You'll Find the "dMakigs> .. " > OId- Monlk SPURESTAND BEST. TRIPLE WHIPPED Saied Dretsincg The #VrId's Fimest. S~ forl Pie, qt ...9 Fancy Large Salod. Dressing. CHE iinIveet Cherries Michigan qt. box La"rge ',1. 29c .... »e25c ELOtIS ydew, Fancy Fr.h Green, PEAS 31b29C *Pale Dry 3 forge Solfiles aaWe R.commead Hydrox 1E DO BSE e Pare Fruit Deveroges >rý the Eutir. oily CENTRELLA JIE .. ..q as&7 Stewa us c OfatF BlEu Think of It! Becau use onlY one.heapl 21,.73C 1 lb. Cais 38c For the Summer Home Why flot take a 12 lb. case *along, or bave your grocer ship a supply of Stewart's Coffee and the ot hery goodies soaretimes lacking in spxnmer Places. aof its skillful blending you K TEASPOONFUL per cup. TWO TOME ENGLISIl SANDWICH COOKIES Vanilla and chocolate short bread wafers - saridwiched wlth a creamy cusltard filline. A Value Beyond Approac ! lM. 1c CERTIIFICATE 0F.:QUALITY * ISSEDBYAUtHORITY O0F THE United* States Deparimon f f Agriculture This ip to certify that the churning of butter from whick thé butter in this package vas taken vas graded by au officiai United States Butter Grader and that the date of said grading and the nuniber of grading certificate issued are perforated hereon. This 18 Our proof of lughr qwaly. and iaer f4ve. Try Our PRIDE 0F LAKE SHORE Sweet (Not Sour) Creum BUTTER 2 1-1b. 16 oz. 4<1us SI&VER CUP YELLOW CLING PEACHES **N@2/ 4 cans Br ow, Label Orange P.1,o. or NIkoe Toa CENTRELLAI IGRAPEFRUIT ...... : C ns2.9c II WILSONS Idea DogFood 3 Camns 12 Cans 27c This balanced diet contains meat, vegetables, cereals, fish and cod liver oil. Your dog will be heaithier and happier on an "Ideal" diet. Besides j being U. S. inspected and ~O approved, it is the choice of f almost ail North Shore dog fanciers. Wilson & Co. are exclusive distributors for Old Triistv Glass Jar GRAPE JAM LARGÈ SIZE BOX 2 ca'ns43cI CHIPSO i 9c Canon Dish Clolh. lc stock Tour Home or. Summer Cottage at Thesé SPeelal1 Prlees. A. roll ln the kitchen, base- ment and garage. will save -wear and tear on your towels. 2 roi,21c 12 rofls. $1.19. a. Case of 24 roua,4 $2.35 Ducco TowaI Holders, ilR -ITc §-in 0ecli19C SCOTTISSUE 10 rouas 79e .23c ALL FOR 2OC PERFECTION 'w 'j *CENTRELLA MIA:S Fresh Dres;,4 FRYER5 tieflre deIicious t' Fancy BONELESS VEAU. ROLLED FINEST Fine8# Qtualty QUAL No -Waate w Ilnette youes nomev. Orders placed Friday for Saturday çlelivery will be grcatly appreciated. W IL METTE L IFE JULY 18, 1937 il I BEANS FOR ý Lb. ,THIS SALE FOR JULY-8. 9 AND 1 1 GMPE JAM mk