Ius>eci These Wooded Lois Two hours from North Shore on clear, dean lake. Flshlrig and Golf. Hiighway.89. Wrilte, phone. or eall RàertP.. Ferry Lak.emiii, Was. FIRST MogirAGE NO COMMISSION 41/21/o INTER!ST Residleultal -properties, rentricted a". Evaaatou a&" North shore. 5 or 10 year tenu. semi.aanuali ipteret .paynients. QlugINT~s JNC. 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago Central 0227 1571 Sherman Ave., Evanstoui University 2600 ehlmagazin e of real estate 11W 44S_ 55 fhave béeen held in Harrison Hall. audi- puhlished by the National Assoiciationi torjuma, the National College of Educa- of Real Estate boar'ds, this week enters B u l in otali t i 0 ýIonlte subjec "Significant Changes the field of business periodicals. To he il__emrryIf"wl be comn- published twice monthly, the new maga- 0f the flfty building perrniits issued, peted t the addressès of three more azine takes the pocket size, carrnes "0 P tie (-Ilge f Wilinette, .Kienlwyrtýh speker. averising.; opens with articles *on: Xiiietka atid Glencoe during. te môlnth Onf T-hursday, JuIly, 8, Dr. Ernest 0. first U. S. Census of real estate as *a of julle. 18. were in Winnetka for inn- Melby. dean of the School -of Education business; econiomic-s of the relationship D)rcvemeints totaliing $264.120:-A17,ir Wil- at Northwestern university, -was to talk betweenl the worl's. two elements :of >nî-tte. $185.125; . 3. in Kenilworth, on "Significant Changes in Education." ,real, permanent value- labor and Iand; $24.80f) and 12 ini Gleiicoe, $12.509. The The following Thursday, July. 15, Dr. otWrBiihhusn ciiy(is otal for' the four villages wag $496.554, Tracey EV. Strevey, a mietnber of the his- ofa heeprtsris ;tda' ra ý~hich e250.20 was for the 14 new tory denartnieit at Nôo.rthwestern uni- estate market-trends. in 256 cities, as ~'<e1e started. vestwl pa n "Significant found by Nareb's Iown semi-annual -i~of thlé 17 eisin i1 te vestwl s)a 1 survey. The new magazine wilI con- NienrtsiWlite Changes in Governmenit." ýe " e eidences,ý costin g $169,- stitute a national Realtor's forumcvr 4fr tersion 25012, o The series wil be compifletted on Thurs- ien,, carry7comm4tffeatuae matenia day.July 22, by Dr. James R. Ha.wkin- selected as of practical value to those ccnmmercial., .ý12,00O, and 2 for private son, deani of the'SÈhoolI of Commerce directly concendwihra saegarages. , 5 at ort~vsterî niersty.wh Wi Idigest best matter available f rom any Iwo of the, three pemmnits issuedii adldress the.- studeîîts 0on ".Significant source, and %vi1l be edited for the gen- Kenilworth were for. new résidences Changes in Businiess." eral reader havinig>a. first-hand. interest cestingz $34,50 , adteohewsfr AI!. of thé lectures wifl be, given, at in .real estate;' a $300 alteration job.. 10 dok ii te mmnig.wit th ex ----------Three of the 18 perits in Winnetka cepiion of Dr. Sirevev s address on Th\%,è* wre for new residences costing $40,000:' Ju'y 5 ih il be given an hour Thee Ne1w .&es1ueflççs 12 for alteratio«n3obs, $38,620: one corn2 eaife ath cloe a re welcoe il ein Wilmette Records mercial, $9,000; one new school build- (I hecllg aewlcm a llîe BuildingÇrnisonrWlimA ing for the North Shore Country Day letre.Wolff -reports the followving Wil- school, $170,000 and one pnivate garage. mette building permits issued by 'his $500. ýCoalI Now Subjected office.: There were no nlew residences, started to Bauy Tramet JuIY. 1 - Charles Lezania, 2002 inGln fe Five of the 12 permits Beechwood avenue, single famnily $7060; one for a private green house, Coal has gone to the beauty shop, lias brick veneer residence. Architect, $3,500, and 6 for private garages, $1,949., received a shampoo and an oil treatment, Floyd Evans. Builder, W. C. Tackett. 0 _________ and now is seen ini themnost mmaçulate $11,000. of comipany, according to Fred A. Ellis JulY t-F. A. Hamm, 1617 LakeJ w lT__ o E poe &Co., Inc. heatin-g contractors at & ~ ~ -, -Jw lT aC .E poe ---si Buler o er..l l s-j C but .sops' to ellinliinate foreigilnniat- isah.BidrPoeCostruc.. 4. ter.,. t s further treated bv Oil or hini- t%,iojicomlpany. $24,006. ýN icals to keep it dustless ini the basenient. Juîîy 6-P. C. McCabe, 1022 Pontiac Stoker fifing hias made coal a convlýer- road, single famnily brick veileer resi-~ ient fuel, self-serviing, and automnaticaîîy dence. Architeets, Quinn and Chris- regulated by 'electric brains.' Coal iane $19,000. 3now an-ouàt-Of-Sighit fuel. 'Coal Flow' burners convey it autoinaticalhv froni VJSIT tlle binls in w~hichi it is store(l." Mrs. Clem Boling, 419 Prairie ave- 'lue, vvi1th ber. sons, Cordon ai d- Robert, i ~ ~ MOTOR TRIP . ooed to Shelbyvle I. atTns .---.,' il., D*.arrLinion, moreILUV ian 7' -5emploees will brin1,g their families on Sundav, July 11i, to the s*-itWànnual picnlic of the company. The event i looked forward to as the big get-to- gether of the vear for staff miemiberb of thP Jewel Food Stores in Chicago and stuburbs and the emplovees of thé headquarters Office and plant in Bar- rington. Approximiateîy 1,500 perso 1 i are expected to be on band. Thieplro- grani of entertainmient and the decora.. tions abou the grouinds of this beau- wVVJ1ké, dU Icomposer, -Berlin.. LUI -Ildv. îem for two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Albýert A. Korte, 544 Iy of New York, Mr. Greenwood -avenue, Kenilworth, with, id Miss Lucie Schar- their two children, motored to She- er of the German boygan, Wis., over the F~ourth of ier Scharweenke of July, where they were the guests of the sheriff of Shebpygen county. 9 ANQ LOAN ASIOCIATIOP 0F WILMETTE '! z6 Central Avenue: Willmette 16z com pounded MM"