QUALITY -SIRLOIN STEAKS LEG of VEAL. 5- to 6-lb. a verage ...l b. 24c VEAL ROAST Boneless ,y Rolled .lb.... W LESG0OLAMB Cut frorn the finest'of spng lamb. Tender and delicately flavor- somne. 8- b9-lb. avg. ,l.b. RIS LAMB CHOPS Cut t. order frein genuin stirins lamb .. *>.. l b.42 T£NDERLcIN liresh l 5 Pork....... Ab45 MEAT LOAF Fresh ground Hani, Pork, Beef, Veal. Choice of any cobIination.......lb 5 Luscious serx ed hizin ot 4) FRY ING CHICKNNS Farnous Wapsie Valley, Milk-Fed Quality. Plump, tender, tantaliz. > ingly delicios Fresh dry picked. 2%/-lb. uS average .....r each 79c WAPSIE VALLEY BROILERS Split, ready for2fo95 the pan ..... 2fo1.5 2-lb. pkg. l ....... b.19 FRESH BEEF TONGUES 3- to 4-lb. o ai erage . l.... ... b. 19C CHOP SUEY MEAT Fresh ,u t l...... . ...b. 35 C ake Superior ..... A ILS . .. . . . . . . CHEESE Ful Cream ...l-b.224 series to cetermine the e et'ts r resentatives in the Great Lakes and International star class champion-~ ship s. Three races -are scheduled for- Saturday afternoon,- Sundayý morning. and Sunidayafternioonl, and the last two of the five elimination contests wîll be sailed the following weekend.. First place winner in the, series will1 be sent to the internationalIs later in the suftmmer, and the second place boat.will sail in the. Great iLakes championships to be held, off XiI-. mette haàrbor August 15 to 21 ifiicon- nection with Sheridan, Shore's annual race week. Win Top Hon .oraiat Belmont Top honors in the. inter-fleet com- petition at Belmront harbor over th.e .Fourth weekend were won by Sher- idan Shore,'as S. C. Pirie, Jr., sailed ~his iew star, Gemini, là aIilhtotal of 62 points for the three-race event. Hre was declared winner of the Ster- ling Morton trophy for - the series after the disqualification of Harry Nye's Gale, which won al three races of the series and finished with 72f points.1 Gale was disqua1ified. for fouling Twinkle Ditto, the Hayford-Friskey- iii the ýe Ditto M on day. a - mmmf %ui "am ~N isni in sect.UIlU iace wm Vint s. j CRAM CEESEThird weuit to the Chicago Yacht. For delicious sandwiche jml Ceand sa!ads. Packag1cesI 71vM ~ 2 SUMMTS 1I Liwt1Cn2-lb). ean........ .51c, correctly laundered *Despite losing the Morton trophy. Nye had the consolation of receiving a trophy for the Jackson Park, re- gatta which he won earlier this, sea- son. Thé trophy was awarded after the race Monday., Sheridap Shore's new $15,000 clulbz house, buiît, in the style of a Cape Cod cottage overlooking W iltnette harbor, was' formally opencd on, the Fourth, with an open house attendcd bv 500 members and guests. Max. Hayford, former commodore, acting as, master of cèremonies, ex-- pressed' the appreciation of the, club miembership to the comnmittees an( 1. individuals Who have had part ini making. the clubhouse possibl e and bringing -it to realization. He espe- ciall'y commended the building coin- -nittee,' tonWaposed of Walter 'T. Stock<-, ton, Jack Scanlan a-idEmerson Ray- mond, and the new home conunflitcç, of which Williamn Noble acted a:, 'chairman in obtaining the site for thec clubhouse. Tribute to the work -of Art-hur W. Friskey, commodore, in erecting the clubhiouse and in arrangint,' means for dredging the harbor was ex- pressed through a gift presenited by ai group of memnbers. The gift was a cornbinied ship's bell dlock and a baromecter, inscrilbed with the club)'s appfreciition. u-*niYic wm itcghia.n,.nt ait once, ht was expected. The eqiliçmeiit is being broughit here by the dredg- ing contractor, jul jus Keg, fronu Burlington, la. It is comning by way of the Illinois river and the canal. * Fulquat bottles .25e F U~f ~ GRANFRUI 3No for 69C A 4R us ~3~JU CItins 3cý 806Dig»'rSté 6 fer49 Con UNivêrsifyp g776. ~,. I EBERLE INSURANCE AGENCY ,522 Confer St., WInnofka .858 ROpp Building ORANOE juil I Sundine .... 6 for,