Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1937, p. 32

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Becomes Bride of Aurora Man For lher .wedding to Arnold J., Poettiger. -Miss 1Helen Edith Burt of Wbe aton, daughter of Mrs. I-Ienry Jac kson Burt, wvtore white: satin,. fashioned, ,sirnply with high neick. long tigbtî sleeves., and a train. Her veil' was- of finger-tip length, and. Iwith ber bouquet of white roses, she, carried a silk chiffon hand- kerchief. She was'given:.inmar-- niage by.ý her brother, Henry Jackson Burt. Mrs. Morris N. Burt, serving as matron of hion., or., wes dressed in white crepe with, a blue iridesc~ent jacket, and carried an armi bouquet.' Miss Lucille Brenner, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Norman T. Brenner, 106 Robsart road, Ienilworth, arrived homne Tuesday f rom Milwaukee where she .spent Fourth of July and the week-end with her fiancé, Irvin Unger, and, his parents>1 Mr., and Mrs. Sigmund.Unger. Mr. Unger and' his, bride ýare mak- ing plansfor a summei r wedding. and Will be married Thursda y, :July 29. The ceremnfy will be performed ini the jgarden of the Brenner. home at 4:30 o'clock- by, Dr. Samuel. Hirsch- berg of Milwaukee., only the. families attending. Miss, Brenner will be un- attended. Folo wingý the ceremony a wedding supper will be served. The b ride, and bridegroom will1 live in> Milwaukee af ter a wedding trip ini Canada. 0f rainbow hues were the gowns of the bridesmaids, who wore blue, yeilow, and -pink organdie dresses Miss Elaine Chittick, 1520 High- with lace and carried large chiffon land avenue,' bas as ber bouse guest bandkerchiefs with their colonial for the next three weeks ber cousins, bouquets. They were Miss Mary Lorraine and 'Marjorie Annt Mains ,Hosier and. Miss Evalyn Smith of of Stuart, Neb). Wheaton, Miss Marjorie Mabry of Glen Ellyn, Miss. Patricia Braun of Peoria, Miss Corinne and Miss Eliz- abeth Potteiger of Aurora. .z~ Ï Mr. and Mrs. George Fraser, 645 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Doris C., to William A Vinnedge, son of Mrs. ,Allen R. Vinnedge of EvNanston. Miss Fraser attended Northwestern university school of speech and is a membe.r of the, Pi Betaà Phi sorority. Mr. Vinn.edge:graduated from the school .of engineering of. North'we;t- ern university and 'is a. member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. 'Nd date bas been set for the wedditîg. Newberry League Outing Members. of the Newberr- Center. lIeague, are to be entertained Friday of this week at -luncheon at the home of Mrs. John Jones Sharron, in Glen- view. Her guests have been invited to gswi inthe poolt of the 'Harold S. CuinIiffs whose estate joins that of the Sharrons, and swimmning and tennis will occupy most of the day's outing. Plans, however, for fi-. annual, tea to be beld in the fail, will be briefly cliscussed. Ann ounces Plans for Her Wedding, With her-,sister, Vera, as ýher rnaid of honor, ,anid Miss June Whitworth of -Ravinia, as ber bridesrnaid,- Miss, Dorothy Mc- Derrnid will be niar-ried Str day, July,17, to j. Coiirad Hegg- blom. As th.-e wedding is to l)e a borne. cerenony, taking placeý at the, Ralph McDerrnid house. in Glenco'e, there will be no u sh- ers. Robert Lifvendahl of Chi- cago will1 be bhis cousin's best man. Three of Miss McDermid's Alpha Chi, Omega, sororityý sisters gave the first of a series of parties in ber hoilor, entertaining ,June 15., at a bridge party and personal shower at the homne of Miss Corinne Sachs, in Chicago. The other hostesses were Miss Mary' jane Sincock and Miss Mary Ranson, also of Chicago. Miss Whitworth was hostess recently at a luncheon and bridge- party and- boudoir shower, and Tuesday eve- ning of Iast week Miss Caroline Child of Glencoe gave a bridge party, and handkerchief shower. Mrs. Davis Greenèe of Evanston, the fo~rmer Mis the wedding took place, wore yellow, Mrs. Burt was gowned in green lace and the mother of the bride- groom in blue- lace. Botb ,had pink carnation corsages. Edward Potteiger .served bis broth- er as best man. They are th e sons of Mr. and Mrs.' J. Potteiger of Aurora. Mrs. Harold H. Rearick of Kansas City, tbe former Luella Burt, sang Theguests at the wedding will ini- clude tbe 'bride's brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Mc- Dermid, Jr. Tliey and their young son, Ralph, have driven froîn Cam- bridge' by way of Ne w -York a nd Atlantic City. They will.be at the Georgian. hotel for the summer. wick roau, 1 'Kenilwormn, - ntrtained two tables. at dinner and bridge Sun- day of. Iast week in honor ofj Mrs. E. D. Parmelee who is bere f rom. .Utica, N. Y., for the summer as the gueit of ý&rs. Rufus Stolp, 336 War-, wick road, -KeniIworth. the soit of Mr. and Mrs. C harles Jules Michelet 'of 1028 Sheridan road, Wil- ,nettc. J-er zceddintg gow» of white satin was trimmed with an hcirloorn lac.e yoke'and collar, and the zwore a tulle veil zwhich fr11 frontz a cap of tulle. i...a- inuepiJtIIuceLv grotup of old frien& tained at their botn avenue.~ 5, in accordance -ustom, Mr. and ot gave their, an- Day party for a [s. Tbey enter- e at 610 Maple

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