Staff Photo Tiew of0 the Wilrnette bowl, the ,ezc' aintitheater on the ake front of Waehinga aeuebeing conifleted- with noejy supplied by the federal goverminnt and'the Wilmette Park -board. h oki chdldt e competedb3 ex Wednesdav, îlzcn the fist of a series, of vutdoor concerts bric h tmisSnpovorcliestra is ta be gîven. LECTURE -TOUIR RETURN FROM ABROAD -Primitive and .Civilizéd ?eoples" at MNr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart of Ia. ni. tomiorrow (Tuesday, July 1.3) .206 Cumberland avenue, Kenilyworth *the subject of a guide-lecture tour returned from their three nionths' for the general public a t Field Museuni trip abroad the last of June. They of Natural History. OnWeedy at sailed on the Savoia and devoted rnost the sanie hour the subject willI be of their tinie to touring through -Animnal Croups"; on Friday, "Min- Italv and Germany. erals,,and *Prehistoric Ife," and tîext Mionday "Plant U.fe." On Thursday rnorning, and .eacli of. the five afternoons. ",\r. and 'Mrs. Roger Briggs, 1314 at 3 v. m.,'there. 'will bhe gencral tours, Creenuu-u-Iavenue. with their two Aug9ust Reductions: Un, July! I 141hon.e Wilmett, im*t 340 ~ "~'Dresses for Smnart fer Lê«foi Mir. and Mrs. C. A, Petersoit, 1518 Spencer avenue,. recently returned froin a motor trip that took thein compl'etel arouad the coast of Flor- ida. They were away, about sixteen ýdays., Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dunii. 225 Dupee place, have just returned f roni two ý,vecLks iii the east. They visited rela- tives of -Mr. *Duii in Philadeiphia and cousins of Mrs, Dunn's at Sornerville, I E500 Anme Windsor Cleaning Tissuies. qt................ 89C j$1.00 Lavois ....... 79c LaieFe ELECTRIC FANS RURBER JBLADES )0% Safe ff0% More Air 7 04 C H E V A N S T..C ==;-.4Bradley L ILLI I Knits -Ex.clu.sively Wilmeite and ' Cental Phione WJimeffe 28 Air Conditioned 2., ý, ý.,