Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1937, p. 45

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72o Lï ve. Deadline: for ,nsertiohs cep advrtto u:e~s 9wïýLî . W.oLE'r'r LIFE or ail three Pa-Pera*' Wednesday 9 P. I. for WINNEtKA. TALK and, Thuraday 5 P. ML for GLEN'COz -NjeWS. Telephones t Wiimette 4300, Winetka 2000 (Winnetka 500 after. 6 p. M.), Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 12167-1217, SITUATION wANTEzD-F ALE WANTED- WORK BY THE DAY. Nurging,. cooking, Serving, cleaning, laundry or plain .sewing. Suinday dinners and teas a specialty. eet "refs. Wll go anyýwhere. Glencoe'l1411. 6 8LTN7-4tp COP. WOMAÀN-SIiERVING DINNERS. cleaning, wash blankets, dayL work. Care for children eves. and Sundays. Best refs,. Cail morning or eves.: Win-, netka 15 11. 68LTN!4-tp, EXPE RIENCItD. WHITE GIRL: wîshes,,to do any .klnd of day Work» 1/jdays froin Monday mornrng tili Eni day mioriiig 3 or 4 days a. week<. Call Winnetka. 9592. 68LTAN8-2tp' WANTED-LAÙNDRY WORK to take home. Caîl and deliver. Elm St. Winnetka 2108 &8LTlNI-4tp COLLEG E G RA D UÂATE, WHITE,- companion, practical nurse, have studed dietetics, general help around the house. Best of reference. Addr. A-28, Box 60, Wilmctte, 111. 68LTN9-ltp VDUNM GElIMAN WOMAN WANTS work by the day or hour. 50Oc an hour» ExPERIÈN4,CED WHITÈE WOM A N wishes. day work and' serving or cOoking. North Shore references. , Cal M.'lmette 955. 68LTN9-Ilp EXPER IENCED WHITE W OMA N with son wishes general housework. GQood cook. North Shore references. Wýinnetka 3012. 68L,9-ltp FEXPERIENCED WO0M A N MOULD like part tîme work, cooklng or dlean- ing. Gooi$ laundress. References. M'in- netka 2420. 68LTN9-ltp) DAY WORK-CLEANING Aimerican houseman. drives. N. S. refs.4 PLACE YoUR ORDERS NOW FOR generaîs, seconds or coupfles. Reinhart Emipi Agency 748 Elm St.-lnek t89 70LT49-Ite BlIT. WANTrED-MiALz AND: FEMALE Carlson' s.Empi.. Agency SELECTIVE CLASS 0F' ALL DOMESTIC HELP. COUPLES,'NURSES, GOVERNESSES. PRIVý,ATE'RooiMiS POR i.NTPE RVIEWS. 818 ELMO WINNETKA 1175. 1176 70LTN2-tfe HELP W ANTED-FEMALz WANTED COUPLES $125-$15ù COOKS $82 SECONDS $15-$18 N-uisrs$12-$25 BUTiERS $75-$125 SHORLINE 746 Elmn St., Winnetka 1012 171LTN9)-ltc DOMESTIC PEOPLE 421. Fourth Wilmette 2. 4 Davis St., Davis 7777 7 1LTN9 - Itc MAIDS AND COUPLES GOOD WAGES L-indgren Empi. Agency, Estabiished 25 year 79 Elm St. 2WVinn. b104 -4TNp3tT INCREASE YOUR EA Direct saleswomlen and col" Ail or part time. Attrai tion, Address.A30, Box te ro. 111. MYust. De 71LTN9-l tc Locatton south ol .I1Write A-29, Bçox INFANTS' -NURSE, 2 CHILDREN. Permanent lob. No.housework. Age 20. to 30.. Kenilworth- 5225. 71LTrN9-ltc EXPERIENCED WIHITE GIRL FOR Sgeneral housework. Cheerful and will- ing, good wages. and home. 2 adults. Phone Vi1mette 1129.' 7-iLTNý9-itp MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. erotestant. White., References. Win- netka 2694. 71LTN9-1tcý EXPERIENCED GENERAL HOUSE- worker. Good Cook essential. Family 2 women. No laundry. Excellent wages., Glencoe 1915. . 7lL9-t WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HOUSE- work., No laundry. Go, home r.ights. RPeferences.* Plain cooking. Winnetka 2609.71L,9-tp ýWhite maid-general housework. Plain cooking. No laundry. 3 adultse very n)ear trans. Nice room and lavatory, radiow Glencoe 177,71LTN9-Itp~ 14ELP WTD.-MALE AND PEMALfl WANTED-COUPLE, MANX, EX'P. HOUSEMAN, CHAUTF-, .feur. Wý"if e, good cook. Refs. Win- netka 473. 73LTN9-ltp USED CAR MARGAINS JUILY C T TýA NT T T1 '33 Chevrol et Master Town Sedan. A dandy, oniy ............ ........$e325 Packard, 7-pass., like new..........$195 '36 Plymouth Deluxe 5-pass. Perfect con- dItton.....ý ý... ;............. .....$545 '31 Hupmobile r.s. Coupe. new tires.. $175 '29 Chevrolet 4 door S,ýedan, good tires, good inechanically .........$65 AERO MOTORS Auth. Chrysler & Plymouth Dealers 721j Green Bay Road Wilmette, 111. Wilinette 1201 - 77A-LTN9-ltc 3RAL SÂT PWflTAL 1-"Juu JlJ'E t~ tble. Emplo9red ln t ans. 942 PÉ!e.Fui' 82LTN9-lt retka. n street 1p Wilniette. I-ltp FOR ENT-APRTMNT NE AR UNIVERSITY 4ROOMS $55-1907 SHER- man, Ave. Newly decorated living room 12x20-3 expos- ures. Sun-roomn. Shower bath. 5,22 Davis St. Gre. 1855 92LTO-l'tp THE LI !NDEN CREST WILMETTE'S M 0OS T BEAUTIFUL apartnient building,. near lake and "L.", Deluxe, 4 room apt.. acroas front .of an entirewing. AUil ge. rooms', m-a- door bed, tiie-wall bath, new G.E. refrlg. 4%/ -ROOM APARTMENT, 2 BED- roorns, tile-wal1 bath, fre. ,refrig., tco. KROLL & SMITH, Agents 424 Linden Ave. Wilinette 500 92LTN8-tfc SINALL APARTME'-NT, GOOD LOCA- tion, partly furnibhed, suitable for couple, garage available. Will rent for $40 or excba-nge for' part time house- work and care of. echool-age children. Cali Winnetka 1947 afternoons or eve- nings. 92LTN9-Itp 2.ROOM ANDi 13A'1' 4 ROOMS (2 BDRMS.) KITCHENETTE 3 ROOMS (1 BEDROOM AND INADOf), KITC~HENETTE Call Winnetka 91, 2432, or 3887 92LTN8-tfe FOR RCNT-FURNI$HKP Arn. SUBLEASE FINELY FU-RN. 4 RM. apt. to Oct. 1, bargain to right pa.rty. Near HI. Wds. park and trans. 1095 Mterrill St., Winnetka. 3514. 93L9-ltp ;t A' & PfI Frw 011l t. Itea. rm., A149. 1. $110 per mno. 407 Linden, Wfl. 437. 97LTN9-ltc 849 -Ave,.ý

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