Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1937, p. 16

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General Assembly in S~prngtiec, *june 30, officiais and citizens of north shore towns from Evanston to- Lake, Bluff," inclusive,. began this *week, an intensive studyof the, meas- ure to determine what effect its ap- plication is 'iikely to have upon. the' residentiai and other. interests of. the airea. The trucking. situation, one of -the. miost inportant- of ail issue-s.to home- owners since the -day when permna- nent', rubber-tired freight routes in front of private homes cÈame inito vogue. has taken a new twist with the p3assage of the new lawiv hkh is known as the Ilinois Motor Carrier Act. 'With certain exceptions, it puts ail ncômci,. contract and cartazeý motor carriers doiniz intrastate busi-, .'iess. under the jurisdiction of 'the Minois Commerce commission. Pre- Vdonsiy, chie fly cQmmon carriers were under commission control and could ,ýcertificates tci operate and per- rrlanent, certified routes, only after' bearitigs before. the commission. Un- d1er the new law, certi6icates or per- -nits may be granted to intrastate mo- ftor carriers that were in business as <'f january 1, 1936. without hearings. Enact Favorable Amendiment An important reason whv the new l-,tw is of special interest to the entire chties concerned throughout the state -expect early* instructions fromn the commerce commission as 'to. how. to' harid e the route applicat ions. One of the- most hotiy. contested -prviiosin the entire act was the, so-called "grandfather clause." Unçier this clause, alt intrastate motor ca r- riers1 affected bv the act, that were in business as of:, January 1, 1936 be- came' eligible for certificates ýor per- mits without any hearinL-s.before the commission., North shore and ofileër. residential areas feared that, this pro- vision would, automaticaily increase the number of certificated carriers and therefore would require further iper- man ent. br 1anding- of' north shore stre ets as truck routes. The "qr2nd- father clause" w as coupled 'with a phrase particularly objectionable te lawyers -anrd others whô stidi the bill intently. The phrase ap- plies to common carriers by moior vehicle that were ini business as of January 1, 1936 and since, and that did not already have certificates he- fore the passage of the new mnotor carrier act. t reads, "Lt shahl be- pre-ý sumed that . puiblic convenience and necéssity require sucb operation and a certificate shah be granted if it appears to the satisfac.tion1 of the comf-J freight truck over resieitïal streets where other routes are conveniiently available. This amendment caused no littie annoyan'ce.. It has flot been definitely determined just who was the sponsor of this provision. Ardent pro7, ponents of the bill made use- of it to discourage further efforts to modif y the,.measure, by circulating the ré-. port that the north shore.was "taken care of" by- this provision and they "had no thing further to worry about." It was -further, reporte 1d that bectause this-amendment, fully satisfied the no rth shore, the towns and proper7ty-, owners as a whole were in favor of the bill as amended., North shore representatives firorni the s t a rt, açknowlddged that this amendment was a step.in the right direction but there is no record of any authorized' spokesman for the area stating that it completely .satisfied. Admninistration, Meâsure From the- date of its, introduction May 4, -as. Senate Bill No. 400 and HouTse Bill No. 843, until its final passage as Senate Bill No. 487, junie 30, the act, as was expected. 1ecamie one of the miost hectic battlefields of the entire Sixtieth.assemb]iv. Frorn the * 6rst, it was knomin as a "must' bill strongly desired by the adinistra.- tion, and writteii hefore the numerous amendmeints, by the Commerce 'com- missioni. Suliate Bill No. 400 and House Bill No. 843 both died in commnittee, On, Last sumnwr tIhusands of people worked, played and slept under the refreshing breeze of a Zeph-A ire. It's one of the most popular fans we: know of, for its remark- able value... handsome appearafice .. quiet were 'comimed into two amendments,. is. one 'that attorneys and oth'or offi- ciais of the north shore towns and representatives of the North Shore ProDerty Owners -association zeal-, ously fought for when the siznificance of the original bill was realized. Un- dfer this amendment, applicants for motor. carrier certificates or permits nmust first obtain consent froni the corporate authorities of cities, vil- Lawyers andi others opposed to this sweepitig provision, contended that public necessity and convènience could not rightfully be presumner but should be established or disproved on the basis of facts presented in evi- dence at hearings before the comn- mission as prescribed by the, old utility laws. But carriers that did not have their certificates,' and the commerce commission, almiost hope- lessly bogged d.own by petitions iind partly concludèd hearings that have .Within a few hours after it *was presented to the sub-committee on public utilities in the senate, the new bill had been advanced to.Second reading. Printed copies of it were flot available. On june 2, at second read- ing, the bill received its firstý amen d- ment. june 7, it was recalied -from. third to second reading, amended further and postponed. june 8, it was adlvanced to third reading. june 9 it passed' the senate. june 15, it had its first reading in the house after *MARSHIALL O FIELD'S, EVANSTON .S TO RUE LI) DOMINION ROOM Cor. Hlinmn iAve. & Davis St. For : Lunch,-T-ea.- Dinnèr .vi , lit: oi spec ~ ~jJ iai importanice publican, of Chicago, tninority leader to the north shore as. it eliminates mnove d as a. substitute amnendmnent the 1resumPtion of convenience and the striking of the enacting clause, the necessity for the, temporary routes technical equivalent of, killing the over which the Wiliett and -Hasting bill. His motion was lost by a vote comnpanies are fiow operating. of 90, to 49. Cause for Àkimoyace Rep. Benjami n S. Adamowski The provisions clscribedabove, the. Democrat ma)jority leader, then. moved reeýuirementf that carriers obtain con-- (Continued on pag52 1I 1 '

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