Buren and icirgan avenue at 9:0 Wilson and Broadway at 10 o'clock, and Hroward avenue at the Elevated station, at 10:15. Bus reservations miust bermade on or before Monday with the corresponding secretary, Mrs. Carl Jordan of 1100 Loyola avenue', Chicago, the guild, announces. Married JuIy, 3 Miss Jane Hamilton, daughter of * MIrs. Frederick M. Hamilton andthIe late Mr. Hamilton, 205 Abingdon ave- *nue, Kenilworth, was married to Wil- liam Casper' Howard of Newî York *City'lat 5 o'clock Saturday afternooini July 3. Only the immediate faniliies wit-. nessed the ceremony which was per - formed by the Rev. Johin G. Hindley of the Wîilmette -Conigregat'ional'i éh urch. After -a wedding trip to Virgini1la Mr, and Mrs. Howard will miake their *homne in ,New York. (4v~ * . Carlos Photo Ai a tca _givieit recently for tto himdred guests, M. and'.Mrs. John C. Wright aI 156 Fuller lanze, Wiez- netka,. announced tite engagement of. théir daughter, Jeannette, to Cari J. Zipprich, Jr,, soit of Mfr. and MWrs. Carl J. Zipipriciz of- 623 Foresýt aveinue, Wihinette. Miss Wright at- tended Sullins coliege in Virginia Pa, Va., aüd îlhèVogiie Sclkôôl of Art in Chica go. No date lias been set for tihe wedding. AM Counfry Club, A dinner dance Friday e-eiing oi this week, and final matches. of the Mr. .and -Mrs. Alan D. Cunning- North Shore Tennis. tournamient on ýham, 156 Woodstockc avenue. Kenil- Sunday, july 11, at 2 o'clock, are worth, with theirfamily, have gone fort hcomiîgy events at the Couiitrv ito their suimmer home at Delavan Club> of Evanston for eaxly Julv. Lake, Wis. Qi 01-L SHRUN Permanent Wave $*i 5 wifM Shampoo and 2 Finger Waye -EUGINE $5 " GLOWTONE $7 MACIIINELESS Permanent, $7-50 ESTHER BEAUTY SHOP- 1213 WiImeff. Avenue Wilmef. 696 Tne HOMESTEADEASO HINMAN AVE. JUST NORTH 0F DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Oprated by Philip A. Danmelaot& 11; >4406 venue