nade the an- r his retini of the dem- AnIULIICIaligletto tie eveloped this week. The Senlate Judiciary corrnmittee lias set, asJde .JuIy 12 to consider proposed amnendments tLo ocrats at Jefferson Island. the Constitutioni. Tt thus appears that * pponents of_ the Court plan are the opposition to the Presideut's Plan, %villing to have a voteý on theorgal iI try to have one of the proposed bill at any timne. They, are cônfident it atnenldments rcported- to the senate for would be ýdefeated mith :comparative a place on its calendar.. They will then ease., The Administraioni strategy, take the position that while they are un-. ho'Wever, will ,he centered on a coin- alterably opposed to'chang ing the' court Promise. 'On that the oppouients are iilot hy aà statute, they wiI1 support the re- so confident and have indicated they poted ameundmenit'for ýubmissioii to the will talk "until the 'snow flies" rather People. Such wvou1d strengthen their than permit on aiiy conipronhiise whiich position- inasmudh as they would have lias-a chance of Passing. sômethîng definite to ýoffer, in lieu of Want Popular Expression the President's5 reconinmetidation. No. one likëes filiuters. Thiey are - Vital Chapter in Histoery gen eralýil npopular. But the. senators \Xe are writingoeo h otpo figtin te Spewcut proposai founld, and at the sanie timeé one of the l)elieve theý people as a wiîoîe di) not n1io',t iînteresting chaiters'iii our history. xvat1nvliages ini tleý Supireine court One wnvnders how thé Arnerican people for the purpose of influencing its de- 10yasfo I~ iIvevti e cisions- Thcy beieve tiat tie people riod. Arc wve*i.unkno%-ilin iithe niîdst are opposed to the, thcory uii<Ierling Iof a rèvolution, nîaring the faîl of the b theproposal,ý\i. whhcr it çall. for the ap- j tierican Repubilic, 4r, is. this simply a pprt~çt ~ 6 4,2 o i ude. h-11, a Itry iig pcriud lini thee\ volntioiiary proccss or next. Th(ey l)elieve tha1t, at tTîe V 'ry 4toiward' a gretetr deno~tcrau lcast, tile people should havo,le uic ppor- - - - - - - - tunîity to express thieniselvýes on tie ue- Radio Stars to Ah1pear tion in a Congressionai eiccti<)n. 011 the issue thcey are wvilling to suibilit thcmn- at the Stadium Tuesday selves as candidates for rc-election. Northi shore people %%,Ill have anl op- If the opposition is correct ini itsco) prt"-t to sce il, person several art- viction as to the attitude (of the nîajity st of radio faile Tuesday' at the 1)f tic eople hack hôcme, -we nîav \\It-' Stadinini thecater. Thle -WLS on Pa- nuss ()le filibuster vhic i il have a rade" >taL ',show has. been obtained ujaioî- dapproval. It nîay serve tfor- the one ay oniy, and amiong, the raiiy' vpubc1>îc onofto such ailextent starls pp-ail nthe proj-am wiî1 ri 'llè dbate in the setiate proniset' popuIarity of the XVLTS eîïtertainers, he'm o Oe rctet arîiiintarv accorIng to the Stadium na e - hatties o(À words M iour hîstory. l1111- mnît, 1,; the fact iîat tlîevh1ave an nxcd(iatcly- followiiig SenatôrRoion appeal foi- everyý audience. T bey anîîounllcenumclt thiat the bill woulld h 1e repre sent an Piterestiîîg side 0f the vailed up), Senlator Edwaird l"'. I3Urlk, Amecrican scenie-tliait of the back- deniocrat, of Nebraska, announccd -the theclnan i pioncer and the iH I- plan for the . filibuster, siould "suchi il. tactics. 1)ro ve necessar-Y t40 deeat a Th'iere will be niatince and even ing con ip ronise proposai.pefracsothsag sowi He stated thiat thcy had divided t erfracso h tg hw addition to the regular progranii of oppositionl into seven groupIs 0f hve tot.etr itrý senators. Si.x (f the' seven democra.twofaue itrs the senate in continuous session~ . ----- ý...-- -~- - .E, - group will them yield the floor to' the Nevlyn is at camp at Ludington, secondî group for another day of cease- Mich. Ne.vlyn wilI be home about oratory.ý By this procedure each the last of july antd Wayne in August. I Saturdays Fuvand A ugut OR' I Il