Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1937, p. 28

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ky Doon to be là tisï STOP ]LEWIS! ht is difficUlt for the average citizen, ta f( or nnderstand the devions patbs andmst ways by which John L. Lewis is building, thri bis Committee 'for Industrial Organizationi, greatest, empire that b as ever been thongl muchl ess attempted, Wi the annals 'of labor. it is neot' dificui for bim tW foresee wbat *resuit will be if the efforts- now attended signal.success -are carried te their logfical cînsion. It will be and there is no mistakea if, the complete ensiavemient of bath indnstry labor- by a, dictatorship , whose offly iaw is, Iaw af might, and whose only enforcement al is the gun. The vote? s turned 'deaf cars when warnied year that the class hatred which had 1 preached by men and women in high pi during the previons presidential campaign continued without ceasing from. then until j could bear but one fruit-insurrection, revolu and anarchy.- They, disbelieved charges that uholy alliance had been formed between subversive C. I. O. and poiitics, and that the .m nstration seeking reelection wastep poiiticaily from that alliance. It is oniy si - ~ Whule sorne good measures were enacted, others Publi- either went down'to defeat or died in coffiiittee r, flot hecause of the opposition of one faction to any- iterial tbing favored by the other. This was apparently ~0fr the basis on which bis were judged, rather than 'pntheir virt e as aids ta the people of the state in furthering good government., One group controlling the house and the other the 01io senate macle it impossible for conscientions miem- lw bersýo the assenibiy tôaéacomplish anything upan ýrons which the two could flot or wonld flot agree . and onhe that was about everytbing that. came np.. t %-,ne wonders if the. time is ever ta corne when t e eiected officiais wiil recognize -that they..are serv- Bte ants anidnot the masters ai the people wbo.pay wthe their salaries, and' wbo are more cancerned 'with wihefficient government than 'With 'whether ,this pa- con-r botliical machine or, that. contrais the jobs, ta be and given out. It is to be.hoped that there wvill came, the an awakening of the conscien ces, of tax -spenders ,gent that* they. owe some service ta taxpayers, and that -they are nat eiected primarily to do the Sbidding of political bosses witbhQ no m9ther thani laen to further their own inancial and politicai in-. [ié terests. iaces: and now% tian ai) tbe ad- ýrofit ;ince Upon the record of events that have followed the election ai 1936, events whicfi wbre clearly forecast and against which he was warned, thé average citizen, interested only in the orderiy processes of government, has been led ta a con- clusion, and that is that the chaos which now enguifs the industrial and economic lufe of the country must be brouglit ta an end, and that speedily, if America is to be saved froni a gov- ernment of men as represented' in the dictatorships which have strangled several European onre banner of soviet Russia and concealed under. the slogans of the C. I. O. will be talerateci.", -Lewis must be stopped. Is it possible that ile only method by, which it can be donc is that pictured by Representat.ive Cox.? H ERE'S TO You, SENTINEL Receipt is hereby acknowiedged 'of a, bound copy of the 8Olth anniversary number oi the Wood- stock Daily Sentinel, published at Woodstock, Ili., by Charles F. Renicli and a capable corps of assistants. The paper was established in 1856, was his most .ambitious unnertalcing. It cantains 76 'pages af regular ne wspaper size, and is re- plete with pictures of persons and places' identi-' fied with the progress ai Woodstock since its ,organizatian in 1844. The edition is a veritable gold mine ai bistoricai data that shouid be ob-ý tained and retained by e veryý persan identified with the activities of Woodstock, past or present. It wvas a linge undertalcing splendidiy accom- p lished, and our bat is off ta Editor Renicbh and bis organization. Chicago police are nothing if flot consideraté -and forward Iooking. They recently guarded the body of a murd.ered.tdnion official ta see that nothing happened ta birn. If humanity shrinks from encling the lives o~f the crinhinal1 insane let it turn 'its. head while the moron who confessed the rape and murder of three littie Los Angeles girls is. removed from further temptation. Convinced that if Amielia: Earhart is rescued from the perilous predicamient. in which at this w)ring sh.e seems to have, been caught she event- ually will full into, one .from Which rescue wvill be impssileWe nevertheles's are hoing with the, rest of. the world for her safe rettlrn.. She is "an intrepid ,lîttie daredevil whose -courage and grit cme cannot help admiring. Our interest in the fora and fauna of this local-, ity having been belatedly aroused, we have been following the fortunes of a flock of wild duck that' chose a small lagoon wîthin the confines ýof Wil-7 mette for their sumnmer home. 0f the species known as mud- hen, they. went about the .business of ,establishig a residence and fulfilling the destiny of ail living creatures -raising a famiiy. By creep- ing quietly tbrough the marshy growths bordering the lagoon one miglit occa- sionally catch a glimpse or full view of the birds. In time 'they produced two young, wbich they may very naturally have considered something 1ess than a teyara ot a nearby man-neighbor, where One was prbmptly killed by a dog and the other cap- tnred ly the lady of the hanse, who cansed it to be retnrned ta tbe parental wings. One wonders in what manner the tiny duckling madle knownl ta mother and dad the details ai the tragedy that bad been visited upon the family. The mayraof a li ttle Illinois town insisted th4t the tav'ern-keepers af the village observe th' midnight closing law, whereupon they went on a sit-down strike, closing their doors and permit- It's going ta beè'a long drill from now until the first Monday in September, with no intervening holiday. rH£ PHA NTOM RPORTE muet reac he, ceditpr by the cu7mot hne.

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