Carlos Photir Miss Betty Williains, dattgyher of the, S. A. Williams, 1352 Chcstnut avenue, is expected hioic this veek. froin Scarsdalec, N. Y., where ,she lias beciz visitintg Mis s Jane rst. The fqirisairc classiaz ts iilev chase sclwol. Mr. and Mrs. Fra nk P. Coliyer and their dlauighter joanne, 730 N'1inth ýrtrect, spent. the past wéck-end as thé guests of Nir.. and Mrs. James Meyer at their sumner. home at Crawling Stone Lake,. \is. In itheir absence their son Peter entertained a school fricnd froin the. University of, Illinois, BillI-iaviland of Jaues- ville. Wis,. Drastic Reducti'ons 4114 Mrs. Theresa Aschibacke'r, -Mrs. Mary NV. Jones, Mrs. Eva G; Pyfer. Mrs. Ida Lions, Mrs. Harriet Hoslçen, Mrs. Heleni Cook, and E.arl Ornier protemmc(l' as officers. Mrs. Maybelle Oakwood is visiting Mr. Oakwood's patrenits..iliisouthern. Illinois.- Mrs. Alberta K. Ornier. our treaSu rer, has re.turned from :a won- derful. trip to lam.iorous Sinoky mounitainis., Our aniual picnic w~ill be held j uly 31, at the Northwesiern Golf club on. Route 58. The monthly sewin)g takes place at Mrs. Gertrude Morgan's, 41 1:Ridges road, Kenilworth. The niext meeting of our cliapter occurs Monday,-Augû-strl&.---M. W. J. Au Fii 'OME,. AIRLY[ ales. , mal Our autbentic values. now available at 50%Off- SPORT CLOTHESý DAYTIME DRESSES:. DINNER and EVENING GOWNS ACC ESSORIES. HATS = - Ô;44~. FLORSIIEIM SHOES for- Men and Women THE FLORSHEIM SHoP 1616 Orrington EVANSTON 1607 Sherman-