of a series of nime concerts tobepresented by the ILLINOIS SYMPHO0NY ORCHET RA ARTHUR GOLDBERG -CONDUCTOR In. mebandkeliof the»ew Wimette Bo WA WASHINGTON PARK, ON THE LAKE FRONT) WILMETTE ,,Wednesday evening, July 14, at eight Program 1 O0'erture to "Riss;ian and Luidmilla" .GLINKA. These on~ts made possible .bV Public subscIl'on will - be pr- sented on ine consecutive Wý'ednesday evenings dur- ing the summer months, II Symphony No. 5 in E Min'or, Opuis 6 4 TSCHAIKOWVSKY .4ndànt-dllegro con animna lc A4ndante, cantabile con alcuna iea V Al'4llegro moderato Fia':yi dante mastoso-dllh'gro-A~ leg-o vivace I NTE RM ISSION- III ........................................................MOZART JuILY 8, 1937 I