiiy Lurn4shed, 1 BAUMANI4I-COOI< 553 Lincoîn Ave. Winnetka 3450' DSLTN9-lte WANTIID iTO RENTr-HOUSE CALL KENT,ý.L WRT0 REALTýY 140Sheridan Road Phone Nýto .an' LnWllm.ette 507 fetland Sales Rtealtors for Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glence-" 9OLTN9-1Stp 'WANTFD: UNFURNISHED HOUSE having 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 011l burn er. Glencoe preferred. 2 or 3 year lease or longer. Write A26, Box.60, Wilmette, Ili. 99LTN8-4te 5 OR6 ROOM MbDERN BUNGALoW in good. Wilmnétte or Evanston loca- tion, to lease for October 1 occupaàrrcy by couple with no children. Write A32; Box 60, Wilmette, Ill. 99LTN9-4tp FORRE -SO U AND OFFICIES Store In ""Terminal District 13'6"x48';« Rent low to right type. of business. Phone Wlilmette 910o. * . IO4LTN9-4te FOR BALE-HOUBsm HIGHLAND PARK Beach rigbts built, 5maIl Srnall payrne. For informnati the cornfort able, well-l ne in S. .. avinia. [l handle. H. 0. L. C. ail Mrs. Wink. finished rooins on third floor. Large 10OX200 ft. lot. Breakfast and sun porhi., $27,500. Can be financed. Mr. Walters.. WINNE TKA This perfectly Iocated, well-built 3 bed- room Colonial home'in S. E. Winnetka' at only $17,500. Close to New Trier, lake anrd trans. Heated gar. Mrs. Colie. WILMETTE W'TIL! ITF.yL'TnC,,. And some good hostess wMi be de- lighted when she thinks of feed- the chilîdren there, withôut dis- turbing ber pretty dinner table on party nig*its. WheevPr buys our new. home is, go- ing to appreci ate this and ail the, other, attractive features of the modern, up-to-the-mùinute- resi- dence now nearing completion: at 1028. PAWNEE ROAD WILMETTE. Indian Hilli Estates, East Compllete, architectural superVision by,, Ralph D. Huszagh, well-knoWn North Si'e rchtet The bou, e, Is open for your inspection. Corne see it. For Sale byr CORPORATION LINI. 7777 Evanston '11iLTN9-Itp. KEN ýILWÔRTH Among new bouses in a restricted nefgh - borhood, this very* hoveIy Eg. 4yI4ek residence is for the first timie offered for sale. 4 master bcd., each large enougli for twin beds-2 beaut. tule btbs., with built- in showers. .Maid's rm., and bath on flrst floor. Brkfst. rm. UnusualIly attractive library, liv., and dining rmis. Game rm., In basement. WINNETKA 744 Lincoln - New and air cooled! Very lovely Eng. brick. Panelled den with fireplace and powder rmn., on 1st floor. 5 bed., with 4 b., on 2nd. Gane i., ini basernent. Reas. also for rent, $200 a mo. Available any time. can select own decorating and tixtures if you hurry. W.. G. RUGGLES & CO. 517 Davis Street, Evanston Uni. 6886 Mol1. 6886 Wil. 1660 FOR A GROWJNG FAMJLY This perfectly ke pt-home,. finest forth- east section Wilmette. lst' floor-Living roomn, dinithg roomr, library, kiItchen, butler's 'pantry, din- ing 'porchi powder .room. ,ý1 2nd fioor-4, master bedroomis (twin beds), 2 ie baths, nursery, Sun deck. 3rd floor-Maid's rm.. and bath, two large, storage roims. An older bouse that will outlast many belipg built today. Modern decorating and appointmeints.wifl require, very littie upkeep. A prize winning garden, pool, and large trees. Inspection by Appointnwnt. ROTH IBROTHERSý 1569 Sherman Ave. Ore. 6070-6071 111LT9-1ltp Not .Just a House BUT a rmHoI 0m - IN GLENCOEi 1,~ S A 7 R-M. HOUSE WITH A den and breakfast nnnlt 1 ý Exclusive Agents 517 Davis Street, Evanston 421 Richmond Road Kenilwortii 52Ss Uni. 6886 IllLTNI)-1tc Hol. 6886 WINNrETKA-WidOW very anxlous to Wil. 1660 sell iier fine home located in best, 11ILTN9-ltc neighborhood. Convenient to evemy- thlng including the lake. 72 ft. frontage. Wooded i'igh and dry lot.A efét l ie Large liv. mm. 4 bdrms., 2% bath's.PretH e 2 scrd. pches. Prlced .for action at fraF iil ot $ 1 , ,0 0 . r s . C a r ol . In K e n ilw o r th =-~ 9 . o o rn b ric k WILM%,ETTE-Quality built brick home. Colonial on quiet street. near Siate roof. 4 large bdrms. and 2',6 lake. schools and transportation. EVANSTON THE YEARS AHEAD - QUJIET,,nE- finement will be-yeurs in this sub- stantial bri k Colonial of 8 roomS, 3 baths, near lake and- Orrington school. 95-ft.' front, artfully l1and- scaped. I.deal for your family* and a buy under $25,000. R. Johnson. BARGAIN. BUNGALOW-$5,500 B3UYý- this 6 room bungalow with glazed. sun porch. NeWly decorated and Wf excellent *condition. Phone' for' appt. to sée, 919' Madison. Mr. Hinnen, GREenleaf 1855 -HOLlyéourt 15 PCREWILMETTE PICÙRETHIS: A -COZY EAST SIDE home of 6 ooms with sun and-sleep- ing porches, on large lot. Near Protestant and Parochial sehools and. chur.ches-,* shops and transporta- tion. Ternis are easy. Interesting if -,een..Mm. Clarkson. RIPARIAN VACANT-180 FT. MOST excusive. No traff1c Priced to sell by out-of-town owner. We suggest an offer. Mr. Cunningham. GREenleaf 1855 - HOLlycourt 1855, WINNETKA SELLC-T-IN LOCATIO)N AND VALUTE in Hubbard Woodsý at 1.140 Scott Ave. .8 roomn brick. Living roôm 17x26. 2-car garage. Any reasonable offer will take--or trade for smnaller. Mr. Mehren. Wiflnetka 2700 - BRIargate 1855 HIGHLAND PARK BUY 0F THE YEAR-ONE. Oe' OUR, Eastern correspondents offers 'this exceptional proposition-large wood-. ed grounds with attractive '7 room frame. Colonial, 4 nice bedmooms,;, 2 haths. Price and termns are nos;t ---ttractive. Mmr. Diener. BARRINGTON JEWEL PARI<-2 -MODERN HOMES. 6 r'oom French style-S moom Dutch -Colonial. Also attractive lots. Ms VISIT OR PHONE ONE 0F THESE 3 CONVENIENT LOCAL OFFICES EVANSTON tD 522 Davis St. QR Greeneaf 18,55 car garage. Easy to finance; taxes only ing BAUMANN-COOK HI 553 LIncoînAve.. Winnetka 3450 660 -ite 1ILTN9-ltc NSEN RIASMARTC&.GÔLîEEInc. NSEN EALT COj EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. ýnter Street Winnetkh 254 1564 Sherma n Ave., evansnWi.26 111LN9-10 i11LT9-ltc